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Fighting Columns In Small Wars: An OMFTS Model CSC 2000 Subject Area - Warfighting


From August to December 1987, South Africa conducted a little-known campaign in

southeastern Angola to prevent a communist regime from gaining complete control of the

state and further destabilizing the region. The fighting was the culmination of many

years of intermittent conflict along the border of Angola and Namibia. The campaign is

of contemporary interest for two reasons. First, it provides an excellent example of the

political utility of carefully modulated military power. In short, South Africa achieved its

policy goals by employing a small but potent strike force. Second, the force selected was

a modern version of the colonial war era "flying column", a mobile all-arms battle group

tailored to operate effectively at the end of a long supply line. Both aspects of the

operation make it an interesting model for potential United States Marine Corps (USMC)

Operational Maneuver From the Sea (OMFTS) applications. Part I will establish the

strategic context behind the Modular campaign. Chapter One will examine the historical

background, the primary players involved in the drama, and the results of previous South

African military excursions into the maelstrom of Angola. Subsequent chapters will

examine the elements of the operation itself, the tactical lessons it underscores, and the

pointers it provides towards possible naval applications. Part II will assess the viability of

Marine fighting columns launched from the sea to conduct similar combat operations

several hundred miles inland.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Title. Flying Columns in Small Wars: An OMFTS Model Author. Major Michael F. Morris, USMC Thesis. The colonial war "flying column" concept provides an effective model for MEU and MEB level OMFTS/STOM operations. Discussion. This monograph examines the feasibility of MEU and MEB level STOM operations in the 2014 timeframe. It concludes that specially organized, trained, and equipped MAGTFs can conduct STOM versus objectives up to three hundred miles inland. Specific MEU and MEB models, based on the proven concepts inherent in various historical flying column operations, are proposed. Required shifts in doctrine, organization, training, and equipment are identified. The study also illustrates the utility of battalion and brigade level MAGTFs at the operational level by analyzing a case study, Operation Modular. In 1987 in southeastern Angola the South African Defense Force employed a three thousand man mobile strike force to defeat a combined Angolan / Cuban division size force intent on destroying the UNITA resistance movement. The campaign's military outcome convinced the Soviets and Cubans to settle the twenty-three year Angolan border war and the political future of Namibia in a diplomatic venue rather than by force of arms. Operation Modular highlights the potential of small, mobile, hard-hitting fighting columns in a small war environment. Conclusion. Most OMFTS/STOM analysts have thus far advocated either infestation or vertical envelopment tactics. Few recommend using surface battle groups with significant organic CS and CSS capabilities. This study suggests that fighting columns, heavy (by Marine standards) in armor, artillery, and logistic support, provide the most flexible and powerful STOM employment option. It concludes that a combination of robust, mobile CSSDs and aerial resupply can furnish the supplies, particularly Classes I, III, and V, necessary to fight and win.


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Table of Contents

Page MMS COVER SHEET ............................................................................................ i DISCLAIMER ........................................................................................................ ii PREFACE.............................................................................................................. iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS............................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES................................................................................................. ix LIST OF MAPS .......................................................................................................x PART I: OPERATIONAL MANEUVER FROM THE VELD: 20

SOUTH AFRICAN BRIGADE IN ANGOLA, AUG-DEC 1987...........1 CHAPTER 1: STRATEGIC CONTEXT.................................................................2 Prelude to Conflict ...................................................................................... 2 Superpowers and Proxies.............................................................................4 External Operations: A Legacy of Intervention...........................................8 CHAPTER 2: OPERATION MODULAR .............................................................12 Doctrine......................................................................................................12 Equipment ..................................................................................................13 Organization...............................................................................................16 Phases of the Campaign .............................................................................19 Phase I: Defending UNITA (4 Aug-5 Oct)................................... 20 Phase II: Refit and Pursuit (6 Oct - 27 Oct)...................................25 Phase III: Counteroffensive (28 Oct - 5 Dec) ............................... 29 Conflict Termination..................................................................................32 CHAPTER 3: TACTICAL LESSONS ..................................................................35 Command and Control...............................................................................36 Intelligence.................................................................................................40 Maneuver ...................................................................................................43 Fires............................................................................................................47 Force Protection .........................................................................................51 Logistics.....................................................................................................53 Conclusion .................................................................................................57


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CHAPTER 4: MODULAR'S PRECEDENTS........................................................59 Small Wars Heritage ..................................................................................59 Conventional War Examples .....................................................................63 Fighting Column Theory............................................................................66 Fighting Column Feasibility ......................................................................69 Fighting Column Potential.........................................................................71 PART II: OPERATIONAL MANEUVER FROM THE SEA: MEU AND MEB FIGHTING COLUMNS...................................73 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................74 CHAPTER 5: OMFTS OPTIONS.........................................................................75 Infestation ..................................................................................................75 Vertical Envelopment ................................................................................76 Fighting Columns.......................................................................................78 CHAPTER 6: THE MAGTF FIGHTING COLUMN ...........................................81 Command Element.....................................................................................81 Ground Combat Element ...........................................................................84 Aviation Combat Element..........................................................................88 Combat Service Support Element .............................................................92 Conclusion .................................................................................................95 CHAPTER 7: THE MEU FIGHTING COLUMN ................................................96 Command and Control...............................................................................96 Task Organization......................................................................................98 Logistics...................................................................................................101 Amphibious Considerations.....................................................................107 Conclusion ...............................................................................................108 CHAPTER 8: THE MEB FIGHTING COLUMN...............................................110 Command and Control.............................................................................110 Task Organization....................................................................................112 Logistics...................................................................................................115 Amphibious Considerations.....................................................................120 Conclusion ...............................................................................................123 CHAPTER 9: BUILDING AN OMFTS CAPABILITY.....................................125 Doctrine....................................................................................................126 Organization.............................................................................................128 Training....................................................................................................129 Equipment ................................................................................................131 Conclusion ...............................................................................................134


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APPENDIX A: SADF EQUIPMENT .................................................................136 APPENDIX B: FAPLA EQUIPMENT ...............................................................139 APPENDIX C: MEU ASSAULT LANDING PLAN .........................................142 APPENDIX D: MEB ASSAULT LANDING PLAN .........................................146 APPENDIX E: ACRONYMS..............................................................................152 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................... 165


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List of Illustrations


Figure 1. Phase I SADF Task Organization.......................................................................24

Figure 2. Phase II SADF Task Organization ....................................................................27 Figure 3. Phase III SADF Task Organization…………………………………………...29 Figure 4. Marine Expeditionary Unit……………………………………………………98

Figure 5. Components of the Amphibious MEB…………………………..…………..112


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List of Tables


Table 1. 61 Mechanized Battalion .....................................................................................17

Table 2. Artillery Ammunition Usage Rates .....................................................................55

Table 3. Historical Rates of Advance ................................................................................86

Table 4. Refueling Plan......................................................................................................93

Table 5. MEU GCE Fighting Columns..............................................................................99

Table 6. MEU Fighting Column Mobile CSSDs .............................................................102

Table 7. MEB GCE Fighting Columns............................................................................114

Table 8. MEB Fighting Column Mobile CSSDs .............................................................116

Table 9. Equipment Shortfalls .........................................................................................131


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List of Maps


Map 1. South-West Africa ...................................................................................................5

Map 2. Southeastern Angola.............................................................................................21

Map 3. The FAPLA Offensive to the Lomba River .........................................................23

Map 4. Interim Operations................................................................................................26

Map 5. The South African Counter-Offensive .................................................................31


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Part I

Operational Maneuver from the Veld: 20 South African Brigade in Angola

August - December 1987

A Boer commando travelled light, light and fast. DeWet's commando moved like a hunting cat on the veld….It was not a majestic fighting machine, like a British column, it was a fighting animal all muscle and bone: in one sense, the most professional combatant of the War.1

Thomas Pakenham

…enemy forces are consistently forced to group together, in order to protect or defend their important…infrastructures….This enables smaller, highly mobile forces to act effectively. They are able to surround, then penetrate and overpower them…. Several external offensive operations conducted by the South African forces during recent years have confirmed the above fact. Although not thought possible--fast, mobile, mechanized forces can move with freedom and nerve in close proximity of enemy forces who are clustered around their own defense stronghold.2

Colonel Roland De Vries, SADF Chief of Staff, 20 Brigade

1Thomas Pakenham, The Boer War (New York: Avon Books, 1979), 347. 2Colonel Roland de Vries, SADF, Mobile Warfare: A Perspective for South Africa (Menlopark, South Africa: F.J.N. Harman Uitgewers, 1987), 16.


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Chapter 1

Strategic Context

…the most far-reaching act of judgement that the statesman and commander have to make is to establish …the kind of war on which they are embarking; neither mistaking it for, nor trying to turn it into, something that is alien to its nature.3

— Carl von Clausewitz

Prelude to Conflict. By 1975, Portugal had been a colonial power in Africa for more

than four hundred years. The tides of nationalism, however, swept the Dark Continent as

they had Asia. As a result, Portugal faced three insurgencies simultaneously in

Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and Angola. The Portuguese armed forces waged

counterinsurgency campaigns in Africa with great skill despite limited manpower, aging

equipment, and the great distance separating Lisbon from its three colonies.4 Funding the

wars, however, took half the national budget, and the fighting became unpopular at home

with anti-war protests analogous to those staged in the U.S. against the Vietnam conflict

only a few years before.5

3 Carl von Clausewitz, On War, ed. and trans. Michael Howard and Peter Paret (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976), 88. 4 Portugal is more than two thousand miles from Guinea-Bissau, four thousand miles from Angola, and six thousand miles from Mozambique. 5 Willem Steenkamp, South Africa's Border War: 1966-1989 (Gibraltar: Ashanti Publishing Limited, 1989), 32. For an assessment of the Portuguese counterinsurgency experience in Africa, particularly in comparison to that of the US in Vietnam and the French in Algeria, see John P. Cann, Counterinsurgency in Africa: The Portuguese Way of War, 1961-1974 (Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 1997).


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In 1975 the social unrest in Portugal led to a coup in Lisbon, and the new

government decided to withdraw from Africa. Portuguese military authorities in Angola,

led by Admiral "Rosa" Coutinho, elected to cooperate with the People's Movement for

the Liberation of Angola (MPLA), a Marxist movement under the leadership of

Agostinho Neto. The United Nations (UN) charter called for free elections, but the

MPLA refused to allow the voting, because it believed it could not win the plurality

needed to govern. Despite this intransigence, Portugal cut its losses in Angola and

handed over the reigns of government to the MPLA.6

There were two other competing insurgent movements in Angola that opposed the

MPLA both before and after the Portuguese departure. The stronger of the two initially

was the Angolan National Liberation Front (FNLA), a black nationalist movement based

on the Bakongo tribe and centered chiefly in the far north of the country. It had been the

most effective military opponent of the Portuguese, but its troops were still relatively

poorly trained and led. The FNLA was anticommunist, but it received support from

China because the Chinese hoped to undermine Soviet influence in the region.7

The second opponent of the MPLA was the National Union for the Total

Independence of Angola (UNITA), an offshoot of the FNLA led by Doctor Jonas

Savimbi. UNITA was most active in the south and southeastern regions of Angola. It

drew most of its strength from the Ovimbundu tribe, the largest in the country. UNITA

6 Steenkamp, 32-36. 7 Ibid., 32-34.


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received aid from China along with the FNLA, but it was a socialist as well as a

nationalist political movement.8

Another insurgency in Angola that was loosely allied with the MPLA was the South

West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO). SWAPO formed in 1960 to seize power

in Southwest Africa, the territory bounded by the South Atlantic Ocean, Angola and

South Africa (see Map 1). Southwest Africa, also known as Namibia, had been a German

colony, a South African protectorate, a League of Nations territory, and finally a ward of

the United Nations occupied by South Africa pending determination of its style of

government. SWAPO launched its military wing, the People's Liberation Army of

Namibia (PLAN), in 1962. Between 1962 and 1974, PLAN insurgents made a series of

generally unsuccessful infiltrations over the border from Angola into Namibia to foment

revolution among the Ovambo tribe, which comprised nearly half the country's

population. These incursions were largely defeated by the Southwest Africa (SWA)

police force through an aggressive border patrol regimen.9

Superpowers and Proxies. In addition to the assistance provided to Angola's

contending factions by the Chinese, the Russians and the Americans also became

involved in the country. For the Soviet Union, Africa was a promising region in which to

champion "wars of national liberation". Moscow also supported insurgencies in

Rhodesia, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. These proxy

wars provided an effective and low risk means of challenging the West while increasing

8 Ibid; Fred Bridgland, The War for Africa: Twelve Months that Transformed a Continent (Gibraltar: Ashanti Publishing Limited, 1990), 13-14. Zaire, France, Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Emirates, Egypt, and Morocco also supported UNITA. 9 Steenkamp, 18-26.


