The Desperate Desire of My Heart. - Chapter 3 - Usiel21, xMidnightFire (2024)

Chapter Text

Third-Year – September 2nd

Eve looked up with a smile as the looming shadow that was Wednesday Addams took her place next to Enid who smiled happily as she munched on a piece of toast.

“Honestly you may as well ask to transfer houses, you're here more than you are your own.” Eve said as Wednesday gave her the side-eye as she reached for the rack of toast in front of her, picking out the most burnt pieces which usually went uneaten.

“'ow do you 'ven eat tha', it's like charcoal!” Enid complained as she spoke through a mouthful of toast

“Enid, don't talk with your mouth full.” Wednesday chastised gently, as endearing it was to her. Enid swallowed the mouthful she was chewing on and gave the Slytherin a bashful smile. “Sorry, Wends.”

“It is alright.” Wednesday replied quietly. And Enid preened. Eve watched this disaster unfold before her with raised eyebrows. “And for your information, the burnt pieces have the most flavour especially when coated with Marmite.” Enid was just about to take another bite of her toast when her eyes widened in horror.

“Nooooooo!” She whined out and slumped her shoulders like she had just been handed the worst news ever. “Is this what betrayal feels like?”

“You're being dramatic.” Wednesday said, as she spread Marmite onto her charcoal.

“Yeah imma have to agree with Enid on this one, Marmite is disgusting.” Eve said with a grimace as she eyed the toast wearily.

“Dramatic?!” Enid cried out crazily, wide-eyed. “This changes everything!”

Wednesday sighed and rolled her eyes before pressing a finger to Enid's lips, rendering the girl mute almost immediately as she squeaked. “Shhh, now, eat your warm bread” Wednesday said. She removed her finger as Enid fixed her with a mock glare. “At least mine doesn't taste like ash when I eat it.” Enid mumbled but loud enough for everyone to hear.

For a moment there was nothing but silence, other than the general chit chat around them as they ate their food in silence.

“So.” Eve said to no-one in particular as she leaned over to pilfer another piece of toast. “What did you two get up to during the summer?”

Enid broke out into a beaming smile. “Wednesday let me stay with her all summer.” Enid supplied joyfully.

Eve arched an eyebrow. “All summer?” She asked with surprise.

“Yes, although I didn't let her stay, I kidnapped her.” Wednesday said matter-of-factly.

“...It was awesome!” Enid burst out, unable to contain her excitement any longer. “You should have seen her house! It was just full of these weird-ass magical things from all over the world! And the garden, the small forest! And there was even three libraries for this nerd!” Enid teased bumping shoulders with Wednesday affectionately.

“...I should have murdered you in your sleep...I had enough opportunities.” Wednesday growled fixing a gleeful Enid with a menacing glare, who then proceeded to claim Wednesday's arm with her own.

“Oh yeah?” Enid began. “You mean the times where I woke up to you stood in the corner, watching me?” Enid teased with a malicious twinkle in her eye, Eve at that moment had been taking a sip from her drink only to choke upon it. She had to punch herself on the chest to regain the use of her lungs as Wednesday turned as Scarlett as the colour of the Gryffindor tie.

“I had to be sure you weren't choking in your sleep, you were making such funny noises” Wednesday replied curtly. “It would be a shame if you were to choke in your sleep before I have the chance to kill you myself.”

Enid's eyes widened, the bridge of her nose tinged red and pink, before smiling sheepishly. “Awww you do care!”

Eve starred incredulously at the two, who were now completely enraptured with each other in their own little world. Daniel did nothing to hide his disgust from further down the table as he pushed his food away and stalked off, unable to stomach a Slytherin being at their table.

Wednesday could only huff at Enid's go luck-go happy attitude.

“You guys are so sweet it's sickening” Eve said eventually before swinging her legs over the bench. “Laters. Come on waddles!” Eve called over her shoulder – A pristine white feathered duck raced out from underneath the table after Eve, his little feet slapping against the stone audibly as he squeezed in-between her feet as she walked, cooing the loyal bird.

Wednesday took a final sip from her goblet before checking her watch.

“Come, Enid, before we are late” Wednesday said as she swung her legs round the bench.

“Hmm? Yeah, okay” Enid replied, making to follow her friend.

Wednesday waited for Enid to catch before they began to walk side-by-side to their first lesson of the day.

Defence Against the Dark Arts.

As they walked in Enid eyed the shaking wardrobe suspiciously as it seemed to vibrate before shaking violently from the inside, like something was trying to force its way out.

Professor Amare watched them file into the classroom, excited whispers broke out among them as they realised this lesson was going to be on the more practical side.

“Welcome to Defence against the Dark Arts Grade 3!” Professor Amare clapped his hands together cheerfully. “You will find this year to be an introduction into dark creatures and how to defeat or contain them as needed!” Amare had the full attention of the class. “Now whilst these may be dark creatures, most are still living beings and I will not tolerate any unnecessary cruelty or harm towards them, is that understood? For nature cannot hope to change itself and nor can we change it, like a Lion that can't help but kill for that is its nature.” Professor Amare declared. The class nodded, if albeit a little confused.

“Excellent, now who can hazard a guess as just to what is lurking within this fine oak wardrobe?”

“A vampire?” Amare shook his head politely.


“A ghoul?” A Ravenclaw suggested.

“Aha good guess but no” Professor Amare replied. “Yes, Miss Addams.”

“A Boggart” At that Amare smiled widely.

“Great deduction Miss Addams, take five points for Slytherin!” He boomed. “Now can anyone describe as to what a Boggart does?”

