Tides Of Protomis- Arc 2+3[Sci-Fi, Shonen] (2024)

Tides Of Protomis CXXVIII

Battle against an Abomination​

The burning… The shattered bones, the weight of the rubble pressed down upon him. The pain of his loss, his very apparent failure to get his vengeance. Dark, Damp, and all too cramped. Yet, Sebastian Heinrich was motionless. What way was there to get out of his plight? He could not fail his father. Let it end like this after all this time of preparation, planning, searching….

For how long would he be here, for how long would his heart keep beating? Despite the searing sensation, the flames of life had not gone out just yet. Just what was keeping him alive. Was it pure will? The want, nay, the need for his vengeance still stayed within him… but it seemed that wouldn't happen. While he teetered on the edge of consciousness, he was unaware of the void appearing under his back. Which he promptly fell into, washed through a strange space. A monochrome grid, entirely lacking in life… Where was he, where was he going? The answers to these questions were unknown to him. Or what felt like a lifetime, he remained there, drifting aimlessly. Pondering a great many things. The reasons for his loss, what he could've done to avoid it, but chief among them, was the question of if things would end here.

Eventually, it seemed as if he'd finally succumbed to the grievous injuries he sustained, as his eyes began to close, leaving the youth unable to perceive the growing light, and gradual emergence of color around him.

A room, seemingly constructed of roughly cut stone, a number of strange creatures surrounding him… And a strange feeling running through his body, these were the first things Sebastian Heinrich encountered, as the gears in his head began to turn once more, returning the functions that were formerly there… The searing in his skin and body alike were gone. But it almost felt as if some parts of his body were… Foreign, and some other force, one which seemed different than his Protomis, wild and untamed. The man sat up, a scowl planted on his visage.

"That battle… I managed to survive. But just what is going on here? What manner of creature are you all, and how did I get here?" He questioned. Thruthully, there were many a wide variety of questions that went through his head. But organizing his thoughts seemed to be akin to trying to herd cats, at this point. Eventually, however, it seemed that the answer to his question was approaching, and quickly. The crowd of creatures surrounding him parted, as one who seemed to be some sort of authority figure, to him, stopped in front of the boy. Deep red skin covered the length of a tall, lanky body, which itself was covered in a number of spines.

"No need for aggression… I shall explain." Sebastian eyed this creature with suspicion, almost sizing him up as his eyes moved across his body… It didn't seem to be winding up for a surprise attack, or anything of the sort. He'd keep his guard up, but he wouldn't take any action, not yet.

"Who, and what are you?"

"A fair question… My name is Azel, one of the best scientists in this realm… I am part of a group you humans have dubbed "Demons". But, enough about me, let's talk about you. Your body was burned from the inside out, and yet, when you arrived in this realm, you were alive. Barley, but alive nonetheless. You must be one of those humans with higher abilities, proto-humans, that is."

A demon? "This Realm"? Just what was he hearing right now, and just where had he gotten himself? This hardly sounded like reality, demons and creatures such as that, were simple fantasies from the world's various mythologies…. He'd push that to the side for the time being, there were more important matters at hand.

"Explain to me, what happened before I arrived… Here. And just why does my body feel so different?" Sebastian questioned. The query was enough for a prideful smirk to come to the Azel's visage, as he began to recount the previous events.

"You were discovered on the outskirts of my compound, nearly dead, and I grew interested… What would the results be if I were to try to revive a denizen of Mvchk with the organs of a similar species from here. It was unheard of… After all, one of your kind has never made it here. But it seems the weakening membrane between worlds has allowed for such things to take place… I daresay your mere existence is a marvel of science." So that was the case… It seemed that this Azel character had decided to use him as a science project of some sort. Some part of him wasn't exactly happy about the reasons behind it, but the point stood, with the surprising actions, came an opportunity.

The man began to clench, and unclench his fists, bening, and unbending his arms, legs, checking for any irregularities.

"Well, the reasons for it aside… This helps me out quite a bit. With a body that can fight, I can prepare with the information I've gained on his techniques and strengthen my body… Then I will try for vengeance once more."

A glint of interest appeared in the demon's eyes as he began to step forward once more.