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Map 110

10 Helmoed-Romer Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa (London: Osprey Publishing Ltd, 1991), 6.


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Russian prestige, access to raw materials and natural resources, and military presence

along critical trade routes.11

The revolutionary wars the Soviets spawned were, of course, ideological in nature as

well as a quest for economic and military gain. The Russians thus found it easy to back

the Marxist MPLA in Angola. Many MPLA officers went to Russia or other Warsaw

Pact states for military training. In 1974, Russia provided more than six million dollars

worth of heavy weapons to the MPLA.12 Between 1977 and 1987, the Soviet Union

provided more than four billion dollars worth of military aid to Angola. In 1987, this

figure grew to one billion dollars worth of equipment each year. Moscow provided

armored vehicles, 550 tanks, artillery, antiaircraft missile systems, fifty-five MiG-23

aircraft, ships and patrol craft to the Angolan Marxist government forces. Three

thousand North Koreans, five hundred East Germans, 950 Russians, and 150 Vietnamese

intelligence operatives, security specialists, equipment technicians and military advisors

assisted Angola in its internal counterinsurgency campaign against UNITA and its border

war with South Africa. Soviet General Konstantin Shaganovitch directed all communist

military forces in Angola, including those of FAPLA, from December 1985 onwards.13

Like the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro's Cuba also became heavily involved in Africa.

In addition to Angola, Cuban troops had deployed to nineteen other countries worldwide

in a determined bid to stake out a leadership position in the Third World. Cuba sought to

11 Morgan Norval, Death in the Desert: The Namibian Tragedy (Washington: Selous Foundation Press, 1989), 15; a good overview of Soviet involvement in African "wars of liberation" is provided in John W. Turner, Africa Ablaze: The Insurgency Wars in Africa 1960 to the Present (London: Arms and Armour Press, 1998). 12 Steenkamp, 34. 13 Raymond W. Copson, Africa's Wars and Prospects for Peace (New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc., 1994), 122; W. Martin James, A Political History of the Civil War in Angola: 1974-1990 (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1992), 218; Bridgland, 17.


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propagate its communist ideology, gain useful military experience, and through its proxy

forces to repay the Soviet Union for propping up the anemic Cuban economy. Castro

provided military trainers and bodyguards to Neto beginning in 1966. In response to

Admiral Coutinho's invitation, more than 250 Cuban military advisors were in Angola in

support of the MPLA by May of 1975. The purpose of this mission was to transition the

largely guerrilla MPLA into a conventionally equipped and trained army in order to

ensure that Angola would not fall under the influence of the West. By 1987, more than

thirty-seven thousand Cuban personnel were stationed in Angola. A year later that

number had increased to fifty thousand soldiers.14

The final external actor on the Angolan scene was the Republic of South Africa. Its

strategic goal was to prevent insurgencies, whether nationalist or communist in nature,

from encroaching on its own borders. South Africa had assisted the Rhodesians in their

struggle against communists and Renamo in its bid to overthrow communist

Mozambique, so it was only natural that it would also help UNITA against the MPLA.

The South Africans believed a Marxist Angola would serve as a potent launching pad for

SWAPO incursions into Southwest Africa. SWAPO could then undermine Namibia and

communist insurgents would be poised on the border of South Africa itself. The South

African government saw its neighbors as mere stepping stones for insurgency that would

threaten its own existence.15

This opposition to regional instability induced South Africa to take control of the

Namibian border in 1974. Elements of the South African Defense Force (SADF)

patrolled the border to shield Namibia from PLAN incursions. Thirteen battalions

14 Arthur Jay Klinghoffer, The Angolan War: A Study in Soviet Policy in the Third World (Boulder, Co.: Westview Press, 1980), 109-110, 115; Steenkamp, 34-36; James, 216.


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deployed along the border and worked in conjunction with police units to blunt the

growing threat of armed revolutionaries infiltrating from bases in Angola. Beginning in

1978, the SADF launched a series of preemptive raids into Angola to destroy PLAN

staging bases, training camps, and supply depots. The first South African incursion into

Angola, however, occurred three years earlier in a bid to bolster FNLA and UNITA

forces in their struggle against the MPLA.16

External Operations: A Legacy of Intervention. South Africa decided to intervene in

Angola initially in 1975 at the behest of other African states, the United States, and

FNLA/UNITA.17 The resulting campaign, known as Operation Savannah, was limited

in nature; the goal was to drive the MPLA out of southwestern Angola. Political

considerations limited the SADF to less than 2,500 men and six hundred vehicles across

the border. One of its fighting columns, Task Force (TF) Zulu, advanced 3,159 km in

thirty-three days. During this brief period it fought twenty-one skirmishes and conducted

sixteen hasty and fourteen deliberate attacks. TF Zulu accounted for 210 MPLA dead,

ninety-six wounded, and fifty-six prisoners while suffering five killed and forty-one

wounded. The task force was led and supported by South Africans, but most of the

combatants were actually anticommunist Angolan tribesmen. One of Task Force Zulu's

two battle groups was comprised of Angolan bushmen that had fought for the Portuguese.

The other battle group consisted primarily of former FNLA troops led by Colonel Jan

Breytenback, a noted South African Special Forces officer. This FNLA cadre later

15 James, 153. 16 Helmoed-Romer Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 14; Steenkamp, 26. 17 Helmoed-Romer Heitman, South African Armed Forces (Cape Town: Buffalo Publications, 1990), 203-205; Bridgland, 11-12.


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became the nucleus of 32 Battalion, the so-called "Foreign Legion" of the SADF.

Savannah ended when Russian equipment and advisors and Cuban reinforcements began

to reach the MPLA. Until then the primary challenge was logistic in nature; it was more

than 1,500 miles from the primary logistics base at Grootfontein to the front.18

In 1978 the SADF conducted two coordinated raids against SWAPO in Angola.

Operation Reindeer consisted of an airborne assault on Cassinga, a training base more

than 250 kilometers from the border. It resulted in six hundred dead and 340 wounded

insurgents. Simultaneously, a mechanized task force comprised of fifty-four armored

vehicles conducted a successful raid against a headquarters (HQ) and log base at

Chetequera. Reindeer produced excellent intelligence on PLAN doctrine, organization,

and strategy. It also demonstrated the vulnerability of light airborne forces; when the

Cassinga task force withdrew via helicopter, it was under heavy pressure from FAPLA

armor units.19

Operation Sceptic, in 1980, was a three-week raid on SWAPO HQ by four

mechanized battalion combat groups. The groups destroyed, over a period of four days, a

huge base area more than two thousand square kilometers in size. The goal of the

operation was to force the insurgents to move further away from the border area and

complicate their access to the Ovambo population in Namibia. Sceptic killed 380

18 Ibid., 204-210; the metamorphosis of 32 Battalion from ad hoc guerrilla band to a regular formation is best described in the first four chapters of Colonel Jan Breytenbach, They Live by the Sword: 32 'Buffalo Battalion", South Africa's Foreign Legion (Alberton, SA: Lemur Books {Pty} Ltd, 1990). Breytenbach was the founder and first commander of 32 Battalion. 19 Steenkamp, 149-151; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa 33; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 149-151.


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guerrillas at the cost of seventeen South Africans; it also produced hundreds of tons of

captured ammunition, weapons, and equipment.20

Protea, in 1981, was another three-week operation conducted by six SADF combat

groups. During this raid the SADF fought a combined FAPLA/PLAN force in a series of

set-piece battles. The South African combat groups mauled two FAPLA brigades,

destroyed three hundred tons of ammunition, and captured eight T-34 tanks, three PT-76

amphibious tanks, three BRDMs, one BM-21, twenty-four 76mm guns, sixteen AU-23-2

antiaircraft guns, fourteen M55 20mm AAA guns, and two hundred trucks. FAPLA's

defeat forced it and SWAPO to withdraw far from the southern edge of Angola.21

Daisy, a follow-on operation derived from Protea's intelligence windfall, saw SADF

fighting columns roam four hundred kilometers into Angola to destroy a SWAPO HQ at

Bambi and a base at Cherequera. It took four days to get to the targets; once on site the

mechanized columns spent twelve days razing the base. Due to the damage induced by

Protea and Daisy, SWAPO terrorist incidents in Namibia declined twenty-eight percent

during the following year.22

Some of SWAPO's military infrastructure was rebuilt in 1982. Operation Askari, in

1983-84, was designed to neutralize the growing threat and disrupt the logistic support

necessary for the annual infiltration of insurgents into Namibia. Four SADF battalion-

size mechanized task forces combed southern Angola over a five week span. On 3

January 1984, the SADF fought 11 Brigade (FAPLA) and for the first time, two Cuban

battalions, in a hard fought engagement. The South Africans killed 324 enemy and

20 Steenkamp, 155-156; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 34; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 155-157. 21 Steenkamp, 159-164; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 35; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 159-164.


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captured eleven T-54 tanks and much other combat equipment for the loss of twenty-one

men. The SADF's experience in Operation Askari reinforced the growing military

potential of the FAPLA and Cuban enemy and the need for significant anti-armor

capability in future external operations.23

External operations proved the SADF's ability to operate mobile battle groups deep

in Angola. The raids were designed to punish lightly armed PLAN guerrillas, not

Angolan and Cuban conventional forces. Despite the fact that the task forces acquitted

themselves well in combat against both types of adversaries, South Africa was not eager

to commit larger ground forces to up the ante in Angola. The political goal remained

constant: to foster an environment conducive to the development of a stable and peaceful

Namibia. From Pretoria's perspective, the border conflict had been persistent but

bearable in terms of blood and treasure. Operation Modular was destined to challenge

that status by changing the low intensity nature of the war.

22 Steenkamp, 164; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 35; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 154-166. 23 Steenkamp, 167-168; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 36; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 167-169.


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Chapter 2

Operation Modular

The mission of UNITA and ourselves was to destroy the offensive against Jamba. We did just that;…. After this the Soviets lost their appetite for war in Angola. Only a few months later they told us that nobody could win the war in Angola - the answer was negotiations.24

—General Jannie Geldenhuys Chief of Staff, SADF

Operation Modular introduced the heaviest fighting seen in the entire twenty-three

year border war. This chapter will examine the doctrine, equipment, and task

organization of the opposing forces, the distinct phases of the campaign, and the way in

which the conflict finally terminated.

Doctrine. South Africa's military doctrine was unique. It derived partly from its own

colonial experience against the Zulus and other African foes. Certainly the South African

style of warfare also enshrined the flexibility, toughness, and mobility exhibited by the

Boers in their three-year conflict with the British at the turn of the century. It also drew

heavily on lessons learned while serving alongside British forces in both World Wars.