To no-ones surprise Wednesday was the only one to raise her hand. Amare gave a subtle nod.

“A Boggart shape-shifts into whatever form that person fears the most”

“Simply well put Miss Addams! Take another five points!” Professor Amare said cheerfully.

“Miss Addams was correct of course, but no one knows why it does take such forms although many theories state it feeds on the emotional state of fear, hence why it assumes the form that generates the most fear.” He paused to let the information sink in as he paced around the edge of the group of students. “Thankfully, despite it's nature, a very simple spell exists that can repel a Boggart along with a healthy dose of laughter of course.”

He reached the front of the class clasping his hands behind his back. “Let's practice now shall we, Riddikulus!”

The students echoed the incantation, the wardrobe shook more violently.

“Very good, very good, one more time perhaps? Please”

This time, when it was echoed back to him it was louder, clearer more firm, he smiled proudly.

“Excellent! Take ten points for both Gryffindor and Slytherin! Yes, very good.” He withdrew his wand. “This spell forces the Boggart to assume a shape that one would find most amusing, laughter being the absolute antithesis of fear! Its natural remedy.”

“Now form a line at the back of the room and come forward one at a time and face your fear!” There was shuffling and a calamity as the students pushed and shoved at each other, Professor Amare watched with amusem*nt. One student pushed Enid in the back who went stumbling forwards with a yelp only to have a threatening glare levelled at him by Wednesday.

“Sorry” He mumbled.

“Are we ready?... Begin!” He flicked his wand and the wardrobe swung open slowly. And the first student in the line strode up confidently.

Jordan Fowler, a Gryffindor stepped up and waited as the door reached the apex of it's swing bouncing on it's hinges.

Everyone covered their ears as there was a ferocious howl that echoed through the classroom, Jordan gulped nervously as the thundering padding steps of a beast stepped forth from the wardrobe. It's teeth sharp, covering dripping salvia, its black eyes fixated on Jordan as it stalked forwards, raising itself into a bipedal stance, towering above everyone else.

A werewolf.

Jordan kept his nerve and lifted his wand.

Riddikulus!” He shouted and instantly the beast fell back down into a quadrupedal stance and began to chase it's non-existent tail like a common house dog. Laughter rang out and a few aww's escaped from the girls, Enid included.

Professor Amare laughed heartily. “Well done, Mr Fowler, back to the line, keep it going!” Jordan proudly stepped towards the back of the line.

Next up was Enid.

No-one was expecting the Boggart to assume the form of Wednesday Addams.

Enid took a surprised step backwards as the class collectively gasped behind her.

Boggart-Wednesday stalked forwards.

“Amusing little thing aren't you?” Boggart-Wednesday taunted. “Who could ever want to be friends with such a needy and pathetic disappointment. Your parents even think so you know? They would rather cast you off with me all summer rather than have you home!”

Enid stumbled backwards, her breathing had reached dangerous levels of hyperventilation.

“I hate you” Boggart-Wednesday spat with such venom. “You disgust me, you think I wanted to be friends with you? Stuck with a Gryffindor that can't even stick up for herself? As if I could feel anything for you other than complete disdain and revulsion.”

Real Wednesday stepped forth, wand brandished, fixated on the facsimile of herself. Professor Amare stood and watched, knowing that his students had to handle such things on their own unless absolutely necessary. Enid began to rapidly shake her head at this copy of Wednesday.

“No...” Enid whimpered as tears raced down her cheeks. Completely enthralled by Boggart-Wednesday's words and so very hurt by them, like daggers in the chest. Everything else had faded away and all she could see was her best friend, completely and utterly destroying her with her most powerful of weapons, her words.

“No-one will ever love you, pathetic, weak, needy, desperate little furball.” Boggart-Wednesday hissed. Enid clasped her hands over her ears trying to drown out the words, her feet taking her backwards until she bumped into something solid.

“I have you Enid” a quiet voice whispered, Enid span round to face the real Wednesday, having full control of her body once more, Wednesday saw the hurt there, the pain, the fear, just like how Enid wore her heart on her sleeve, she wore the broken remnants of it now too.

Enid shook her head as she backed away, her entire face was grief-stricken, her chest rising and falling rapdily, unable to tell the difference between what was real and what was false, Enid span on her heel and fled as Professor Amare darted forward to deal with the Boggart. But not before Boggart-Wednesday was able to get one final barb in.

“I would rather be dead than have you as a friend.”

And Enid heard it, a heart shattering sob tore its way through her lungs as she threw the classroom door open and tore through it. Wednesday not far behind.

“Enid! Enid wait!” Wednesday cried out as Enid broke out into a fall dead sprint. “Enid stop!”

Flipendo!” Enid cried out, taking Wednesday by surprise as the blue bolt of magic barely missed her. She flourished her wand as she cast the knockback jinx at a rapid pace, Wednesday found herself on the back-foot as a ferocious assault of spells rained down upon her, using her wand to cast the shield charm to block every incoming shot, several of which bounced away back towards Enid, striking the walls and ground around her.

Until Enid's assault proved far to great and Wednesday was caught square in the chest, she was flung backwards, head colliding with the wall with a thud and groan, her wand being cast from her grip but once she had managed to shake herself out of such a daze she found herself completely alone in the corridor.

Enid was gone.

Enid tore down the bridge. Everything was a blur, everything was a mess, everything was ruined. She hadn't stopped crying, she couldn't, how could she? The girl who she spent an entire summer with hated her, detested her.