"If that is the case, I have an idea that can benefit us both..."

"Go on…"

"With confirmation that you've not only survived, but that our energy runs through your body, I'd like to have you take care of some targets. To both test your strength and record it, as well as get rid of enemies of mine… While you gain power, and more experience carrying these duties out. So you can get closer to getting rid of those you'd prefer dead."

That was a fact indeed… If there was a new force of energy, one that he hadn't used running through his body, what were the implications if he could use it along with his protomis? He'd heard that one of the Agium's allies had the ability to use some sort of foreign energy that was not protomis, converting it from her own… Could this be that? Either way, it seemed as if there was a new path to his growth. In a short time, Sebastian swung his legs over the side of his bedding. Looking Azel directly in the eyes, as he spoke.

"Fine then… Let's get started." Sebastian extended his hands, a gesture that the demon seemingly understood, as he took it, and shook. In a short time, the demon let go, and began strolling out of the room.

"I'll show you to your lodgings." Sebastian followed him in silence, as he took in the surrounding area. The corridor they were in was lined with windows, holes in the wall rather than the glass panes he would expect to be within them. Though, perhaps such a technology hadn't been developed yet. After all, from his historical knowledge that hadn't always been a thing on earth, or common when it was a thing. But, there was something… Uncanny, about the sky he saw it. Perhaps the littering of large objects that seemed like they should be in space. Was such a thing a concept here? Was this realm he was on simply another planet?

"No… That much is unimportant. Vengeance takes priority." The man murmured. As he did so, the demon looked over his shoulder.

"If you don't mind me asking, just what has led you to pursue vengeance?" The demon questioned. Sebastian raised an eyebrow in response.

"That doesn't seem like something you'd be interested in. I thought you revived me for the purpose of research…" Sebastian answered.

"THe happenings of Mvchk are of interest as well. With our worlds being separated, most of what we know is legend for those able to pass through the membrane, you see… And here, I have one from the other side, who has lived in it. Why would I not ask such questions?" This piqued Sebastian's interest. And he found himself agreeing with the creature's words. Before he was to go any further, he began speaking.

"True enough… But let me answer your question, with another question. Why is it that you find yourself needing to study, and discover so much?" Eventually, the demon stopped walking, and turned to face the windows to their left.

"My reasons are twofold. One practical, and one being my own will. Because a new lord of this continent has risen, and he has demanded my support. And he seems fine with throwing resources my way to do so… And my second, is the state of the man species of this realm. Unlike with tMvhk, many pay no mind to scientific advancement, or any sort of technology…. Many refrain from even building settlements and literacy, even if such things exist. I exist as a pioneer, one who will change how the species' live with my mind, and the bright ones of those who I call my Acolytes."

This much gave Sebastian pause… He was still suspicious of the creature, no doubt. Though there was no doubt he saw him as a tool somewhat, to declare his will so openly meant that he at least saw him as more than a doc to sic on his enemies. But, more than that, his will, the blonde could almost see the raging blaze in his eyes. It was almost equal to his own, in a way. Though, he found such a goal to not be one he was personally interested in. With that much said, he almost found it rude to not answer his query.

"Well... Allow me to explain. The one I want to kill, Is named Arctaius Corde… The man who killed my father all those Years ago, and constantly stood as a roadblock, countering my actions in the conflict that followed… Not to mention the friends and allies I had in my father's faction, who he was responsible for the death of as well. The hate that burns in my heart, is it one that can be sated, doused, by simple words, or negotiations… Only when the last breath falls from his lips, and his body falls limp, will I be satisfied."

Slowly, Azel looked from the skyline, toward the blonde youth, and the, back to the former.

"I forget, you humans hold connections between parents and offspring to much higher regard… That "Family" concept. But, that is what drives you, ensuring his death. I do not understand it well, but it is as good a reason as any… Let's be sure both of our ambitions are achieved."

Sebastian Nodded.


The staredown between the blonde man, and the Aquatic demon continued. The latter squinted his eyes as his apparent enemy finished weaving his tale.

"A human with our organs? YOU are one of that weakling Azur's projects?"

The demon paused, as he began to pull demonic energy from within himself.