South African soldiers earned widespread acclaim for their performance as raiders in the

Long Range Desert Group, pilots in the Royal Air Force, and assault infantry in North


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Africa and Italy. Colonel Rolend De Vries, 20 Brigade's Chief of Staff during Operation

Modular, published a text on South African doctrine just before the start of the campaign.

He stressed the primacy of mobility and suggested the utility of combining conventional

mobile warfare with the techniques of guerrilla action. He also noted the requirement to

perform both modes of warfare proficiently at night. All three doctrinal elements -

mobility, guerrilla tactics, and night operations - figured prominently in Operation

Modular. 25

FAPLA military doctrine was purely Soviet in nature. The level of training of the

Angolan troops was never sufficient, however, to capitalize on the strengths of the

methodical Russian offensive approach. Lack of adequate training and leadership

denigrated the potential of FAPLA's vast quantities of Warsaw Pact equipment as well.

The presence of Cuban advisors, Soviet technicians, and pilots from both countries could

not make up for the training deficiencies of the Angolan soldiers who did most of the

fighting.26 In short, FAPLA's doctrinal underpinnings were sound, but its execution was


Equipment. SADF combat equipment was unique because much of it was home made

due to the sanctions levied on South Africa by the West. Armscor, the national weapons

design and manufacturing corporation, created a number of products optimized for

service under African conditions. Most of the combat vehicles were wheeled rather than

tracked to give them enhanced operational range. A majority of the vehicles were mine

24 Jannie Geldenhuys, A General's Story: From an Era of War and Peace (Johannesburg: Jonathan Ball Publishers, 1995), 227. 25 de Vries, see especially chapters 2, 3, 9, and 10; similar points on South African doctrine are made in Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 34. 26 Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 23.


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resistant, with V-shaped hulls to deflect blast and increase passenger survivability. The

fighting vehicles tended to be large, tall, and mechanically robust. These features

allowed columns to smash through the African bush, provided vantage points above the

scrub from which soldiers could more readily locate the enemy, and enabled them to

survive the grueling passage across hundreds of kilometers of some of the worst terrain in

the world. In terms of its impact on the campaign, the most important arm was the

artillery. South Africa fielded towed 120mm mortars, towed G-5 and self-propelled G-6

155mm gun-howitzers, and truck mounted 127mm multiple rocket launchers (MRLs).27

The South African Air Force (SAAF) also suffered from the sanctions imposed by

the international community. The air arm was small and relied primarily on a handful of

Mirage fighters to challenge the Angolan Air Force with its Soviet planes and

Cuban/Russian advisors and pilots. SAAF combat aircraft were older and less capable

than those of their rivals. They also had to contend with an elaborate air defense system

that exceeded in complexity those encountered by the Israelis in the Bekaa Valley or over

the Golan Heights.28 As a result the SAAF had to develop proficiency in tactics such as

"toss bombing", which allowed planes to ingress at low level and then climb swiftly to

loft bombs in an indirect trajectory to within two hundred meters of their intended targets

from seven to eight kilometers away.29 The hostile air environment in southeastern

Angola, coupled with the paucity and technical inferiority of their aircraft, forced the

SAAF to husband their assets for only the most critical targets. Ground forces could not

rely on plentiful and timely close air support; on the contrary they fought under a blanket

27Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 122-126; Heitman, War in Angola, 47. 28 Bridgland, 49-50. 29 Ibid., 50-51.


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of enemy air superiority.30 Appendix A contains more information on both the primary

pieces of ground equipment and on specific aircraft used by the SADF in Operation


FAPLA's ground combat equipment was Soviet in origin. The Angolans fielded T-

54/55 and PT-76 tanks, BRDM/BMP/BTR armored vehicles, and excellent cannon and

rocket artillery systems. FAPLA also incorporated eight missile and two gun air defense

systems within its formations. Soviet trucks and engineering equipment completed the

all arms package and provided superior mobility, obstacle crossing and barrier

construction capabilities. Most of the technical support required to service and employ

this modern equipment was furnished by Russian, Cuban, East German, or Vietnamese

advisors. 31

The Angolan Air Force, similar to its army, was well equipped with first line

equipment. In some cases, the equipment that the Soviet Union furnished FAPLA was so

new that western arms experts gained access to Soviet material not previously

encountered elsewhere. For example, the SA-8 surface to air missile and the Flat Face

radar, the system associated with the SA-6 missile, were first acquired in Angola and

provided to western specialists for closer technical examination. FAPLA flew MiG-23

fighters, MiG-21 and SU-22 fighter-bombers, Mi-24/25 attack helicopters and Mi-8/17

transport helicopters; by 1987 its Air Force numbered eighty fighters and 123 helicopters.

The size of their air component, the proximity of their air bases, and the anemic state of

SADF air defense assets allowed FAPLA commanders to provide greater air coverage

than their enemy over the battle zone. This impressive capability did not, however,

30 Heitman, War in Angola, 310; Bridgland, 102-103. 31 Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 22-24; Heitman, War in Angola, 366, 357-362.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (24)

decisively impact the outcome of Modular due to the poor training of the Angolan

pilots.32 Appendix B provides additional information on specific air and ground weapons

systems used by FAPLA during the Modular campaign.

Organization. 20 Brigade comprised three maneuver elements and an artillery

component. The first infantry formation was 32 Battalion. This unit was initially formed

from FNLA insurgents who had fought as part of Zulu Force under South African

leadership during Operation Savannah.33 After the withdrawal from Angola many of the

men moved to Namibia to continue the war against the MPLA. This cadre developed

into 32 Battalion, South Africa's most famous and effective counterinsurgency unit. Its

members were particularly deadly because they had long experience in the war zone; the

battalion had operated for years in southern Angola and participated in most of the

external operations listed previously. Moreover, most 32 Battalion soldiers were black

and spoke Portuguese and native tongues. They therefore blended in well among both

SWAPO insurgents and border tribesmen.34

By 1983, 32 Battalion featured a recon detachment, mortar platoon, and seven rifle

companies. As the war in Angola became more conventional in 1984, the battalion was

strengthened to counter Cuban armor and FAPLA heavy weapons. An anti-tank

company with Ratel 90mm assault guns, a Valkiri 127mm MRL battery, a M-5 120mm

mortar battery, and a detachment of 20mm antiaircraft artillery (AAA) guns were added.

A support company with 106mm recoilless rifles, 81mm mortars, Milan antitank (AT)

32 Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 24; Heitman, War in Angola, 22, 82, 158, 310, 363-364; Bridgland, 37, 150, 162. Also UNITA's American supplied Stinger SAMs forced Angolan planes, even those piloted by Cubans or Russians, to bomb from high altitude, thus reducing their accuracy. 33 Breytenbach, 11-18. 34 Steenkamp, 231.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (25)

missiles, and .50 caliber machine guns was also formed. By the start of the Modular

campaign, 32 Battalion had been transformed from a counterinsurgent to a mechanized

infantry unit with tremendous firepower.35

The 61 Mechanized Battalion was created in 1979 and participated in most of the

external operations mentioned earlier. It comprised two infantry companies and a variety

of fire support and combat service support elements as shown in Table 1. This battalion

was the key counterattack unit committed to stop and roll back FAPLA's 1987 offensive.

Table 1: 61 Mechanized Battalion Sub - Unit Major Equipment or Function

2 rifle companies Twelve Ratel 20s each

Armored car squadron Twelve Ratel 90 assault guns

Artillery battery Eight G-5 155mm towed howitzers

Mortar battery Eight M5 120mm towed mortars

Antitank platoon Six Ratel 90s & two AT missile Ratels

Mortar platoon Twelve 81mm mortars

Antiaircraft troop Twelve 20mm Ystervark SP AA guns

Combat service support units Engineer, Comm, Medical & Maint Dets

Source: Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 15-16.

The mechanized battalion deployed into Angola with fifty-five Ratels, five Rinkhals

ambulances, sixty-two logistic trucks, and four recovery vehicles. A contingent of trucks

carrying fuel and supplies also accompanied the 126 vehicle main body.36 Four South

African Infantry Battalion (4 SAI) was a similarly organized and equipped combined

arms mechanized infantry formation that was committed to Operation Modular during

the latter part of the campaign.

35 Breytenbach, 230; Jeff Fannell and Robert Pitta, South African Special Forces (London: Osprey Publishing, Ltd., 1993), 18-19.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (26)

The 101 Battalion was another unit optimized for counterinsurgency duties. With the

Koevet police unit, it ran mobile reaction force patrols inside Owambo and into southern

Angola. The battalion grew to a regimental strength of some 2,500 soldiers, over one

third of whom were "turned" SWAPO guerrillas. The 101 Battalion developed four Mike

Force reaction companies. Each company contained platoons of four Casspir armored

personnel carriers (APCs) and one mine-proof supply truck. These platoons conducted

independent operations of several weeks duration. The Mike Force elements and Recce

Wing frequently operated in Angola. The battalion also employed two companies on

civic action in Namibia and sported a support company with AT, mortar, tracker,

interpreter, engineer and medical platoons.37 During Modular two companies from 101

Battalion played a key role in one of the more decisive battles.

The artillery component of 20 Brigade initially consisted of three batteries. Quebec

battery was an eight gun G-5 unit. It was augmented by two 32 Battalion infantry

platoons for local security; four UNITA Stinger teams, two SADF SA-7 teams and eight

14.5mm heavy machine guns for air defense; and a Mobile Air Operations Team

(MAOT) to control SAAF assets. Papa battery, a 127mm MRL unit, featured a 32

Battalion rifle company for local security, a troop of 20mm AAA guns, two UNITA

Stinger teams, twenty-four SADF SA-7s, and a MAOT. Sierra battery, a 120mm-mortar

unit, had one 32 Battalion platoon for local security purposes.38 South African

reconnaissance commandos located behind FAPLA's lines provided much of the

observation services for the artillery group throughout the campaign.

36 Bridgland, 119. 37 Steenkamp, 204; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 18. 38 Heitman, War in Angola, 47.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (27)

UNITA had developed from a guerrilla force into a more formidable army by the

time Modular commenced. It contained Special Forces trained by the South Africans;

guerrilla units used for harassment, intelligence collection, and transportation duties;

semi-regular battalions with organic supply/fire support capabilities and used to screen

SADF elements; and regular battalions. The latter contained the best-trained conventional

troops and were supported by AT and AAA weapons, APCs, heavy mortars, artillery, and

MRLs. Much of UNITA's equipment was captured from FAPLA in previous battles.39

FAPLA brigades were 1,900 men strong and organized into three motorized infantry

battalions, a tank company with ten T-54/55 tanks, and an artillery battalion. FAPLA

also employed separate combined arms units of battalion strength called "tactical

groups." Angolan infantry battalions contained three rifle companies in vehicles with a

separate mortar platoon (6 x 82mm), AT platoon (6 x Sagger or B-10 recoilless rifles),

grenade launcher platoon (6 x AGS-17), and ADA platoon (3 x SA-7 and 4 x 14.5mm

heavy machine guns). The artillery component was twice the size of a normal battalion

and contained six batteries: two 6-gun D30 122mm howitzer batteries; two 4-gun ZIS-3

76mm guns; one 8-launcher 122mm BM-21 MRL battery; and one 6-tube 120mm mortar


Phases of the Campaign. In 1985-86 FAPLA conducted several offensives designed to

capture the Jamba complex in southeastern Angola, the site of Savimbi's UNITA

headquarters. A combination of poor weather and fierce UNITA resistance, both near the

rebel capital and along the extensive supply lines connecting the coastal ports and

39 Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 22-24. 40 Heitman, War in Angola, 366; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 23-24.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (28)

airfields with the theater of combat operations, destroyed these efforts. Angolan

President dos Santos, advised by military experts from Cuba and the Soviet Union,

elected to try again in the 1987 dry season. To that end FAPLA conserved its strength

while Russia poured fresh arms and advisors into Angola. Cuba also reinforced its

Angolan contingent. The Cuban reinforcements were primarily used to free FAPLA

units from garrison duties elsewhere in Angola so they could mass for the upcoming

offensive. During Modular some Cubans, however, served as advisors at the brigade

level or fought in key battalion-level artillery or tank commander positions. Cuban

personnel also piloted some Angolan aircraft.41

Phase I: Defending UNITA (4 Aug - 5 Oct). By August 1987 the Angolans had

concentrated five brigades around Lucusse and assigned them the mission of seizing the

cities of Cangamba and Lumbala (see Map 2). Eight other brigades and two battalion-

size tactical groups assembled near Cuito Cuanavale, the town situated at the end of the

improved road closest to Jamba. Cuito Cuanavale also contained an important air base

from which Angolan fighters and bombers could range in a matter of minutes over the

expected battlegrounds. The northern most threat UNITA handled without SADF

assistance. The FAPLA offensive in the north collapsed due to insufficient logistics and

an aggressive UNITA defense. The southern front, however, was a different story.