I would rather be dead than have you as a friend.

They had fought as she fled. Wednesday's intent had been clear to her as bolts of blue had exploded around her as she cast her own. Until she managed to land a singular jinx that sent Wednesday flying backwards and she used the time to flee.

I hate you.

Everything they had had been special to her, magical to her. There had been no one in her life like Wednesday had been and now she didn't even have that. She didn't even remember running down the hill towards Hagrid Hut, only that she needed to be away, far away.

Oh God, she missed her already.

Grief and sorrow ruined her. Wednesday's words that had easily taken a hold of her soul and ripped it apart without mercy Enid couldn't bear it, her heart broken and nothing could ever make it whole once again, without Wednesday, without her, it could never be the same.

Nor would she want it to.

She entered the Forbidden Forest, the darkness of the canopy above her welcomed her forth like it was one of it's own. She didn't pay attention to where she was going, only that she wanted to put as much distance between her and the castle as much as possible, anything to get away from the horror in which she left behind.

Twigs and under-brush snapped under heel and foot until she was so far in she could no longer see the edge of the forest, only the mist that rose from the ground in whisper like trails. Not many students would ever dare to venture into the heart of the forest like this but she had nonetheless.

And she whimpered as she realised just how dark it was here, sunlight mostly unable to penetrate the thick canopy above. Enid lofted her wand as she turned only to hear a roar in the distance, and suddenly all that mattered was getting way from whatever that was. She spun on her heel to run in the opposite direction.

Until her foot found itself caught on a stuck out root as she was sent tumbling into a hollowed out hole in the Earth, she was unable to stop herself from rolling down the hole and into a clearing. She coughed and sputtered as her rolling had caused her to kick mass amount of dust and dirt into her sensitive nose.

She groped around for her wand, it having flown out of hand as hit her wrist hard and painfully so during her tumble. She groaned as her fingers grasped the hilt of her wand before making to stand up only to realise she wasn't alone.

For when she looked up and around her she could see spun webs in every direction, body shaped cocoon's greeted her as they hung from the webs above her, she swallowed the rising bile of fear in her throat as she realised she had attracted the denizens of this accursed place. For several dozen spiders of various sizes, from the size of a common house cat, dogs, to several that looked horse-sized surrounded her and their numbers ever increasing by the second as more spun webs from the ceiling to reach the floor where fresh meat had so brazenly entered their hollow and nest.

“Stay back!” Enid cried out lifting her wand high in front of her.

Lumos Maxima!” the end of her wand lit up with a bright ball of blinding incandescent light that seemed to radiate outward in waves. The assembled group of Acromantula's hissed and snarled in anger, all briefly cowering from such hurtful light. But it wasn't enough to hold them at bay for long as several began to scurry forwards.

Flipendo!” The first spider was struck in the centre of its face, casting him backwards with a screech. But Enid cast in a flurry of skilful wand work, only to realise there were far too many for her to fend off as they converged upon her.

Protego!” A voice screamed. Not a mere moment later, the ravenous Acromantula's smacked into an invisible barrier that flared up with a pale yellow and gold light as they collided with it. Hissing and screeching in pain. Enid turned her head slowly to see whom had just saved her – her heart leapt into her throat and it pounded there as she saw her saviour descend into this hell like she owned the place.

Wednesday. Her eyes alight with a cold, blistering fury.

“You have something that belongs to me, I have come to get it back.” Wednesday declared coldly, her head smeared with blood that trickled down the side of her face.

“Tis our's now to devour and satiate as we please!” A Spider, bigger than all the others there, hissed in her direction. Wednesday's glittered darkly as they narrowed as she reached the base of the mound.

“I think you misunderstand, I will leave here with Enid, with you and your kin either burning or not. The choice is yours” The Spider hissed back at her in indignation, its pincers aggressively flared before it charged her, its legs carrying it forth at great speeds.

Incendio Maxima!” Wednesday cried, lofting the wand high above her head, waving it round like a brandished whip as a trail of fire spurted forth from the tip, swirling around her head, roaring like a thunderstorm. A maelstrom of cold, vengeful rage began to sweep through the nest.

Wednesday held out her free hand towards Enid as the Acromantula's were being driven back, some lit on fire without mercy or compromise. And yet to Enid nothing had ever looked as welcoming to her. Enid gratefully took her hand wordlessly, Wednesday gripped it firmly so she couldn't run away again and began, with Enid behind her, protected, to ascend the mound and out of the Spider's Hollow. As they reached the top Wednesday lowered her wand, the last of the flames dying away, her control and skill so potent that the surrounding forest was unharmed by the inferno that she had caused. The Spiders on the other hand...

Wednesday began to half drag Enid behind her, anger seemed to radiate from every pore as Enid ducked her head down shamefully and a little scared as Wednesday led them swiftly from the heart of the forest back towards the border where light could be seen once again, for the canopy was not as thick here, not as suffocating.

“I'm sorry” Escaped Enid's mouth before she could reel it in. Wednesday rounded upon Enid faster than a bullet.

Sorry?” Wednesday accused coldly. “You could have been killed! I could never have seen you again and, and...” Wednesday was losing her composure as her eyes glistened angrily. “I could have lost you forever!” Enid could do nothing but bow her head even more shamefully than before but Wednesday wouldn't let her, she needed her to understand and so she placed her hands on either side of Enid's face and gently tilted her face up until their eyes met.