"You are an affront to nature… One who will be destroyed for daring to oppose one of Maleggan's Generals…"

"We'll soon see about that."

Sebastian made the first move, launching himself forward, and slamming a fist into the general's jaw, which sent him flying into the sky. Before barbatos had much time to think about what just happened to him, he found himself bounding in the opposite direction, a result of an exploding sphere of antimatter. The demon clenched his jaw in rage, as he opened his maw, the deep sound which followed, causing the ground around him to tremor, and promptly break into pieces, sending pillars of earth upward, many of them moving toward Sebastian.

"This can't be all you have…" The blonde taunted. In short time, he was already rushing forth, changing his direction, and twisting in the air with practiced ease, eluding the attempts at an attack sent his way. Something which his opponent looked upon with narrowed eyes. Would this battle not be as easy as he'd initially thought? It certainly seemed so… In a short time, he'd begun to produce waves once more, pushing his body forward at great speed, as he attempted to supplement the attacks from below, with his own physical strikes. A flurry of punches aimed at his opponent ultimately hit air, as the blonde weaved around, or blocked them as if it were a simple chore, a smirk remaining on his face all the while.

"What's the problem? Did you not say this "Affront to Nature" Would be destroyed for daring to oppose a general? Where's that bravado now?" Such arrogance. Did he truly believe that just this was enough to say that he could reach victory?

"I'll wipe that smirk off of your face, human! Flaming Cadence!" Around Sebastian, it seemed that even the air began to tremble, and it seemed that this was not for no reason. A rapidly building ring of heat was being forged around the blonde, the superheated air eventually taking the shape of a ring of flames. it was already closing in. Perhaps, if this had been a younger him, one who had not experienced the heat of that bastard's flames, this may have worked… In the end, he had but one thing to say.

"Is this supposed to scald me? If so, You're mistaken in thinking that will work." The man pushed his demonic energy outward, launching a crimson ray from his left hand. One that cleaved through the ring of flames, and slammed into the demon's torso with a squelch, as it pierced through the scaly skin. Green liquid was spat from the creature's mouth, as he looked down upon this in his surprise..

"Dammit! I need to get back!" A pulse of released sound sent him away from his opponent, and got him out of melee range. But the problem still remained, what was he to do against an enemy like this? As it stood, none of his attacks had gotten even close to hitting. And the smug expression on this human's face had gone nowhere… And to make the situation worse, he was coming yet again. And before he found himself hit, he released another pulse of sound. One that seemed to affect his opponent, even if only a bit, his body began to slow, as he found his vision with irregularities.

Sebastian attempted to focus on his opponent as best he could, through the noise that was now fogging his mind.

"This sense of vertigo… Troublesome indeed. But it is nothing I can't handle. He must forget, I can sense his general direction now."

"That's what I'll have to do… If I bait him into getting closer…"

With this plan in mind, the general continued flying backward, watching to see just where the human would approach from. The near instant disappearance from his spot, And knew quite well that he was coming in for another attack, soon, at that. But even if his plan was set, his heart was beating with anxiety, anticipation, a feeling unfamiliar to him. He'd fought many enemies in the past, some equal. But this gap between
them was something entirely new. Could his death be impending? No, it couldn't be…

As this thought came to his head, the human had nearly reached him, a fist reeled back, ready to strike him once more. But he would at last try to tire him out, to lighten the blows, sending vibrations to the ground once more, to try to strike him once more. The pillars of earth sent upward broke off soon afterward, launching themselves as projectiles. Sebastian's two-toned eyes flew around, as he took note of this, but it was a simple affair to handle, as he saw it. A snap of his fingers created spheres of antimatter, which collided with the air around them, and promptly resulted in brilliant flashes of light. Ones which caused the ground to shake, more earth to be uprooted. The effects of such felt even in Zylsis. Murmurs came from the words of demons who observed, the lamps lighting up the otherwise dark night sky.

The failure of his attack to change anything was not lost to barbatos, this was simply something he'd have to take to the chin. The strike that hit him neary felt as if it'd demolish his body, but he persevered regardless. His demonic energy began to build once more, as he put more and more of his energy into this one attack, if it was fatal, as it should have been there would be no need to worry.