UNITA lacked the heavy weapons necessary to block the armored thrusts that 16, 21, 25,

47, and 59 Brigades (FAPLA) could develop. The South African government, fearing the

collapse of Savimbi's anticommunist resistance, elected to assist UNITA. Initially the

41 Heitman, War in Angola, 11, 16, 26-36, 70-71, 128-129; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 217-218; Bridgland, 19, 104, 133, 180.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (29)

Map 242


42 Heitman, War in Angola, 23.

SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (30)

response was limited to liaison officer (LNO) cells whose purpose was to help plan

antitank defenses for Savimbi's forces. It soon became apparent that more help would be

required to save Jamba.43

On 14 August the FAPLA advance commenced. Two units, 47 and 59 Brigades

(FAPLA) moved south/southeast from Cuito while 16 and 21 Brigades (FAPLA) moved

east and then south towards Mavinga (see Map 3). Mavinga, a UNITA forward supply

base, was the intermediate objective of the offensive. The Angolan advance was

extremely slow; the brigades averaged only four kilometers per day. Partly this was a

product of the difficult terrain - a mix of sand and thick scrub brush. Tenuous logistic

support also contributed to the glacial pace. Finally, FAPLA elected to move its forces in

a concentrated fashion. This methodical advance conferred two advantages: it facilitated

more efficient air defense of the close formations and enhanced force protection should

the South Africans counterattack with their deadly mechanized columns.44

The initial South African ground forces committed were a 120mm mortar battery and

a 127mm multiple rocket launcher (MRL) battery. An infantry unit from 32 Battalion

protected each battery. These fire support assets provided UNITA much needed killing

power and effectively engaged the advance elements of the FAPLA columns, but they

were not enough by themselves to stop the mechanized enemy. The artillery was quickly

reinforced by a detachment from 101 Battalion, a mechanized infantry and armored car

43 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 217-218; Heitman, War in Angola, 26-36. In addition to the five brigades and two tactical groups that attacked towards Mavinga, FAPLA employed two brigades to defend Cuito Canavale and one to protect surface logistic convoys travelling the 160 kilometers between Menongue and Cuito Cuanavale. 44 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 218-219; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 40.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (31)

Map 345


45 Heitman, War in Angola, 28-29.

SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (32)

group from 61 Mechanized Battalion, and a G-5 155mm towed howitzer battery. The

initial task organization adapted by 20 Brigade is shown in Figure 1. Less than a month

after the Angolans began their offensive, the reinforced SADF component met the enemy

in direct combat.46

Phase I SADF Task Organization

Mech Inf Co{Ratel-20}(61 Mech Bn)Armored Car Sqdn{Ratel-90}(61 Mech Bn)G Co, 32 Bn{Buffel APC}Mortar Plt{4 Ratel-81s}AA Troop{6 Ystervark 20mm}Medical Team

Cbt Group A

Motorized Inf Co{Buffel APC}(32 Bn)2 Motorixed Inf Co{101 Bn}AT Sqdn{32 Bn}Mortar Plt{81mm}(32 Bn)AT Section{106mm RR}(32 Bn)HMG Section{14.5mm}(32 Bn)Medical Team

Cbt Group B

Mech Inf Co{Ratel-20}

(61 Mech Bn)AT Plt

{Ratel-90}(61 Mech Bn)

Mortar Plt{Ratel-81s}

(61 Mech Bn)Medical Team

Cbt Group C

Quebec Btry{8 155mm G-5}

(2 Inf Plts,6 ADA, 8 HMG teams)

Papa Btry{8 127mm MRL}

(1 Inf Co; 1 ADA troop)Sierra Btry

{8 M-5 120mm mortars}(1 Inf Plt)

20 Artillery Regt

20 Brigade

Figure 147

On 9 and 10 September 1987 Combat Group Bravo engaged two battalions and five

tanks from FAPLA's 21 Brigade as they crossed to the southern bank of the Lomba

River. One FAPLA battalion was destroyed and the other was badly damaged in the

ensuing battle. Three T-55 tanks were also destroyed. Much of the damage to the

FAPLA infantry was done by South African artillery. On 13-14 September, Combat

Group Bravo encountered two battalions and another tank detachment belonging to 47

Brigade (FAPLA). Two 101 Battalion companies and an assault gun squadron from


46 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 219; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 40. 47 Heitman, War in Angola, 46-47.

SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (33)

Bravo commenced the fighting; Combat Group Charlie concluded the contest with a

bitter eight hour long night battle. FAPLA's 47 Brigade lost three hundred soldiers and

three T-55s in the confusing melee with Groups Bravo and Charlie. Two days later

Combat Group Alpha attacked 47 Brigade (FAPLA) again, but heavy indirect fire and

limited visibility resulting from thick vegetation frustrated the assault.48

A three-week pause, during which each side delivered numerous artillery and air

strikes against its opponent, ensued. During the break in infantry combat, FAPLA

attempted to resupply its three brigades in the Lomba River region. On 3 October

Combat Groups Alpha and Charlie ambushed 47 Brigade (FAPLA) near the intersection

of the Cuzizi and Lamba Rivers. The Angolan unit lost 250 soldiers in an uneven

engagement. Large quantities of equipment were also left on the battlefield. The SADF

recovered eighteen T-54/55 tanks, three BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, twenty-four

BTR-60 armored personnel carriers, two TMM mobile bridges, four SA-8 SAMs and one

Flat Face radar, six ZU-23-2 23mm antiaircraft guns, four BM-21 multiple rocket

launchers, three D-30 122mm towed howitzers, and eighty-five logistic vehicles. During

the defensive phase of Modular 21, 47, and 59 Brigades (FAPLA) lost approximately one

third of their combined combat strength.49

Phase II: Refit and Pursuit (6 Oct - 27 Oct). After the destruction of 47 Brigade,

FAPLA began a slow withdrawal north towards Cuito Cuanavale (see Map 4).

Accordingly, during Phase II, 20 Brigade sought to disrupt FAPLA logistic support and

prevent its maneuver brigades from retreating west across the Cuito River. The SADF

48 Heitman, War in Angola, 53-64. 49 Ibid., 65-78.


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Map 450


50 Heitman, War in Angola, 80.

SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (35)

task force prepared to transition from the operational defense to the offense and

reorganized itself as shown in Figure 2. Combat Group Charlie was incorporated into

Alpha, while a small 32 Battalion detachment whose mission was to harass FAPLA

logistic lines east of Cuito Cuanavale was designated Task Force D.51

Phase II SADF Task Organization

2 Mech Inf Co(61 Mech Bn)1 Inf Co(32 Bn)Mortar Plt(61 Mech Bn)AA Troop(61 Mech Bn)AT Plt(61 Mech Bn)Cbt Engr Plt(61 Mech Bn)Sierra Btry{120mm}2 Stinger TeamsMedical Team

Cbt Group A

2 Motorized Inf Co(101 Bn)AT Sqdn(32 Bn)Cbt Engr SectionPapa Btry{MRL}2 Stinger TeamsMedical Team

Cbt Group B

B Co(32 Bn)Spt Co(32 Bn)

Task Force D

Quebec Btry{8 155mm G-5}

Artillery Regt

20 Brigade

Figure 252

Sporadic contact occurred during the pursuit but no decisive actions ensued. By the

middle of October, however, South African artillery was within range to commence

bombardment of the airfield at Cuito Cuanavale. Soon the FAPLA jets were driven from

the field and had to fly from the next closest air facility at Menongue.53 On 17 October

Combat Groups Alpha and Bravo tracked and located 59 Brigade (FAPLA) near the

51 Ibid., 75-87. 52 Ibid., 86. 53 Heitman, War in Angola, 92, 108-110; Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 40; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 220; Steenkamp, 151.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (36)

Mianei River Source. Heavy but inconclusive fighting resulted amid the narrow tracks

lacing the thick bush. The SADF, hampered by lack of maneuver space, withdrew under

cover of friendly artillery fire. FAPLA's 59 Brigade remained in position for two more

weeks, suffering continual attrition to air and artillery attacks.54

FAPLA's series of tactical setbacks in September and October convinced Castro to

reinforce his forces in Angola. The 50th Armor Division, a crack force reputed to be the

best in the entire Cuban army, deployed to Angola. By the end of Operation Modular

more than fifty thousand Cuban combatants and advisors were present in the country.

South Africa too reinforced its Angolan expeditionary force. Fourth South African

Infantry battalion entered the operational area. With it came an additional 127mm MRL

troop, an Olifant tank squadron, another G-5 battery, and three pre-production self-

propelled G-6 artillery pieces.55

With this increase in strength, both sides faced operational decisions on how best to

employ the new forces. Cuba elected to station its armor division in the southwestern

quadrant of Angola; from there the tanks could drive south into Namibia and outflank the

South African force around Mavinga. South Africa chose to use its reinforcements to

bolster the tactical success it had already achieved near Cuito Cuanvale. There were two

options available. First, the SADF could use mobile forces to cut the supply line to Cuito

and then storm the town. This course of action would require a force stronger than the

weak brigade available, particularly to defend the town from the inevitable communist

counterattacks. Moreover, defense of the town and airfield with a river directly behind

them was both militarily unsound and unnecessary so long as SADF guns denied use of

54 Ibid., 93-95, 98-108. 55 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 220.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (37)

the airfield to the enemy. The option selected instead was to destroy the FAPLA

bridgehead on the eastern side of the river to prevent future offensive incursions from the

Cuito Cuanavale staging base.56

Phase III: Counteroffensive (28 Oct - 05 Dec). The new forces available to 20 Brigade

were task organized as shown in Figure 3. Clearly Combat Group Charlie, composed

primarily of the new 4 SAI, was given the preponderance of the combat power. Group

Alpha retained a balanced mix of arms while Group Bravo was weighted more heavily

with infantry. Accordingly, throughout the final phase of the operation, the strong and

fresh Group Charlie served most frequently as 20 Brigade's main effort.

Phase III SADF Task Organization

1 Mech Inf Co(61 Mech Bn)1 Armored Car Sqdn(61 Mech Bn)Mortar Plt(61 Mech Bn)AA Troop(61 Mech Bn)Engr TroopAsslt Pioneer Plt(61 Mech Bn)

Cbt Group A

2 Motorized Inf Co(32 Bn)2 Motorized Inf Co(101 Bn)AT Sqdn(32 Bn)Spt Co(32 Bn)

Cbt Group B

2 Mech Inf Co{Ratel-20}

(4 SAI)2 Motorized Inf Co

{Buffel}(32 Bn)

1 Tank Sqdn{Olifant}

1 Armored Car Sqdn{Ratel-90}

Mech Spt Co{Ratel-90/81}

Romeo Btry{120mm mortar}

(1 Inf Co for security)Juliet Troop

{G-6 155mm SP}AA Troop

{20mm Ystervark}Engr Troop

Cbt Group C

Sierra Btry{8 155mm G-5}

Romeo Btry{8 155mm G-5}

Papa Btry{127mm MRL}

India Troop{127mm MRL}

Artillery Regt

20 Brigade

Figure 3 57


56 Heitman, War in Angola, 93; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 220. 57 Heitman, War in Angola, 105, 114, 120.

SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (38)

The offensive to clear the bridgehead commenced on 9 November 1987, when

Combat Group Charlie attacked 16 Brigade (FAPLA) between the Chamingo and Hube

Rivers (see Map 5). This methodical assault, the first SADF tank action since WWII,

netted thirteen tanks, two BM-21s, two 76mm guns, four 23mm AA guns, fourteen SA-

7/SA-14s, one 14.5mm heavy machine gun (HMG), one 82mm mortar, and thirty-two

trucks. FAPLA's 16 Brigade was displaced but not destroyed; it lost seventy-five KIA

and six POWs. Group Charlie suffered seven KIA and nine WIA, one Ratel-20 destroyed

and one damaged, and one tank damaged.58

On 11 November Combat Groups Alpha and Charlie followed up the initial contact

with a coordinated attack on FAPLA's Tactical Group 2. Again the enemy was battered

but not broken. FAPLA lost fifteen tanks, three armored vehicles, three AA guns, twelve

trucks, and 394 men. SADF losses numbered five killed, nineteen wounded, and two

Ratels destroyed.59

Between 13 and 17 November , 20 Brigade sought to trap 21 Brigade (FAPLA) south

of the Hube River to prevent its linkup with remaining enemy forces located near the

Chabinga crossing site. In a series of sharp fights and tactical miscues, 20 Brigade failed

to stop its elusive Angolan opponent. During this critical four day period, subsequently

known as the "Chambinga Gallop", 21 Brigade (FAPLA) lost 131 KIA, seven T-55s, one

BTR-60, two BM-21s, and four trucks. The Angolans, however, were able to slip away

and bring the bulk of the brigade safely into the Chabinga bridgehead.60

The final attacks of Operation Modular occurred on 25-26 November. These assaults

58 Ibid., 120-129. 59 Ibid., 132-138. 60 Ibid., 140-155.


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Map 561


61 Ibid., 112-113.

SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (40)

took place north of the Chambinga River and were designed to put further pressure on

Cuba to resolve the Angolan dispute diplomatically. UNITA battalions formed the main

effort of the attack, with Combat Groups Bravo and Charlie conducting supporting

actions. This offensive, across difficult ground and against well-prepared defensive

positions, foundered in the face of heavy enemy artillery fire. The Angolan force

retained control of the high ground controlling the approaches to the east bank of the

Cuito River and the critical bridge to Cuito Cuanavale. Four FAPLA brigades (16, 25,

59, and 66) remained firmly entrenched on the east side of the Cuito river when Modular

concluded on 5 December.62

Conflict Termination. Combat continued around Cuito Cuanavale through the spring

and summer of 1988. Two subsequent operations, Hooper and Packer, concluded the

SADF campaign in Angola. During January and February, additional attacks on 21 and

59 Brigades (FAPLA) resulted in fierce fighting but little tactical gain for the South

Africans and their UNITA allies. In the last week of February, two more attacks were

conducted on the Tumpo bridgehead without significant success. During the first half of

March, 82 South African Brigade, a citizen reserve force, relieved 20 Brigade (SADF) in

Angola. On 23 March the new 82 Brigade, reinforced by four UNITA battalions,

launched the third attack on FAPLA's Tumpo stronghold. The SADF suffered minor

casualties but the assault, like the previous two, failed due to extensive FAPLA

minefields and heavy artillery fire. Desultory fighting continued until the end of April

when 82 Brigade (SADF) handed control of the theater to a small SADF holding force.

This battalion size element, dubbed Combat Group 20, maintained watch over the

62 Steenkamp, 153; Heitman, War in Angola, 161-169.


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FAPLA brigades around Cuito Cuanavale until it too was withdrawn in August 1988 in

compliance with the U.S. sponsored peace accords.63

Chester Crocker, U.S. Under Secretary of State for African Affairs, had been

conducting a series of negotiations to end the border war since July of 1987. The early

rounds of peace talks were unproductive because Angola, in conjunction with Cuba and

Russia, sought a military solution and determined to await the results of the FAPLA

offensive. With continued U.S. support by the Reagan administration for UNITA and

total lack of success on the battlefield in their engagements with the SADF/UNITA team,

the communist block eventually conceded to an agreement that linked South African and

Cuban withdrawal from Angola.64

All SADF troops were withdrawn from Angola by 30 August 1988. Negotiations

continued throughout the spring and culminated in an agreement on 22 December.65

Cuba was given twenty-seven months to evacuate its forces from Angola. Namibia was

to hold elections in November 1989 and become an independent state. A United Nations

Transitional Assistance Group deployed to the war zone to monitor compliance with the

provisions of the peace treaty. In April 1989 PLAN disrupted the transition process by

infiltrating several thousand insurgents into Namibia. This offensive was crushed within

a month by the SADF, Namibian army, and Namibian police force. Namibia attained its

independence on 21 March 1990, but Angola continues to be wracked by a civil war

between the MPLA government and the UNITA rebels of Savimbi. The superpowers and

63 Heitman, Modern African Wars 3: South-West Africa, 40-41; Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 221-230. 64 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 224, 226; Heitman, War in Angola, 309. 65 Angola lies in the Southern Hemisphere and thus experiences spring from September to December.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (42)

their proxies disengaged from the agony of Angola, but the country's warring internal

factions continued their bloody struggle for supremacy.66

Operation Modular was significant because it convinced the Soviet Union, Cuba, and

the MPLA that South Africa would do whatever was necessary militarily to safeguard its

interests in Namibia. After many years of fruitless effort, FAPLA's foreign military

advisors recognized that the Angolan army was incapable of defeating a SADF assisted

UNITA without massive intervention by either Soviet or Cuban ground and air forces.

The cost of such escalation exceeded the price both Russia and Cuba were willing to pay

in support of the MPLA's revolutionary movement.

Thus South Africa, with a brigade of less than three thousand men, provided the

military justification for the diplomatic negotiations that finally achieved its desired

regional goals. Soviet and Cuban forces withdrew from Angola, PLAN ceased its efforts

to determine the government of Namibia by force of arms, and peaceful elections in

Namibia followed. The election result, a narrow SWAPO victory, was not the desired

outcome from South Africa's perspective. But the voting process was fair and open and

South Africa was ready to turn from its neighbor's political problems to resolving its own.

The border war, a continuation of politics by other means, ended with the reemergence of

peaceful political behavior in Namibia.

66 Steenkamp, 170-176; 180-184; Laurent C. Kaela, The Question of Nambia (Macmillan Press Ltd, 1996), 125.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (43)

Chapter 3

Tactical Lessons

Maneuvering is considered as a particularly suitable form of battle for South African conditions. Because warfare is developed in depth and also because of long external communication lines, fighting has to be coordinated. This implicates coordination of groups, high mobility, powerful organic support, effective logistic support, flexibility and effectual command and control.67

— Colonel Roland de Vries, SADF

Chief of Staff, 20 Brigade

The Modular campaign offers some interesting lessons at the tactical level. Some of

them are unique to the physical environment, strategic context, and operational style of

the forces involved. The examination that follows is not meant to suggest that Marine

forces imitate the SADF's approach to war. It is, however, useful to assess the

experiences of a small mobile brigade conducting conventional operations against a well-

equipped, numerically superior enemy encountered at the end of a tenuous supply line.

The following sections will examine 20 Brigade's successes and failures across the six

warfighting functions: command and control (C2), intelligence, maneuver, fires, force

protection, and logistics.

67 de Vries, 31.


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Command and Control. Many participants felt that the campaign suffered from

excessive micromangement from both senior military and political officials. The

established chain of command was not the problem. From the combat groups in the field

it extended to the brigade tactical headquarters, Rundu forward headquarters, Southwest

Africa Territorial Headquarters, Army Headquarters in Pretoria, and finally to the

national command authority.68 The close supervision the combatants so resented was

instead a function of the type of conflict it was.

The length and ferocity of the twenty-three year border war produced high domestic

sensitivity to excessive casualties and encouraged greater interest in the tactical details of

the operations.69 Because it involved conflict with Cuba and the Soviet Union, the

conflict also demanded a high degree of involvement by senior South African military

and political leaders. One advantage associated with the presence of senior military

leaders well forward is that they can serve as a buffer between tactical commanders and

well-meaning superiors. For example, in the midst of some of the intense fighting along

the Lomba River in September, 20 Brigade received a visit at its forward headquarters

from four government ministers. General Jannie Geldenhuys, Chief of the SADF,

handled the visitors while Colonel Deon Ferreira, Commanding Officer of 20 Brigade,

controlled the brigade's battle.70 Finally, South Africa's partnership with UNITA forced

it to employ senior officers in the forward areas because Savimbi was reluctant to deal

with anyone else; often it took the Chief of the SADF himself to get the desired decisions

or cooperation from UNITA's leader.71

68 Heitman, War in Angola, 342. 69 Ibid., 25, 31, 341. 70 Geldenhuys, 214-215. 71 Heitman, War in Angola 341.


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The 20 Brigade labored under close political scrutiny from on high, but it had no one

to blame but itself for its convoluted method of task organization. Seldom did units from

the same parent headquarters work together in a battle group. In the initial grouping, for

example, Colonel Ferreira mixed an infantry company of 61 Mechanized Battalion with a

rifle company of 32 Battalion in Combat Group Alpha. Combat Group Bravo featured a

motorized company of 32 Battalion infantry with two rifle companies of 101 Battalion.

Group Charlie was 61 Mechanized Battalion pure. Meanwhile, the protective force for

the artillery contained elements of two more 32 Battalion rifle companies.72 The 20

Brigade demonstrated exceptional flexibility in task organization, but it would have been

more effective to keep 61 Mech and 32 Battalion units together in their own battle

groups. The 101 Battalion could then have formed the protection element for the

artillery. Flexible task organization can be a strength, but cohesion of combat units is

enhanced by keeping established teams together whenever possible.

The staffs that directed the elements of the force were also ad hoc in nature. The 20

Brigade was not a standing formation; its staff was gathered from other units. Nor was

its artillery regiment a stand-alone organization. Its officers came from a variety of

sources while its firing batteries came from 32 Battalion, 61 Mechanized Battalion, and 4

SAI. The fact that members of the staffs were not accustomed to working together could

not have facilitated their efficiency. Similarly, the October decision to create a new mini-

division level command structure with 20 Brigade and 32 Battalion reporting separately

to Brigadier General 'Fido' Smit was questionable. This shift in C2 architecture occurred

just prior to commencing the counteroffensive and served no useful purpose.73

72 Ibid., 46-47. 73 Ibid., 33, 46, 106.


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Despite the ad hoc nature of the staffs and command arrangements, 20 Brigade

managed to maintain an efficient planning cycle. The operational plans for the phase I

defensive campaign and phase II pursuit took only two days to produce.74 Subsequent

planning efforts were delayed more by uncertainties as to FAPLA's disposition than by

inefficiencies caused by the staff's lack of familiarity with SOPs or each other. By

comparison, the six hour Marine rapid response planning cycle is somewhat quicker

while the doctrinal Marine Corps Planning Process is flexible enough to move faster or

slower as required. Mobile operations, however, lend themselves to fast paced decisions.

Action itself often preempts the enemy's attempts to complete the first three stages of the

orient, observe, decide, and act (OODA) loop.