“Do you think that I could ever hate you? Or wish for you to be dead? Do you think I would let anyone make fun of me or touch me without losing their hand?” Wednesday asked with rhetoric after rhetoric. “Do you think I would stride into an Acromantula nest with the intent to burn the entire thing to the f*cking ground for just anyone other than you?”

“No...” Enid whispered. Her eyes followed the trail of blood that had ran it course down her face.

“Did I do this...?” Enid asked sorrowfully as she lightly traced the dried blood.

“I do not blame you Enid. You were not in your right mind” Wednesday said softly. Enid fiddled with her hands.

“I o-only came to my senses when I ended up in the nest” Enid admitted, her voice low.

“Do you really fear me that much Enid?” Wednesday asked sadly as she pulled away, letting her hands fall dejectedly at her sides, she cast her face away from Enid. “I didn't know.”

Enid's face fell as Wednesday turned away from her. She reached forwards with an outstretched hand, letting their pinkies brush gently. Wednesday turned round at the sudden contact, it was remarkable how one moment she had burst into an Acromantula nest in a raging firestorm only to be incredibly vulnerable not moments later.

Enid's pinky finger wrapped around Wednesday's firmly showing that she wasn't going to be going anywhere but by her side.

“I'm scared of losing you” Enid said quietly. “Terrified actually.” She admitted grimly. Wednesday thought for a moment until something dawned on her, Enid's fear was not just losing Wednesday, it was of her hating her in every facet possible.

I'd rather be dead than be friends with you.

She uncurled their pinkies and Enid's look of hurt would have been just another brutal stab to what heart she had, had she not a second later pried Enid's fingers open so she could slot her own fingers in there. Enid's mouth fell open slightly before clamping shut, her eyes brimming with tears of happiness.

“You will never lose me. And I will never say the things that detestable mockery of me uttered to you.” Wednesday said fiercely. Enid's lip trembled but she nodded, looking down to their joined hands. It was an unspoken agreement as they moved back up to the castle, the lesson had long since been over and a comfortable silence had overtaken them. As they neared the entrance hall, Enid wordlessly let go of Wednesday's hand and joined their pinkies together, a grateful Wednesday nodded at her, overt displays of affection was something Wednesday was not comfortable with.

Those moments were only to be shown to Enid in private.

Yoko and Eve were sat talking in the great hall as Lunch was in full swing. They both looked up as the two approached with Yoko gesturing towards her feet where Enid and Wednesday's school bags sat.

Enid flashed her a grateful smile as they took their places at the table.

Wednesday's mind was preoccupied with something she wished to find out if only for her own sanity.

As the day wore on and day turned to night Wednesday uncharacteristically tossed and turned in her bed, Enid's Boggart haunting her and taunting her. Until she couldn't take it any more and she threw the covers from herself and got dressed silently and quickly, her other dorm-mates were used to the darker girl's antics.

She made her way through darkened corridors and hallways, the guiding light at the tip of her wand showing her the path, barely avoiding two teachers and a prefect she had managed to make it to the third-floor corridor.

The door of the classroom clicked shut behind her loudly as she grimaced at the sound as it echoed.

And there it sat silently, a contrast to the violent shaking and vibrations earlier that day, and here it be. Wednesday wondered if it could sense her presence on the other side. She lifted her wand and pointed towards the doorknob as she stood not fifteen feet from it, she hesitated for a moment, swallowing thickly, but she flicked her wand towards the handle, the lock clicked inside before it swung open with a creak.

And there was nothing and Wednesday wasn't sure if she was relieved or disappointed as she heaved a heavy sigh as she lowered her wand.

She wasn't expecting the body that came tumbling out of it, if she had been anyone else she would have screamed but her eyes certainly did widen.

Lumos” She muttered, illuminating the classroom. She nearly dropped her wand. Her heart nearly stopped beating for there on the floor was Enid Sinclair, her lifeless eyes staring back at her, devoid of the love and affection she was so used to seeing there. Her hand splayed out towards her, fingers curled slightly. Her hair fanned out around her head in a halo

And in that moment every rationale that Wednesday possessed had disappeared.


Wednesday collapsed to her knees. Her hand reaching out towards Enid. Blood trailed down her lip and neck. She bowed her head, the mahogany floor becoming stained with droplets of tears. Tears that Wednesday had promised herself she would never shed when Nero died so very long ago. And yet all her rules never seemed to apply, not when it was Enid.

Her hand tightened around her wand. She raised it and muttered “Riddikulus” Boggart-Enid became full of life and sat up before regarding Wednesday with what Yoko referred to as 'A sh*t-eating grin'.

“Oh my gosh Wends! You'll never believe what happened today!” And there Wednesday stayed as Boggart-Enid was forced to to embody pure sunshine, her hands animated as she spoke going through several snippets of life at once.

“It's a snood silly, and I even made it in your signature colours, black and black!” Enid giggled. Wednesday felt her lips tug upwards as she remembered how excited Enid had been and just how horrified she had been. She showed no teeth as she smiled.

“...and you wanna know what the best part is?” Boggart-Enid said excitedly. “I have one too!” As she held up a pink and purple item before wrapping it around neck. “We can wear them together to class!” The look of pure, unashamed joy and energy that refused to die down sent her heart careening with longing. This was her dorky and unapologetically so, treasured friend. And Wednesday snorted through her nose, it was enough to render the Boggart vulnerable as Wednesday waved her wand and it was sent careening back into the wardrobe from whence it came, the lock sliding into place as the wardrobe shook aggressively in indignation.

