Daily Independent Journal from San Rafael, California (2024)

INDEPENDENT-JOURNA'L, Xprft 3. 7f4f 11 MARRIAGE LICENSES Chairmen To Report On UN I II Kenneth f. MoyJaa, 21, 1 West SWbedalt, UK Valley, and Mabel C. Klyce, Is. 34 Eugena, ma Valley.

Innocent De Benardi, 4A 22 Lovell street. Mill Vaney, and Agnee Las-zarfni, Sydney, Mill Valley. Bruce DarreS Askim, 23, Novafc, and Thelma Lorraine Stdkx, 3, Novate. BIRTHS ina Plans DOUGLAS At Ross General, 1 April 1, to the wife (Emily MacKillap) of Harold Douglas, 2T1 Madrone, Larkspur, a son. McGUtNIS At Ross General, April 2, 1S48.

to the wife (Lucy Bus-1 bee) of James MeGirmis, 21 Car-; meiiia aver-w, MU1 Valley a daughter. ihaimss sf ths various committees concerned with different phases of preparation for the United Nations Conference on April 22 will be given at a general meet-la of the Marin Committee for the conference tomorrow evening at o'clock at the College of. Marin. The meeting has been called by Mrs. William russelman, general chsir- Final plans for the all day cele--fcratlon will be laid at this meeting following reports from Mrs.

W. H. Washburn, chairman of exhibits; AT Thomson, chairman of high school participation; R. TJ. Ricfc- lefs, chairman of elementary school activities; George Duncan, faculty adviser of the International Rela.

tione Club at the College of Marin; Leonard Biomquist, chairman of the "Wnrin IPnnim anrf nf rmmmit- LETTH At Ross General, Apru 3, 1948, to the wife (Doris Marshall) of. George Letth, Hamilton Field, a so a. POMEROY At Rose General, April 3, 1349, to the wife (Jeanne White) of Jack Pomeroy, 74 Mid-! way road, San Anseimo, a daughter. ORMBSx At Ross General, Apru 4, 1949, to the wife (Barbara Pen dleton) of Herbert Orrabsy, Way, Ross, a son. HARRIS At Rosa Oeneral, April: W4S, to the wife (Josephine: tee in charge of motion pictures! and Mrs.

Thomas Davis, who' Is in charge of arrangements for the't Stone) of Elmo Harris, 380 Marin renuB: Mil! Vslley. CLEMENTINO At San Rafael I A Complete History Of mm RAFAEL vividly written and illustrated General, April 4, 1048, to the wife pi Kate run. Su it-Axusi fircaur j. Liacno, vice pwaiiaeai. una cashier of the First National Bank of San Rafael is pictured above -with bououets given -him by the staff of the bank on the completion of 30 years service with the institution last week.

Lafcno first joined -the bank in 1919. (Independent-Journal Photo) CJesuyna Costa) of Edwin A. entino, San RafaeL a daughter. PLANS LAID Plans for the affair, which will be carried out by more than 1000 children from all the schools of the HAMILTON At San Rafael Gen eral. April 4, 1949, to the wife (Virginia Rickey) of Leonard Hamilton, Glenwcod avenue, Ross, a daughter.

John 0. Heelrer John G. Hecker, widely, known NAU At San Rafael General, New Directors Of SR Chamber April 4, 1949, to the wife (Lois Kost- Marin resident who lived at field for many years until moving! to San Francisco, died in a San Francisco hospital yesterday. He was 81 years old. He had suffered ner) of Donald L.

Nau, Marin City, a son. WHITE At San Rafael General, from heart trouble for several years. April 4, 1949, to the wife (Patricia Are Li: A retired insurance broker, he was i member of the San. Rafael Elks 1 Herren of Earl J. White, Hflgirt drive, Ross, a sm.

various chairmen so as to "insure smooth, continuous sequence of events from the morning parade to the -college gymnasium, through the-mock general assembly meeting, the luncheon, the afternoon round tables, the dinner meeting and the evening panel" Coordinator of the planning is Mrs. Davis, program chairman, assisted, by Mrs. Russell Smith, vice-chairman of the organization. Inspiration for the entire program "came last Pall through the voluntary sponsorship of three women's groups, the Koss' Valley -Lea NAVE -At San Rafael General, Barnes pt the newly elected board' and Masons. He is survived by Ms widow, Marinza Hecker, and two sons, Eastern and Gordon, both San Francisco residents.

April 2, 1949, to. the wife- (Louise Close) of William F. Nave, Jr 39 Ydlanda drive, San Anseimo, a son. Funeral services were held today1 of directors of the San Rafael chamber of commerce was announced by chamber secretary-manager. GIST At -oan Raiaei ijenerBi, April 1, 1949, to the wife (Ruth Anderson), of Roger Gist, Iris road, Bo.