Whenever possible, the brigade staff produced detailed written orders that were

rehearsed before execution. For the set piece attack on FAPLA's 16 Brigade conducted

on 9 November, the combat groups spent two days in assembly areas conducting routine

troop leading procedures. Combat group leaders issued their orders the day prior on a

sand table model of the assault objective. The model was based on aerial reconnaissance

photographs, Special Forces patrol reports, intelligence derived from UNITA patrols, and

observations relayed by artillery observers overlooking the objective.75

SADF battle group commanders operated far forward during fights. This tendency

reflected both the operational style of the leaders and the physical conditions of the area.

Very high frequency (VHF) radio communication and physical line of sight were often

problematic due to the nature of the heavily wooded terrain. Visibility was less than ten

meters in some of the battle group contacts, so commanders had to move forward to gain

74 Ibid., 46, 90. 75 Ibid., 122-123.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (47)

a better feel for the ebb and flow of the fighting. The brigade headquarters normally

remained between ten and forty kilometers behind the front lines, positioned to

communicate with all the battle groups and the tactical headquarters in Rundu. At times,

however, the brigade command post (CP) exercised control from the brigade admin area

near Mavinga. Interestingly, the reconnaissance teams and artillery observation teams

were often led or accompanied by majors or lieutenant colonels, so it was not uncommon

for SADF field grade officers to be behind enemy lines and in the very thick of the action

throughout the campaign.76

The 20 Brigade fielded three liaison teams during Modular. Each was led by a

lieutenant colonel or colonel and deployed alongside major UNITA headquarters. The

LNOs kept both units advised of the others' movements and provided UNITA with advice

on conventional operations, a subject about which it was much less expert than guerrilla

tactics. In addition to its role as an interface with UNITA, the liaison cells also moved

forward to monitor the movements of FAPLA formations. This aspect of their duties

created unique task organization requirements for the cells. Each team consisted of

eighteen liaison personnel, including staff officers, communicators, and intelligence

specialists, and eleven soldiers dedicated to the security of the team. The latter came

from the Pathfinder section of the Airborne Brigade; these men were adept in weapons

proficiency, small unit tactics, and operating behind enemy lines. The twenty-nine man

LNO team moved in five vehicles: two C2 Casspir APCs, two supply trucks, and a

recovery vehicle.77 The 20 Brigade's three liaison teams resembled the new MEF LNO

76 Heitman, War in Angola, 40-42, 49-52, 58, 64, 68, 85, 90, 91, 97, 123-126, 144, 161; Bridgland, 61, 137. 77 Heitman, War in Angola, 26-27, 45, 50-51; Bridgland, 110-111.


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section in that they worked at high levels, but their scouting duties were more ambitious

than those formerly assigned to USMC Anglico teams.

Intelligence. Accurate knowledge of the enemy is a prerequisite for effective plans, and

20 Brigade struggled to garner the information necessary to defeat FAPLA. Three

elements contributed to the challenge: close terrain, limited collection assets, and the

nature of the SADF's relationship with UNITA.

The physical characteristics of the theater challenged both ground and aerial

reconnaissance elements. Dense scrub thickets, vast forests, and extensive marshes made

it difficult for recce teams to move quickly or observe accurately. Around the Lomba

River there was little high ground from which stationary observers could track FAPLA's

movements. Further north, in the Chambinga high ground, this situation improved

markedly, but it was still challenging to pick out enemy formations dug in and

camouflaged amidst heavy vegetation. Aerial observers faced similar challenges

magnified by the high speed and constant jinking required in a deadly SAM zone.

Organic collection assets were limited to recce teams augmented by forward

observers and liaison personnel, RPVs, and electronic intelligence (ELINT). Both 1st and

5th Reconnaissance Commandos provided teams to 20 Brigade. These men, the most

elite soldiers of the SADF, ranged far behind enemy lines in small teams to report on

FAPLA activities. They also directed artillery fire, controlled close air support missions,

and provided navigational assistance to the battle groups. Teams from 32 Battalion's

recce wing performed similar services.78 While the duties of the 32 Battalion recon

teams fit their tactical mission, the recon commando personnel normally performed


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (49)

deeper, strategic level missions; their employment in the close fight underscored the

seriousness of the Modular campaign for the South African government. Forward

observers (FOs) and liaison teams also shadowed FAPLA brigades. Usually the

observers accompanied recce teams or were provided UNITA protection elements, but

often the more robust liaison teams worked independently.79 On the Marine side, both

force and battalion reconnaissance teams are trained and equipped to emulate the recces

work in close terrain. Both elements would require greater mobility to scout ahead or

along the flanks of a mobile group moving quickly in more open terrain. Even in dense

bush, the South African recces sometimes lost contact with FAPLA brigades when they

decamped quickly.

The Seeker remotely piloted vehicle (RPV) had a nineteen foot wingspan, carried an

eighty-eight pound payload, and could provide 2.5 hours of station time two hundred

kilometers from its base. This platform fed real time video down links to its control

station. FAPLA's air defense network proved capable of locating and tracking the

Seekers, but the drones proved exceedingly difficult to shoot down. FAPLA fired

seventeen SAMs at the first RPV before finally striking it. Two more RPVs were shot

down, the last one by a SA-8, but the Seeker RPVs provided great assistance in locating

suitable targets for 20 Brigade's artillery. Moreover, every SAM launched at a RPV was

one less available to attack SAAF planes. RPVs will likely play a correspondingly

important role in providing information, target location, and battle damage assessment for

mobile MAGTFs.80

78 Pitta and Fannell, 19-27. 79 Heitman, War in Angola, 40, 45, 49, 64, 85, 91, 97, 123, 144, 161. 80 Ibid., 67, 69, 87, 355; Bridgland, 116-117.


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The 20 Brigade profited immensely from its electronic intercept capability. Mobile

electronic warfare (EW) Casspirs monitored FAPLA's tactical communications along the

front. This capacity revealed accurate casualty statistics, indications of morale, and

movement plans. Often signals intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts even enabled 20

Brigade gunners to adjust their artillery fire on target by listening to FAPLA shell reports

to their higher headquarters. Across the border in Namibia, the SADF manned more

powerful electronic eavesdropping equipment and was able to collect operational level

message traffic between Luanda and the front. FAPLA rarely bothered to encrypt its

traffic, nor did it ever seem to realize the extent to which its signals were being

exploited.81 Radio battalion assets, including reconnaissance teams and Marine

Electronic Warfare Support System (MEWSS) LAVs, are capable of providing similar

SIGINT support to Marine formations.

Despite the notable successes of its recon teams, RPVs, and ELINT units, 20 Brigade

often lacked accurate information on the location and intentions of its enemy. Much of

its intelligence, as much as eighty percent of the total available, came from UNITA

sources. This was because UNITA possessed excellent human intelligence (HUMINT)

sources throughout the region and because its guerrillas literally controlled all the ground

except that physically occupied by FAPLA. The problem was that much of the

information provided to 20 Brigade did not tally with intelligence derived from

independent sources and did not prove to be correct when validated by SADF assets. Part

of the dichotomy could be written off to unreliable or outdated sources, but some of the

problem flowed from more invidious causes. UNITA sometimes manipulated the SADF,

81 Heitman, War in Angola, 52, 71, 76, 99-100, 145; Bridgland, 140, 144.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (51)

particularly if its information might lead to military actions resulting in high casualties

among 20 Brigade. Ever sensitive to the realities of the South African domestic scene,

Savimbi knew that high losses would inevitably lead to the SADF's withdrawal from

Angola. While this interpretation made sense at the strategic level, the deceit often

confused and debilitated 20 Brigade's actions at the tactical level.82 U.S. forces

sometimes face similar challenges with allies based on an inability or unwillingness to

provide or receive useful information due to classification protocols.

Maneuver. Three independent maneuver elements comprised 20 Brigade. All of them

were task organized battalion level task forces. They normally included infantry fighting

vehicles, assault guns (90mm), antiarmor units, organic fire support (81mm mortars), air

defense assets, fire support specialists, and medical teams. All the units in the columns

were fully mobile in wheeled vehicles. These vehicles proved remarkably resilient in the

African bush. SADF infantry usually rode their transport until contact was imminent, at

which point they debussed to conduct conventional infantry operations. The antiarmor

threat from a variety of FAPLA weapons was too great to fight from the vehicles

themselves. In addition to the transport they provided across vast tracts of bush, the

columns' vehicles also made it easier for the troops to support themselves. Each armored

personnel carrier carried sufficient food, water, and ammunition to support its squad for

days at a time.83 While 20 Brigade did not have helicopter assets sufficient to conduct

large scale air assaults, it is unlikely that company or battalion level helicopter lifts would

82 Heitman, War in Angola, 98, 140, 154, 167. Sometimes too UNITA intelligence reports were couched in ways designed to elicit more action from SADF units. Bridgland, 44, 73. 83 Combat and Survival, 700-705.


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have survived anyway given the SAM threat.84 Historically, Marine landing forces do

not contain sufficient vehicles to provide transport for the entire force. As a result, since

the advent of rotary wing lift, great reliance has been placed on helicopters to transport at

least one third of the landing force whenever long distance movements are required.

Modular demonstrated again that even well designed IFVs like the Ratel can not

defeat tanks in a stand up fight. The Ratel-90s of 20 Brigade destroyed many Angolan

T-54/55 tanks throughout the campaign, but their HEAT rounds were not powerful

enough to generate a first round kill. Even at the short ranges typical of the area of

operations, 90mm rounds were too light to destroy tanks. Ratel AT troops fired volleys

at enemy tanks whenever the terrain allowed this tactic, but frequently single Ratel-90s

had to hit an enemy tank seven or eight times before knocking it out. Perhaps two of the

seven projectiles would penetrate a T-54's armor at ranges of 150 meters and less. Quick

reflexes, good crew drill, and cover in which to play hide and seek saved more than one

SADF assault gun surprised at close range by enemy armor. This of course was no

substitute for proper equipment, so 20 Brigade introduced its own armor before going on

the offensive.85

Both FAPLA and SADF tanks proved capable of operating in the thick bush between

Mavinga and Cuito Cuanavale. The close terrain put the emphasis on instinctive shooting

rather than sophisticated fire control engagements at long range. Nonetheless superior

training proved just as important in tank versus tank quick-draws as in more distant

gunnery. The dense bush also emphasized the importance of close tank-infantry

84 Author's interview with Lt. Marcus Duvenhage, SADF, (ret) 28 December 1999. Duvenhage, now a history teacher in Rustenburg, South Africa, was stationed on the Angolan border in western Ovamboland in 1987-1988. He furnished useful insights into SADF tactics, techniques, and procedures; he was not, however, directly involved in the Modular campaign.


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cooperation. Again the SADF held the advantage. The terrain also provided

concealment for the armor of both sides from the others' air force. This was particularly

important for 20 Brigade given the paucity of its air defense coverage.86 The

effectiveness of South Africa's remodeled Centurians suggests the importance of

including tanks, despite their logistic handicaps, in fighting columns that may encounter

enemy armor. Modular reminds us that tank is spelled neither LAV nor AAAV.

Three major rivers and nine tributaries lace the 8,650 square miles over which this

campaign was fought. Not all of the rivers were large, especially during the July-

December dry season. Nonetheless most were edged by swampy shonas, flooded

grasslands bordering the rivers, that made the obstacles much broader than the width of

the streams themselves.87 As a result much of the fighting occurred around the bridges

and fords along the rivers. FAPLA employed Soviet bridging equipment to cross the

streams, but the passage points became bottlenecks and slaughter pens once 20 Brigade

infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and artillery arrived to contest the crossings. The South

Africans chose to take the longer routes around the rivers' headwaters rather than delay

their advance by crossing the streams en route. Naturally that will not always be an

option for future fighting columns. The capacity to cross numerous water obstacles

quickly and at night is an absolute requirement to guarantee swift maneuver by mobile

battle groups.