She marched onwards from the classroom, the door closing behind her, however, she didn't go back to the Slytherin common room, she had a different destination in mind. Her legs were swift until she found herself in front of the sleeping portrait of the Fat Lady.

“Password?” She mumbled sleepily.


The Fat Lady sighed as she swung open slowly. Wednesday couldn't push herself through fast enough. It was quiet in here and only one person was sat in one of the armchairs next to the fireplace. Daniel.

“Addams!” He snarled as he bolted to his feet, coming round to face her, blocking her path towards the staircase of the Girl's dormitories.

“Move, or you will be moved.” Wednesday promised coldly.

“You think you can just wander into the Gryffindor common room whenever you please?” He asked, his wand held loosely by his side.

“Actually, Yes I do.” She commented honestly.

He raised his wand in response but Wednesday was faster, with a lightning fast flourish she disarmed Daniel before stalking towards him as he backed up nervously.

“You know better than to screw with me, Harris.” Wednesday threatened as she hovered the tip of the wand below his chin. “I'm going to give you one chance to move out of my way or so help me...” Her tone was like iced barbs as he slowly moved out of the way leaving Wednesday's path clear, she moved pass, kicking his Wand to the other side of the room before ascending the staircase.

As she came up to and passed through the door that had a sigh above that said 'Third-Years' she found a room relatively identical to her own minus the Red and Gold trimmings of the room.

Wednesday felt her breath leave her lungs.

She was okay.

She was safe.

She was alive.

She had no idea how long she stood at the side of Enid's bed watching the rise and fall of her chest as she loosely held a plushie to her chest. She was just content to stand here for the time being, lost in thought.

“Wends?” Enid mumbled sleepily, shaking Wednesday out of her trance, to see Enid, squinting up up at her, eyes blurry with sleep. “Wha'cha doing here?” The image of the Boggart as a dead Enid came to mind sharply, lifeless eyes staring back up at her, only now those eyes weren't lifeless but full of life, full of being and full of heart.

“Making sure you don't choke in your sleep, you seemed very prone to that possibility in the summer”

At that Enid actually snorted as she pushed herself up on both elbows. Blonde hair framed her face messily. But she narrowed her eyes noticing just how tired Wednesday happened to appear. But there was something there below the surface that Enid couldn't pinpoint some measure of sorrow and grief that Wednesday had carefully buried under a multitude of layers. Most, if not all, people would miss that but she didn't.

Wednesday fidgeted for a moment.

“I should not have woke you, I'll go-” But Enid's hand shot out and clasped her wrist, preventing her from going.

“Stay” Enid implored, her eyes wide. “Stay” she repeated, softer. Wednesday regarded the bed before her questioningly. “It's late Wends and you might bump into a teacher and then you'll be in real sh*t”

Wednesday snorted. “You doubt my abilities?” She sneered. Enid's eyes sparkled as she opened her mouth to retort

“Oh my f*cking God, it's like one in the morning! Will you both shut up and go to sleep? You can flirt with your Slytherin girlfriend tomorrow jeez.”

“She's not my-!”

“You dare-!”

Came two cries of protest but went silent immediately when the girl sat up and glared at them both through barely open eyes, Wednesday opened her mouth again but was tugged towards the bed by Enid who waved her wand, letting the four-poster bed's curtains fall around them as the other girl could be heard settling under her covers once more.

“Don't” Enid warned with a whisper. Wednesday glared at Enid who held up her hands in surrender. “You don't want her telling Professor McGonagall, you might be stopped from coming in the common room altogether!” Enid ushered quietly. Wednesday let her jaw clamp shut, conceding silently that the other girl's point was completely valid.

“And how do you propose we do this?” Wednesday asked incredulously, keeping her voice quiet.

In response Enid scooted over in the bed leaving a barely Wednesday-sized space on the bed whilst giving Wednesday an impossibly shy and bashful smile, her cheeks tinged red. Wednesday starred at the space for a moment before sighing through her nose, Enid fiddled with the edges of her covers nervously as the bed sunk a little with the addition of Wednesday.

Her legs vanished below the covers as her head touched the far end of the singular pillow. Enid carefully lay her own head back down as well, the bed was so small that both Wednesday and Enid couldn't help but brush a leg here, or an arm there, in fact they were so close that Enid would be able to count the individual freckles on the bridge of Wednesday's nose if there had been enough light.

“You okay?” Enid asked.

Wednesday took so long to answer that Enid thought she had fallen asleep.

“I am... adequate” Although her heart raced and pounded steadily against her ribcage, she could feel it, like it was racing out of control, although she had no idea why. And in the dark Enid's hand found hers, her fingers ever so soft as they wrapped around her hand, a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

“Good.” Enid replied happily but after a moment she spoke again. “I can move away more if you want me to”

“Don't be absurd, move any further and you'll fall.” And to further emphasis her point she held onto Enid's hand tighter like it would stop her from doing either of those things. Enid didn't respond and Wednesday was content to close her eyes and fall asleep, the day had been both arduous, without end and had taken a serious toll on her will. But Enid had been rendered into a unresponsive state, she felt like she would never breathe again if the constriction in her chest was anything to go by.

Wednesday's hand went a little slack in hers but otherwise still kept a grip upon hers, Enid's heart was on fire, for a flame had sprung forth in its very depths more intense and more bright than any spell could ever be. All she could feel was Wednesday's hand in hers, all she could feel was the warmth of the other girl as it steadily spread through her fingers in waves, the same fingers that had wielded such powerful magics not hours before as she came to her rescue – as she always did.