Unas, a son. Ballots, being considered by mem from the Chapel of Gray's funeral service, San Frana Cisco. Inurnment followed at Cypress Lawm Hecker was a native of New York. The San Rafael Elks club flag was at half mast today in memory of Bro bers for: a week, were opened and MARYLAMB At Hamilton ield gue of Women. Voters, -the-American PICTURES FROM THE OLD DAYS AMD STORIES ABOUT SOME OF THE SAM RAFAEL PIOMEESS 'tabulated at 3 pjn.

They' will meet hthe hold-over from Base. AprC 1, 1949, to the.wife (Margery Thomas) CpU Johnei-Mary- Association of University Women and the Marin County Business and Professional Women's Within ther Hecker. the other Wednesday to elect iam, Marm city, a aaugnter. officers for the coming year. BARROWS At Hamilton Field a few weeks nearly every 'civic and Mrs.

M. 8. Taylor Mrs. Mary Belle Taylor, for 13 Named to the board are: Ed Base, April 2, 1949, to the wife Jeanne Smart) of SSgt. Theodore H.

jervioe to the county, deluding all Parent-Teacher groups, had endorsed the idea with the re-' wife "that sub-committees were Barrows, Valiejo, a -daughter. Burke, of 'the Burke Lumber Peter Cazassa, Cazassa's Men's Store: Earl Gradyj Home Appli- years a resident of Marin county, dled atlhe home of her daughter, Mrs. George Crotts, 2008 Fifth ave SAMARDZICH At Hamflton Field Base, April 2, 1949, to the wife cance store; Bert G. Johnson, created and work was started with the enthusiastic cooperation, of all (Gladys cooper) of MSSti- Ben. Johnson Tire Major Don Nlcn-0I5, San Rafael- Military Academy; Samardzich; Hamilton Held, a son.

All Ms will be incorporated into tie Spedal Sonver Edition, being published nue, San Rafael. She was 61. Funeral services will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday at the Harry M. William mortuary.

Inurnment will be private. A son and her husband McCTLLTVRAYv At Hamilton and Dr. Louis Robinson, physician. public and private schools to guarantee ifae success -of the- venture. HEtD Off CAMPUS Field Base, March 29.

1B49, to the Lowry largest number of wife (Phyllis Reynolds) of lit. preceded her She leaves All events will be held on the Clifford M. McGulivray, Pstahima, votes, ever cast was on a percentage basis with more than TO a brother, George Fisher of Marys-vilie, and six eamniH of tha College of Marfc, a daughter. per cent oi tne crgamzauon mem WILSOrr At KftTtmtorr Field president. Ward rH.

Austin, 'Ukus placed- at the disposal of the bers voting. They will service from Base, March 38, 1945, te the wrje Clarence H. McKay two years, until April, 1, 1951 Elec committee aU iacBittes of tne cob Funeral services for Clarence (Beatrice: Smflii) of T-Sgt, James Hamilton Field, a daugh- tion of will be at 12 noon lege. The' gymnasium, several large Kuih Wednesday -at the Towne House, San Rafael. clasrooms, and the -auditorium at Tamalpais Center will be used for K35TTLEWELL At Hamilton.

tired carpenter, be held at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Memorial Chapels of Russell and Gooch, Mill Wednesday Field Base, March 27, 1949, to the meetings and round tables, the li wife (Dolores Patnode) of SSgt. Great Sachem To David Pi Kettlewen, Fairf ax; a sbn. Valley. resident of Mill Valley for 10 yearsi 'he leaves two children Violet Schottman, and Francis H.

Mo brary will be used for exhibits, the cafeteria ''will be'at the disposal of guests for luncheon and the iai tematiccal vcUnner, and the out-: door areas' of the campus will be April 6 Cay. He was a native of San Fran- Rug's a sights used for foBt idiLhcin'g typical of the arioua member nations of the ted Nations. Visit Redmen Order In S.R. DIVORCES FILED Tonwriow night's meeSng of the eotire committee is to coordinate. the work done by the several par DEATHS ticipating and- to determine the amount of time to be allotted ria'4n received Tamal Tribe No.

288 of the Im TAYLOR in San Rafaelj April to the various activities of the day 4, 1949, Mary Bene Taylor, beloved wife: of the late Joseph W. Taylor, loving mother of Mrs. George Crotts proved Order of Redmen of San Rafael that Great Sachem, Ted Tan-ger, of Diglewood Tribe will make his official visit to San Rafael on Friday night, April a. The meeting Fairfax Doberman MMMEMflD ATlNft CAN DAEAITI 'C winifiisiiiiviin iny vnn uni nkh 75tk -Jlnniverbary. and the late Walter R.