All types of maneuver are more difficult at night; they are also more effective in

dislocating the enemy. During Modular most night movement was defensive in nature.

South African units, especially the artillery batteries, moved at night to decrease the

85 Heitman, War in Angola, 54, 59, 75, 78. 86 Ibid., 125-127, 342-346.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (54)

likelihood of being acquired by FAPLA attack aircraft. Daylight movements were

delayed while the vehicles sought cover, if an air raid was deemed imminent.88 Convoy

movements were sometimes detected and bombed if carried out in the day. Logistic

resupply efforts and casualty evacuations were routinely done at night for survivability

reasons also. Offensive operations, however, were seldom conducted during darkness.

Dense vegetation that complicated coordination, abundant enemy fighting positions that

could ensnare wheeled vehicles, and lack of precise information on enemy locations

argued against offensive operations at night. SADF battle groups operating in more open

terrain would likely have conducted more night attacks, as Colonel De Vries advocated in

his tactical primer.89 Marine forces, without the benefit of infantry fighting vehicles or

strong artillery support, must also capitalize on the tactical advantages conferred by night

operations to achieve their objectives.

The 20 Brigade frequently operated on multiple axes in both defensive and offensive

scenarios. The self-contained nature of the battle groups enabled them to do so

efficiently. On the defense, a column fronted both of FAPLA's lines of advance, with a

reserve group available to support either as required. During pursuit operations and set

piece attacks, the independent task forces presented the enemy with a tactical quandary in

terms of assessing SADF intent. Often one of the separate columns would conduct a feint

to draw FAPLA's intention in the wrong direction and facilitate the strike of the other

battle group.90 The ability to move simultaneously on separate routes also decreased

87 Bridgland, 35. 88 Heitman, War in Angola, 84, 120, 154. 89 de Vries, 112-115, 120. 90 Heitman, War in Angola, 121-124, 133, 152-152, 162-163.


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passage time through potential chokepoints and sped the closure rate on a shared


Colonel de Vries stressed the need for superior tempo in his writings on maneuver

warfare South African style. During Modular, 20 Brigade battle groups normally

generated greater tempo than FAPLA. This allowed them to preempt the Angolan

brigades' crossing of the Lomba River line and to punish them on their withdrawal to the

Tempo bridgehead. During the confused maneuvering of the Chambinga Gallop,

however, Combat Groups Charlie and Alpha allowed 21 Brigade to slip away while they

reprovisioned their forces. The FAPLA brigade's escape allowed it to reach the

Chambinga high ground and join in the defense of the Cuito bridgehead. This was the

sole instance during the campaign when Angolan maneuver forces achieved a tactical

success through superior speed of movement.91 Tempo in campaigns of rapid movement

is often dictated by logistic support; Modular reflected this verity. In both the transition

to pursuit and the subsequent shift to set piece attacks on the Chambinga high ground, 20

Brigade was forced to pause while bringing up additional forces, resupplying the

columns, and repairing equipment. Sustaining high tempo in fighting column operations

clearly calls for both sound logistic support and enough combat power to provide an

effective rest plan for the combatants.

Fires. Most of the damage done to FAPLA during Modular was due to effective fire

support. The SADF artillery, in particular, was the star of the campaign; it's long range

and impressive accuracy enabled 20 Brigade to batter its opponent with little fear of

retribution. For a force whose total strength never exceeded three thousand men, the


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (56)

brigade's composite artillery regiment was very strong: two 155mm towed batteries

(sixteen G-5s), one 155mm self-propelled troop (three G-6), one battery and one troop of

127mm MRL (twelve Valkiris), and one towed 120mm mortar battery (eight M-5). The

thirty-nine pieces of artillery of at least 120mm caliber provided more than twice the

firepower potential of the eighteen tube M198 155mm howitzer battalion organic to a

standard USMC amphibious MEB, despite the fact that a MEB's personnel strength may

be five times greater than that of 20 Brigade.92

Observers that had infiltrated FAPLA positions controlled most of this artillery

firepower. These spotters worked much like advocates of OMFTS infestation tactics

envision USMC observers operating: small teams deep behind enemy lines employing

precision fires to disrupt enemy formations. Early in the campaign the SADF artillery

regimental commander was killed while conducting an aerial observer mission from a

light spotter aircraft. Once the deadly nature of the Angolan mobile SAM belt was

established, subsequent fire missions employed RPVs or simply reverted to ground based

spotters. The G-5s routinely engaged individual vehicles with single rounds; corrections

were often given in precision fire increments of only twenty-five meters. In one instance,

a radio relay through twelve different ground stations resulted in a vehicle destroyed at a

range of thirty-eight kilometers.93

Given the start and stop nature of the fighting, 20 Brigade's towed guns had no

trouble keeping up with their supported maneuver forces. Often the howitzers and

rockets deployed by troops rather than batteries to increase range fans and decrease

91 Ibid., 144-151. 92 USMC MEBs are "scalable" in size, ranging from 3,000 to 20,000 Marines. The full MEB capability is resident in the upper end of that manpower range. Draft MCCDC MEB concept paper, 2 Feb 2000. The 20


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vulnerability. The guns repositioned every night to prevent FAPLA aircraft from

locating them. The artillerymen also worked especially hard at concealment; many of the

battery positions were deep in the woods with limited fields of fire. Extensive

camouflage was employed and the artillery normally remained silent whenever FAPLA

MiGs were airborne. Due to the relative importance of the fires, the bulk of 20 Brigade's

antiaircraft capability, including UNITA's CIA-provided Stingers, deployed around the

battery positions. In addition, two rifle companies provided local security for the guns.

FAPLA devoted much time and energy to locating and destroying the artillery that hurt it

so badly; both aircraft and infantry hunted for the guns throughout the campaign without


Air strikes complemented the all weather bombardment unleashed by the artillery.

Despite the lethal air defense system deployed alongside FAPLA maneuver brigades, the

SAAF managed to operate effectively throughout the campaign. Five forward air

controller (FAC) teams accompanied 20 Brigade maneuver elements, but very few close

air support sorties were flown. Instead, most air missions were preplanned strikes against

targets located and marked by SADF reconnaissance forces. Aerial interdiction of the

ground supply lines of communication (LOC) between Menegue and Cuito Cuanavale

also yielded significant results. Unlike the more numerous yet less effectual missions

flown by the Angolans and Cubans, most of the SAAF strikes hit their intended targets.95

Despite facing more capable aircraft provided by the Soviet Union, South African pilots

SA Brigade was a relatively weak brigade-size formation in historical terms; most conventional army brigades contain approximately 5,000 soldiers. 93 Heitman, War in Angola, 67-68, 73, 100, 343. 94 Ibid., 41-42, 47, 61, 115. Bridgland, 57-59. 95 Ibid., 47-48, 311-319, 328-329. FAPLA flew 1,108 ground attack missions in the Modular area of operations between Auguat 1987 and May 1988. These strikes killed four South Africans, wounded several more, and destroyed one Ratel.


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (58)

continued to support the ground tactical campaign. The SAAF lacked the technology and

numbers to achieve air superiority over the theater, but careful planning, superior

training, and innovative tactics enabled its pilots to complement surface fires effectively.

Over time the constant hammering by both shells and bombs eroded FAPLA morale,

damaged significant quantities of equipment, and accumulated the lion's share of the

casualties produced throughout the campaign.

Direct action by special operations forces (SOF) contributed to SADF operational

fires as well. In September a team comprised of six operators from the 4th

Reconnaissance Regiment and Lieutenant Colonel Les Rudman, one of the LNOs to

UNITA, inserted by helicopter forty kilometers northwest of Cuito Cuanavale. They

walked to the Cuito River and moved twenty-four kilometers downstream to the vital

bridge linking the Tumpo supply dumps east of the river with the airhead near the city.

The team set charges on the span and then moved off to a helicopter extraction. The

bridge did not drop completely, but the damage was sufficient to prohibit the movement

of heavy vehicles and tanks across it for the rest of the campaign.96 Mobile operations

often require both strategic reconnaissance and direct action support from SOF; in the

Angolan campaign the emphasis was on the former but it is always important to strike the

right balance between the two competing taskings.

The 20 Brigade employed nonlethal fires to great effect during Modular. Several

times SADF electronic warfare (EW) technicians jammed FAPLA's command circuits to

prevent their tank companies from coordinating their assaults. Aggressive use of

psychological operations (PSYOP) also characterized the campaign. A PSYOP cell

composed of specialists brought in from South Africa was established at the Brigade HQ


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (59)

on 18 September. Specially modified Casspir APCs broadcast a variety of audio

messages to the enemy. These included surrender appeals and the cries of a hyena pack

that unnerved the soldiers of both sides. Ultimately the South Africans, like all forces

that have sought to leverage PSYOP, learned to depend on local experts who better

understood cultural nuances to develop the themes portrayed in the campaign. UNITA

eventually joined the effort and improved the effectiveness of the final product.

Interestingly, the PSYOP cell also controlled some of the artillery fire; the intent was to

maximize the value of harassment fires by carefully timing the nightly salvos as well as

to deploy leaflets among the FAPLA brigades.97

Force Protection. After more than twenty years of war Angola was littered with a huge

quantity of unmarked mines. Recognizing the scope of the threat, the small South

African expeditionary force employed one of the most sophisticated mine resistant

vehicle fleets in the world. All of 20 Brigade's tactical transport, including Ratels,

Casspirs, and Buffels, incorporated this life saving technology. Features included V-

shaped hulls that deflected blast away from troop compartment floors, water tanks

beneath the cargo space to absorb heat, and troop restraints to keep the shock from

flinging personnel around the interior of the APCs. SADF APCs that did trigger mines

often suffered no personnel casualties and minimal material losses such as tires that were

blown off and easily replaced. Even the basic Samil-series cargo trucks often sported

mine resistant cabs to protect the drivers.98 Given the proliferation of mines throughout

96 Ibid., 42. 97 Ibid., 50, 65, 68, 71, 78, 103, 176; Bridgland, 115-116, 144. 98 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 44-48; Norval, 119-120; Steenkamp, 235-237.


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the Third World, all future U.S. military vehicles should incorporate similar mine

protection features as a priority force protection issue.

The 20 Brigade was less fortunate in its air defense capability. South African mobile

columns had only captured SA-7s, loaned UNITA Stingers, and the Ystervark self-

propelled single-barralled 20mm AA gun. The Cactus SAM system and radar controlled

twin 35mm radar guns protected stationary positions later in the campaign. These

defenses, while not robust by Soviet standards, proved sufficient to keep FAPLA aircraft

high enough to be ineffective in locating and targeting SADF units. The 20 Brigade

relied primarily on concealment to avoid air attack; recce commandos outside Menogue

airfield and electronic intercepts provided some early warning of imminent MiG attacks.

This queuing usually provided sufficient time for SADF units to hide before enemy air

arrived on station.99 U.S. forces have not faced a sustained air threat since WWII, but

point defense of critical nodes will remain a requirement despite presumed air


Deception was an important element of South African tactical doctrine and

frequently practiced in Modular. Much of the tactical deception was designed to protect

the force by misdirecting FAPLA fires. A favorite deception target was the Angolan Air

Force. 20 Brigade artillery batteries prepared dummy positions to lure FAPLA pilots into

wasting ordnance on them. Medium mortars were then used to simulate G-5 muzzle blast

near the fake sites; when MiGs attacked the area, prepositioned Stinger teams engaged

the strike aircraft. Similarly, 120mm smoke shells were sometimes fired into tracts of

empty bush or even FAPLA positions to induce Angolan pilots to bomb what they

believed to be lucrative SADF targets hit by previous air strikes. In one instance, SAAF


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Mirages approached Cuane Cuanavale to draw MiG interceptors into the air. As the

planes moved from their shelters to the runways the Mirages diverted and a preplanned

G-5 bombardment commenced; a MiG, a ZPU-2, and a truck were destroyed by the

shellfire.100 Unfortunately, Marine forces seldom practice tactical deception because it

normally requires assets needed to resource actual combat operations.