"Wave fist!" The demon slammed a scale covered fist into his opponent's torso, and his blood covered mouth turned to a smirk as well. At this moment, sound waves should have been echoing throughout the human's body, damaging him from the inside… He would die, he would be out of the way, Victory would be his… And yet, time passed, and that did not happen. Instead, he found his wrist grabbed, and pulled away from the human's body. The demon's widened eyes looked down upon this, before he heard an orchestra of squelches, and cracks, as the human tightened his grip like a vice, demolishing the demon's hand… Barbatos looked down upon what was now torn muscle, and sharp protruding bones, no sooner, a loud yell came from his maw, one that began to make the ground around them rumble.

But it was stopped as soon as it started, as Sebastian clamped his jaw shut with his left hand.

"None of that, quiet down while I explain the situation to you… I know what you were intending to do. Use those waves to damage me from the inside-out, but what you don't know is that I can manipulate electromagnetism… Deploying a shield to prevent your sound waves from going anywhere. Though, I doubt you understand what electromagnetism is…" His attack was doomed from the start? Just what was he facing?! His queries, however, stopped when he noted what was happening next. The hand formerly dedicated to keeping his jaw shut, had moved downward, toward his throat. A sense of dread began to build within him, but it was promptly halted by what came next, the hand cleaving through his throat, and severing the head from his body. Marking his end.

In short time, a familiar demon began casually strolling onto the battlefield, his eyes moving across his experiment, or rather, his allies' handiwork.

"Now then… Why don't we return this to his majesty before the body dissipates?" Azel questioned. As Sebastian heard the voice, he promptly began to descend to the ground below, grasping the demon's arm, and pulling him along as he flew back toward the Ivory city.

"I am satisfied by this… To think that you'd have such an easy fight, against a general of all things." Azel stated, notable jubilance in his tone.

"Indeed… We have both grown much closer to our goals…"

The human and the demonic researcher made their way to the keep quickly, and it seemed the one they were intending to meet was already well aware of their battle. Standing on the keep's roof, overlooking much of the city, was emperor Maleggan himself. Sebastian gradually slowed himself down, and he began to descend. Until they'd both touched the ground.

"Maleggan… I've brought with me something interesting. My newest experiment, and ally to us all…" Azel explained. Maleggan looked the blonde up and down, with a glint of interest in his eyes. Especially as he noted something with his demonic energy.

"Is that so… The energy I feel from him is strange."

"To put it simply, he is a new category of lifeform, a proto-human with the inner-workings of a demon… Not only has he survived, but he has also reached new heights in terms of power…" Power, that word, if the emperor's interest wasn't already piqued, it certainly was now.

"To what extent?" As the question was asked, Sebastian answered, with the thrown head of his quarry, general Barbatos, thrown unto the ground.

"To that extent… But now that we are here. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Sebastian Heinrich… And I intend to be the one who replaces him…"

Silence followed

To some, the apparent Brazen display that happened would likely have been enough to be killed, yet, to the emperor, it only served to fuel his interest more. Given the smile that crawled onto his visage.

"Fine then… If he was weak, then he was not deserving of that position. You will be one of my generals, now…" Anticipation built within Sebastian, as he spoke once more.

"Then as my first action… I declare that the human Arctaius Corde is my personal Quarry, nobody will interfere in my battle with him." Oh? This was of interest? What made him so quick to stake a claim to that specific human? A long standing grudge, of sorts? A simple enjoyment of the man as his opponent? Regardless, finding no benefit to denying this. Maleggan simply nodded, giving him the go-ahead, as he began to walk off.

"An interesting turn of events indeed…"

Meanwhile, as Sebastian watched the creature walk away, a wide grin came to his visage, as a hearty, joyful laugh began to echo throughout the castle. This was it! His goal had been achieved, Nobody else would stand in his way! Now, there was but one thing to do, and what he'd been wanting to do for half of his life would be achieved…

"Now all I need to do is find, and kill you… Agium, Arctaius Corde."


To Be Continued

Tides Of Protomis- Arc 2+3[Sci-Fi, Shonen] (2024)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.