Maloney, lovin sister of George Fisher of win be held in the Portuguese nan on Street, A "capacity audience is Marysville, loving grandmother of Eugene. -a vuoney, Melbourn expected due to the. fact- that-large are" expected to. be present from Petaluma, Santa Rosa, George, Lou Ann, Carol, and Grace Wins Dog Show Award Sonya Von Clarehof, Doberman biich owned by Mr. and Mrs.

James M. Ouegan of Ifcirfax, yesterday Crotts, devoted aunt of Mrs. Grace OUve, Edward DuIocl Clyde Bis Valiejo, soiano, Bemcia, Sacramento, San Francisco and many hop, Kenneth and Donald Jarvis; a other Bay area districts. native of California, aged 61 yean. was judged best of breed in the; Friends are invited to attend the Kapa Kennel Club's sanctioned funeral services Thursday, April 7, match at Kapa, nthcr Marin-countv winner were: 1949, at 10 o'clock aim.

at the Harry It is expected that a large' class of adoption will be. conferred by the crack' Degree Team of Tamal Tribe on- paleface candidates from many of those tribes mentioned; A large delegation of Great Chiefs will act M. WUliams mortuary, Third street at San -Rafael. Inurnment, private. (4-a) as an escort to.

Great Sachem, Tan- tikkx V. Edelheit, German haired Pointer owned Walder-man E. Radtke of Fairfax, won first in the American bred class and best of opposite "sex; Maggie Craig of Melady, Irish Setter own-, ed.by Mr. and Mrs. W.

A. Sparrow McKAYr-rln Mill Valley, April 3, 1949, Clarence Hugh, dearly belov ger, and amongthese will be FGS Idea Cleaned right I Wrapped an attractive souvenir edition wrapper, wita handling and postage included yon can send one of these souvenir editions to your friends and relatives wm. rarrenisopi, san irancisco; ed husband of the late Josephine PGS Louis Boss, Valiejo; FG5 McKay, loving father of Violet Schottman, Francis H. McKay, and. Jess Maggmess, Sunnyvale; FQS of Larkspur, won best of and Edw.

Greenblatt. San Francisco; Gr. the late Florence Chambers, Dor othy. Larson and Beatrice O'Connor; Sr. Sagamore, Thos.

O'Connell, Benicia; Gr. Jr. James Fields, Angeles; Gr. Chief of a native of San Francisco, aged 74 Records, Albert Miajocq, Ban rTan- Gay lor D. Merry Mary, Engnsn Springer-Spaniel owned by Mr.

and Mrs. 5dgar B. Stephenson of Corte Madera, won first, prise in; the American bred class. Two outstanding Chow puppies owned and bred by Mr. and Mrs.

E. J. Scully of San Anseimo won first' and third in their class. cisco; Gr. Keeper of Wampum, Gene Egan, San Francisco; and Gr.

Trustee, Albert Ryno, Sacramento. Friends are invited to attend the funeral services Wednesday, April 6, at 2 at the Memorial Chapels of Russell oi Gooch, 70 iiSler ave for only Qi nue, Mffi Vaney. (4-5) and they have a very active pro HE'S A COLLECTOR MHJDLESBORO, Ky. (U.R. Police arrested a Bryson, farmer accused of stealing chickens.

Officers said they found a cache ct including 600 hens, 500 smaller thickens, 500 pounds of meat, bi- cycles In the attic, some hogs, and harness hanging on the walls. gram, committee who is in charge which wUl include Chester Bon-flghp, Chairman, assisted by Horace Phillips, Cfcas. Giudici Reno Bcsco and members of ths Geness-se Council Degree of Pocahontas. A spaghetti feed win fellow the meeting and Initiation over which County Assessor George W. Hafl will preside as Toastmaster.

CALL SAN RAFAEL 52 OR SAN RAFAEL 4000 AND PLACE YOUR ORDERS ROW OR OWE THEM TO YOUR CARRIER WHEN HE COLLECTS. Maybe we dea't ondentaBd wobhii, bat we do understand cri- If tut iwrnuZa is beharing quecriy our first rate mechanics eas rive a tber-eogh going rer and bare hemming like a sewing machine fat jig time. SPECIAL OFFER Complete Line of HEW UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC RANGES Prices from $85 to $329 Prices include complete iastaltatiofi and range wiring. Terms If desired'. Win remein open erenizs fcr yo-ur convenience.

DEU'ERA ELECTRIC "The House of Service" 34 ST. AS RAFAEL Wm Turn first to the Classified Directory for whatever you need. If your handy juide to 'most everyone in town wbo sell or serves. Yov'll find it fast in th YELLOW PAGES ib. Pacific Telephone.

Daily Independent Journal from San Rafael, California (2024)


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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.