There was enough light that Enid could see Wednesday's face, lax and without stress nor strain, head tilted in her direction, her lips slightly parted as she slept, nostrils flaring with every soft inhale and soundless exhale.

Something rapidly became clear – like a fog had finally lifted from her mind.

“I think I already have.” and there in the bed of her dormitory she realised one simple, heart shattering facet that rang true no matter which way she looked at it. Her eyes regarded Wednesday in a new light.

She had feelings for her best friend.

And it threatened to destroy her heart.

Third-Year - April

Wednesday stood with her arms folded as both jeers and cheers erupted around her. It was deafening and most of all it was a cacophony of sound that only served to cause her great sensory pain, like her brain was being run in with a shard of ice. The day was bright, not a single cloud in the sky, although it was incredibly cold and yet Wednesday stood in the stands as she did everytime since second-year

Because Enid was playing Quidditch and Wednesday would be damned if she wouldn't be there to support her best friend, especially at the lack of support she got from her own family. Esther and her father didn't make the trip to watch Enid's games and her brothers, well... they had laughed in her face when she happily told them she had made Gryffindor seeker. Taunting her with sneers that she wouldn't last a single season without being knocked from her broom or her head being caved in by a bludger, turning her accomplishment into a complete mockery and farce. Enid had nearly done a U-turn and quit the team until Wednesday had, like a comforting shadow, encouraged her with the simplest of words. And so here she stood one year later, the first game of the new season and Enid was soaring high above the pitch in search of the elusive golden snitch.

“Jason Moore scores for Slytherin! They lead Gryffindor Ninety to Thirty!”

Wednesday didn't clap nor cheer for her house, her eyes followed only one person as they flew around the pitch, Enid was an incredibly adept flyer, swift and nimble, everything a seeker needed.

Enid had waved at her more than once as she did a lap of the pitch, Wednesday had to fight the urge to shout at Enid to focus on the match and not her, but the way her face lit up every time Wednesday would stiffly wave back stopped her from doing so. Ludicrous how such a simple thing could render her unable to berate her friend for losing focus. But this time Wednesday felt herself tense up as Enid suddenly entered into a swift corkscrewing swan dive, her arms unfolded as she pushed herself towards the railing, hands tensely squeezing the railing as Enid pulled out a good twenty feet from the ground.

She felt a little excitement grab her as Enid was laser focused on something in front of her.

“Come on Enid... you can do it... I believe in you.” She whispered to herself as Enid rose herself into the air again, hand outstretched. Enid only had eyes for the snitch in front of her that she saw nothing else. Not the Bludger that careened past her, having been sent her way by one of the Slytherin beaters, nor the Slytherin seeker as he rapidly closed in on her. Wednesday tensed as he got closer. And closer, and closer, the snitch moving closer towards the floor.

He pulled up beside her and nudged her with his elbow, a look of anger overtook Enid's face as she elbowed him back with a glare. He pulled away for a moment and for a time he looked as though he had conceded defeat to the rival seeker. She was racing towards Slytherin's goalposts now. She was close now, ever so close. But it would never come as from her side the Slytherin seeker collided with her, his body so much bigger than hers unbalanced her. Wednesday watched in a horrific slow-motion as Enid was sent head first into the Slytherin's goal post with a heart-wrenching thunk. Wednesday pulled her wand out, but everything was simply too fast as Enid fell through the air, there was no time to raise her wand.

She hit the sand beneath the goal post with a soft thud. And Wednesday threw herself from the stands to many gasps and several screams, pointing her wand towards the floor “Arresto Momentum!” Her body slowed just enough as she hit the floor she felt her ankle twist horribly but the pain paled in comparison to seeing Enid on the ground where she fell, not moving. Wednesday half ran and half hobbled towards Enid, other figures could be seen darting across the pitch in a hurry. But Wednesday paid no heed as she reached Enid, her blonde hair askew and covered with sand.

“Enid!” Wednesday screamed, her voice desperate and raw as she took Enid's head in her hands as she collapsed to her knee's. She looked peaceful, like she was sleeping, if it wasn't for the blood that was ebbing from behind her head and onto her hands. The Boggart from several months previous appeared in her head, Enid's lifeless eyes starring back up at her.

Wednesday wiped at her eyes shakily with the back of her hand as she struggled to stop herself from losing all composure.

“Enid if you die I will kill you” Wednesday threatened numbly but Enid remained unmoving, unresponsive, she pressed her fingers to Enid's pulse on her neck. She could feel it, it was slow, it was weak but it was there. She rose her head as several teachers including Professor McGonagall, despite her age, had reached them.

But Wednesday heeded no words spoken to her, she could hear them of course but it was as if she were underwater and the sound was muted and seemed far away as she cradled Enid's head as Madam Pomfrey and a seventh year Healer-in-training bustled around her, she distinctly heard Madam Pomfrey conjure a stretcher next to Enid.

It was all too real, all too horrifyingly real. The Boggart had been correct of course, no matter how much she wanted to deny it at the time and many times after, Enid was her weakness and she knew it. She didn't feel Professor McGonagall taking her by the shoulders, gently lifting her away from Enid to allow Enid to be placed upon a stretcher.

She looked up towards the air where several of the Slytherin players hadn't dismounted their brooms, her eyes travelled until it landed upon the one responsible. The Slytherin's seeker. David Vickers.

Wednesday met his eyes, her own full of a cold vengeance that demanded to be sated, that demanded to be satisfied, her blood roared its anger and desire for violence as her fingers flexed around the wand that was still in her hand. All it would take was one curse, one jinx and David would suffer a similar fate to Enid, perhaps a worse one and nothing, nothing at all, would please her more than to watch him suffer tenfold at the vengeance of her hand.

But alas she did not, too many eyes. Professor McGonagall led her numbly from the pitch as Enid was levitated on the stretcher up-towards the castle. Wednesday raced forwards to catch up to the stretcher, McGonagall letting her go sadly as she took Enid's hand in her own, providing with what little comfort she could offer to her friend.

She saved none for herself.

It was warm here.

Warm and soft.

There was a gentle breeze that seemed to caress her face at every turn.

The sound of laughter that rode in with that breeze lulled her towards it like she wanted to take it into her own hands. A small weight had her hand in a loose grip, this too was soft and comforting, like a late summers eve.

She wanted to open her eyes but she couldn't for a weight seemed to hold them down, bidding her to not open them, for her to give in and fall back into the embrace of a deep sleep. Everything she could feel seemed to be a dull ache that flared to and fro as she breathed.

There it was again, the caress of a breeze, it soothed the ache and now almost suffocating heat. Her eyes fought harder to open, just beyond the veil of darkness she could see a blurred light.

She wiggled her fingers, they felt so heavy, so cumbersome. But alas they moved regardless, a twitch, until she was able to curl themselves inwards towards her palm but the effort was excruciatingly so and her fingers relaxed, her muscles screaming in protest at the disuse.

Her eyes fluttered open a smidge but the light assaulted her and they clasped shut again. She repeated the motion several times, every time the light hurt just a little bit less. With a final, conceited effort and slight amount of pain on her part, did she finally manage to open her eyes fully.

Enid Sinclair had awoken.

She tried to push herself up onto her elbows but failed miserably, she huffed a sigh as she collapsed under her own weight, she sighed until she looked around her to see a sight that both shocked and sent her heart into a tailspin of which she thought she would never recover from.

Because Wednesday Addams was slumped over in the chair she was sat in, asleep. Bags clearly evident under her eyes and she even looked a tad gaunt from what Enid could tell was probably just sheer stress and exhaustion.

“You're awake” A voice said quietly as they came up to the bedside. Madam Pomfrey. Enid went to speak but found her voice to be so utterly dry it was like a desert had sprung up in her sleep. Madam Pomfrey wordlessly handed Enid a small goblet of water and Enid gulped it down greedily, she took back from Enid who flashed her a weak smile in thanks before letting her gaze linger on Wednesday.

“She's been here the whole time, outright refused to leave” Madam Pomfrey said grumpily but her eyes were soft as she too regarded Wednesday.

“She was?” Enid whispered hoarsely.

Madam Pomfrey hummed in response. “Professor McGonagall allowed it. Normally I wouldn't but the circ*mstances are different here, she threatened that if any staff member were to try and remove her she wouldn't go quietly. She was quite distressed.” Madam Pomfrey said, clucking her tongue at the end.

“How long have I been out?” Enid asked worriedly.

“About three days.” Madam Pomfrey said. “Which is normal but this is the first time I have seen her sleep in that time.”

Enid's eyes widened as she slowly turned back to regard the sleeping girl next to her, slumped in her seat. Her uniform was dishevelled and creased, and her braids were ruffled and askew. Her face softened and she felt tears brim there.

“Wednesday...” She said with a whimper. Her heart was aflame with feeling and longing. Enid laced her fingers with Wednesday's own. Madam Pomfrey stepped away quietly, seeing that Enid needed a moment to herself.

Her thumb stroked along the other girl's gently, the feeling in her heart that had been kindled months before now exploded tenfold aflame and settled there in the middle of her chest. Her face was crestfallen with so much outpouring affection it was borderline suffocating.

I love you.

The thought appeared before her as an irrefutable truth, one that could not be argued against or explained away. It would explain everything that had transpired between them and the Boggart that had manifested as Wednesday, a Wednesday that hated her and wished to be dead rather than be her friend.

I love you.

Wednesday hadn't slept the entire three days that she had been here, had she been so worried that she had been rendered without sleep? Did she even eat or drink a single thing in that time? With just how much of a state that Wednesday appeared in Enid took that at face value as a no. She had been here, this entire time, with her. Only falling asleep at the very height of exhaustion.

I love you.


She barely heard the voice. But it was there and Enid's throat was filled with her own heart as it fought to rip itself from her ribcage and give it to the girl sat across from her. Wednesday rose her head, her eyes tired and dim but Wednesday looked at her with a hopeful vulnerability, she moved ever closer, shuffling the chair with her. Wednesday looked a total mess and Enid felt her heart clench unbelievably painfully. She was in love with Wednesday, her best friend, her confidant, her partner in crime, she was everything to her. The summer that had just passed where she spent it with Wednesday in her countryside home, with her little brother Pugsley, who was due to start Hogwarts next year himself and her abode of even stranger magic than she thought possible, her parents weird and odd in their own way had welcomed her with open arms and treated her so much like an actual person that they wanted around, actively seeking out conversations with her, talking to her and not down to her, giving her the parental encouragement and affection she so desperately coveted. And then there was Wednesday herself, aloof, strange and awkward and yet with her and only her did she see the side that no-one else saw, little snippets of the person that she truly was and was going to become underneath. Wednesday, who made sure she always had enough sleep, who made sure she took her fill at the table, who sought to keep Enid in a state of comfort at every turn. Wednesday, who showed almost every acre of their land off to Enid, revealing to her the very secrets of their woodland that rivalled even that of the forbidden forest.

Wednesday who now sat here, exhausted and completely malnourished.

Wednesday who was always there.

How could she not love her?

Enid looked around her hopefully as a distraction, noting that no-one else was there apart from Wednesday.

“Where... where's my mum and dad?” Enid asked, her face falling as there was no sign of them. At the mention of her parents Wednesday's features took on a darkened scowl and it told everything that Enid needed to know. They didn't come to her games, so why would they turn up now after an accident? Enid nodded wordlessly, knowing the answer without being told. Just another disappointment to add to the list. Another blow to her heart.

But when Wednesday launched herself forwards with her arms encircling her tightly. It was simply too much too soon and Enid choked back a sob as she brought her own up to ensnare the Slytherin as quickly as possible. Burying her face into Wednesday's shoulder as her body was ravaged by desperate, wailing sobs. Her hands bunching up Wednesday's uniform into fists as she clung to her.

It was their first hug and soon Enid was crying for another reason.

“You-you're hug-hugging-m-me!” Enid sobbed out. Wednesday nodded against her shoulder.

“I am. I... I care about you.” Wednesday said carefully.

Enid was rendered mute as she pushed her face back down into Wednesday's shoulder. Her tears staining and soaking her collar. Wednesday scent was filling her senses and the longing that she now knew that had been there, gnawing away at her made itself truly known, like a snake rearing itself to strike.

“They don't know your worth. But I do.” Wednesday said quietly. “It scared me... seeing you fall... I vowed that I would never shed tears again after what happened to Nero, that I would never show that weakness again because tears never do anything good. I...” Wednesday audibly swallowed. “I broke that vow.” Wednesday whispered quietly, so quietly that Enid swore that she had misheard it. “You broke that vow.”

And Enid understood.

“I want to hate you for that, I want to hate that you brought such weakness back into my life, but even more I fear what it would do to me if I lost you.” Enid generally could not believe her ears as Wednesday admitted these things, things that could ruin a persons heart once spilled into the air.

“That day, with the Boggart... I went back in the night because I wanted to see what I truly feared most.” Enid reluctantly pulled away so she could see Wednesday's face, she needed to see her face and was shocked to see streaks freely running down her face, silently. Wednesday averted her eyes, unable to meet Enid's. She couldn't.

“And? What was it Wednesday.” Enid asked, tension rested in her chest as Wednesday looked anywhere but her.

“It was you.”

Enid blinked and felt the urge to wrap herself around Wednesday again.

“And what I saw... what I felt... nothing has terrified me more. And when I saw you there, lying in the sand, when I saw the blood...” Wednesday trailed off, unable to finish the sentence and the two halves clicked together and it dawned on Enid at just what Wednesday's Boggart truly was and why she had come to Gryffindor tower that night, risking all manner of punishment just to do so.

To make sure she was still alive.

Only now she rose a hand and lifted Wednesday's chin gently, almost forcing Wednesday to look at her but giving her ample time to look away if she really wanted to. A watery Smile greeted Wednesday.

“I'm not going anywhere Wends.”

“You don't know that.” She snapped. Enid studied her for a moment before taking her hand in her own. “I vow to you that I will do everything I can so that I don't go anywhere.”

“Don't make me that promise. Nero-”

“I'm not Nero.” Enid said gently as Wednesday regarded her with glistening eyes. “I'm not going anywhere” Enid smiled mischievously. “You're forever stuck with me Wednesday Addams.”

“I'll hold you to that.” Wednesday warned but Enid took it in stride.

“I wouldn't expect anything less.” Enid said with a wink. Wednesday looked half pissed off and half begrudgingly impressed much to her amusem*nt.

“If I die first I'll make the grave big enough for the both of us because i'll be taking you with me.”

Enid snorted, eyes lighting up. “But surely you would want me to continue living, to be happy.”

Wednesday folded her arms with a glare. “No I wouldn't, get in the grave” She demanded.

Enid shook her head fondly. This girl would certainly be the death of her if she continued to be this frigging cute. The two almost-more than friends beheld each other silently. Enid's fingers fiddling with the other girl's palm, but a voice sent both girls away from each other like they had been shocked.

“Enid dear, You're awake!” And in strode Morticia and Gomez Addams.

“When our little rain-cloud told us of your place on the team, we thought how terrible and we came to give our sunbeam our most terrible support.” Gomez supplied gently.

“You did?” Enid gasped out breathlessly.

“Of course dear” Morticia said coming to sit down gently on Enid's bed. Enid looked at Morticia with a sense of longing, of needing to belong. Morticia understood it all too quickly as she did last year when they first met the girl at King's Cross. There was hurt there, so much hurt and Morticia ached to take that hurt away from a girl that didn't deserve it. Morticia reached out and graced Enid's arm with a small touch of comfort and Enid's glistening eyes met hers, her lip trembled and Morticia felt cold fury run through her veins for Enid's parents, the shame they had bestowed upon themselves for neglecting such a unique and colourful girl.

Motherly instinct was a very powerful thing and Morticia found she could deny it no longer as she opened her arms and Enid surged forwards quicker than light and collapsed into Morticia's maternal, loving embrace. The girl sobbed as Morticia cooed and shushed Enid as she held her tight. The girl clung to her like a Koala bear, unwilling and unable to let go, years of want and need having gone unheeded.

And yet with Morticia she found it.

Esther and Murray Sinclair found themselves on the receiving end of a very vicious Howler.

The Desperate Desire of My Heart. - Chapter 3 - Usiel21, xMidnightFire (2024)


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.