Logistics. Two principal factors limited 20 Brigade's combat capability versus FAPLA.

The first was the size of the force South Africa's political leaders were willing to commit

to the fight; a force significantly larger than the small brigade committed would have

required additional activation of the reserve component and proven unpopular with the

citizenry. Closely linked with the political costs of a larger force was the logistical price

associated with supporting it.

The 20 Brigade operated at the end of a long and tenuous supply line. Moving fuel,

ammunition, food, parts, and casualties from SADF bases in Namibia to the fighting zone

proved a significant challenge. It was approximately two hundred miles from Rundu, the

major staging base south of the border, to the area of operations around Cuito Cuanavale.

From there it was another hundred miles northwest to the battlefields near Cuito

Cuanavale. No developed roads or convenient rivers provided easy access to the combat

zone. Supplies moved in trucks via primitive paths through the bush or were flown in via

99 Heitman, War in Angola, 52, 326-328, 350-352; Bridgland, 67. 100 Heitman, War in Angola, 97, 107, 343.


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transport aircraft to the strip at Mavinga, which served as an intermediate forward

operating base (FOB).101

The dense vegetation and rough ground in the theater took a surprisingly heavy toll

on the fuel consumption of the brigade's vehicles. Diesel usage rates for cross-country

movement proved much higher than expected for off-road travel. Keeping the several

hundred SADF vehicles full of gas was a constant worry; at times the columns had to be

withdrawn from combat prematurely or redistribute gasoline within the battle groups to

reach the refueling points. Fuel moved by air and ground to Mavinga, from there tanker

trucks shuttled back and forth to the front. On previous external operations SADF mobile

columns often resupplied their helicopters with fuel; the tanks of the Ratels and supply

lorries provided a sort of mobile FARP for the aviation element. During Modular helo

operations were limited by the air threat to night time casualty evacuation, so ground

based fuel for wide ranging C2, air assault, and fire support helicopters wasn't


Perhaps the most serious logistic constraint was ammunition. Because the artillery

fought both during periods of maneuver force contact and during periods of relative quiet

along the front, its demand for ammunition was much higher than anticipated. During the

twenty days in November when the G-6 self-propelled troop fought, it fired ninety rounds

per gun per day. This rate of fire is fairly typical by historical standards, as shown in

Table 2. More importantly from a logistical point of view, this ammunition usage rate

required five truckloads of ammunition per day for these three guns alone. During the

101 Ibid., 326. The Cactus SAMs, in particular, took a beating in their drive north to the operational area. Generally two or three sorties of transport aircraft serviced the primitive strip at Mavinga each night; the field was lighted only by candles bordering the runway. 102 Ibid., 157, 345-346.


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campaign more than forty-five tons of supplies were flown into Mavinga each night via

C-130/C-160 sorties. Much of this tonnage was artillery ammunition, but there were not

enough trucks to carry the projectiles to the front. Moreover, the SADF discovered that

its ten-ton capacity Samil-100 trucks could only carry half their normal payload and still

effectively negotiate the punishing Angolan terrain. Because the batteries displaced

frequently, they were reluctant to stage rounds on the ground to free the ammunition

Table 2: Artillery Ammunition Usage Rates Date Nationality Location # of Guns Ammo Used Rd/Gun/Day 1807 French Friedland 30 3,750 rounds 125 1863 Union Gettysburg 80 32,000 133 1916 German Verdun 2,000 24,000,000 107 1942 Soviet Stalingrad 13,000 700,000 54 1944 British Cassino 890 195,969 220 1944 British Normandy 180 18,000 100 1945 Soviet Vistula/Oder 32,143 3,200,000 100 1945 US Okinawa 324 19,000 59 1954 Viet Minh Dien Bien Phu 300 300,000 19 1967 US Dak To, Vietnam 77 150,000 53 1984 US Fulda Gap NA NA 300(projected)

Source: J.B.A. Bailey, Field Artillery and Firepower (Oxford: The Military Press, 1989), 337-341.

trucks to return to the ammunition supply point (ASP) near Mavinga. Instead the

batteries maintained mobile ASPs and returned the vehicles only when they were empty.

At the end of October the transport deficiency produced an ammunition shortage;

batteries were restricted to one gun fire for effect missions until the supply system could

catch up to the demand. The 20 Brigade managed to keep its guns in action over the

four-month campaign, but it was a narrow margin of sufficiency.103

Maintenance proved to be a significant challenge for the columns as well. Overall,

tire and track life was less than expected in the field. The G-6s, however, despite

103 Ibid., 48, 102, 115, 168, 346.


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creating their own lanes through the bush because they were the widest vehicles in the

South African inventory, suffered no flats at all in 1,800 kilometers of bundu bashing in

Angola. The mobile groups maintained organic recovery vehicles and carried mechanics

in each column. Engines were routinely replaced in the field when required. Wear and

tear on the cannon proved especially difficult to repair. The long-range howitzers fired

high powder charges that quickly damaged the bores of the guns. Two G-5s were

deadlined by 21 October. By 13 November three more were down as well as forty

percent of one battery's trucks. By the end of the campaign, ten of the sixteen G-5s were

damaged; six of the guns required barrel replacements. This repair occurred at the

brigade administrative area near Mavinga.104

There is no evidence of robust security measures associated with the ground

movement of the critical logistics convoys between Mavinga and the front. UNITA

generally controlled the area, but FAPLA did make some efforts to interdict the LOCs by

mining and ambushing the routes. Certainly UNITA stressed disruption of the Angolan

supply route between Menongue and Cuito Cuanavale. FAPLA assigned at least one

maneuver brigade to protect each resupply convoy. These convoys comprised

approximately one hundred trucks and ran the route on a weekly basis. UNITA and the

SAAF scored some successes in attacking these supply trains, but never enough to cripple

the combat power of the various brigades around Cuito and beyond.105 The Angolan

experience, like those of WWII Italy, Korea, and Vietnam, underscored the difficulty in

winning a campaign through interdiction of enemy LOCs.

104 Combat and Survival, 700-705; Heitman, War in Angola, 103, 114, 143, 177-178, 345. 105 Heitman, War in Angola , 98, 105; Bridgland, 162. Derek Kirkman, a Ratel crewman with 32 Battalion during Modular, reported eighty-one FAPLA reconnaissance men killed behind SADF lines during the campaign. Their impact on SADF operations was negligible. Author's interview, 31 December 1999.


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The low casualties incurred by the SADF during Modular did not overwhelm the

medical handling system. The 20 Brigade suffered only twenty-six KIA and forty-eight

WIA between August and December 1987.106 When casualties did occur, the first stage

of treatment, beyond self-aid and buddy aid, was provided by the company operations

medics or "ops medics" as they were known by the troops. Before being posted to their

units, these highly skilled corpsmen received thirty-six weeks of training including

medical theory, trauma management, and nursing skills. In addition, the columns

contained armored, mine-resistant Rinkal ambulances that carried a doctor, an orderly,

six litter patients, and two ambulatory cases. The ambulances evacuated casualties to the

medical post, normally less than thirty minutes away, where they were stabilized prior to

air evacuation. Typically a team comprised of a doctor and an ops medic rode the

medevac Pumas to continue treatment enroute to the hospital. The standard was to get

casualties to Rundu Military Hospital, or Ondangwa Surgical Hospital for more serious

cases, in less than six hours from receipt of the injury. The most serious cases were

flown by C-130 to 1 Military Hospital in Pretoria.107

Conclusion. The 20 Brigade enjoyed successes and failures across all the battlefield

operating systems. The point to emphasize, however, is that a fully mobile brigade

conducted conventional combat of varying degrees of intensity for more than four

months. The operational style was not as fluid as that practiced on previous SADF

external operations, but it maximized mobility and firepower to defeat the Angolans and

106 Heitman, War in Angola, 155, 159. 107 Heitman, South African Armed Forces, 94-97; Heitman, War in Angola, 123; Bridgland, 186,196; author's interviews with Mark Davies, who served as a SADF ops medic and medical support wing planning officer from 1986 to 1996, conducted on 4, 5, and 10 April 2000.


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save UNITA. Logistic support was tenuous but sufficient to sustain the campaign, and as

we shall see, Modular's place was merely the most recent in a long line of small, nimble,

hard-hitting mobile columns exerting operational level impact.


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Chapter 4

Modular's Precedents

There is one law of nature, one single law that the Boer never forgets, the answer to victory is greater movability.108

— Thomas Pakenham

Operation Modular provides an excellent modern example of the fighting column

concept. It is particularly interesting because, unlike earlier SADF external operations, it

involved not just brief raids to punish lightly armed insurgents but also sustained

conventional combat. The Soviet-based doctrine, equipment, and training of the FAPLA

and Cuban opposition was similar to that employed by potential Third World opponents

that USMC formations might encounter in the future. To link the Modular case study

and the manner in which mobile battle groups might be employed to execute OMFTS, the

following sections will outline the precedents, theory, feasibility, and potential of fighting

column operations.

Small Wars Heritage. The fighting column or flying column, as it was known in the

vernacular of nineteenth century colonial wars, is not a recent concept. In a sense, it is as

old as armies themselves; any logistically self-reliant fighting force throughout history

108Pakenham, 348-349.


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could be considered a precursor to the model. Colonial armies used flying columns

extensively to pursue indigenous rebels into the hinterlands. The French perfected the

technique under Marshal Thomas-Robert Bugeaud in Algeria during the 1840s. Brigade-

minus size task forces of infantry, artillery, cavalry and engineers chased Abd-el-Kader's

Rif guerrillas through the deserts and mountains of Algeria. Accompanying supply trains

transitioned from wagons to mules and camels to improve the columns' mobility.

Bugeaud's disciples, Joseph-Simon Gallieni and Louis Hubert Lyautey, further refined

the drill in their campaigns in Tonkin in the 1890s and in Morocco in 1910.109

Great Britain employed flying columns on the Northwest Frontier, in Sudan, and

especially in South Africa. During the Boer War the early columns consisted mostly of

infantry, but the mounted Boers rode rings around the plodding regulars and forced them

to adapt mounted infantry to keep up. Early in the contest the advances of Generals Sir

Redvers Buller and Lord Methuen were in essence large flying columns. Their corps

depended on huge trains of wagons pulled by oxen to ferry the food and ammunition the

fighting men required on campaign. The vast distances they had to cross sometimes

exceeded the capacity of their logistical trains; when this occurred the men and animals

literally ate through their supplies before reaching the next supply depot. As a result the

final approach to Pretoria followed the railroads. During the later guerrilla phase of the

war, the British employed more than eighty flying columns to hound the Boer

commandos. One of the more successful, led by Colonel Sir Henry Rawlinson, consisted

of two thousand mounted men and a six-gun artillery battery. Supplies were limited to

109 Beckett, Ian F.W., ed., The Roots of Counter-Insurgency: Armies and Guerrilla Warfare, 1900-1945 (London: Blandford Press, 1988),40-59.


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what could be carried on horseback. The column operated independently for a week at a

time with no supply wagons to slow the pursuit.110

The flying column is no stranger to American soldiers either. U.S. Army troopers

employed such techniques to corral the elusive Plains Indians. The history of the Indian

wars is replete with tales of slow moving Army columns failing to catch more mobile

Indian bands. The Army's synchronized search for the rebellious Sioux in the summer of

1876 illustrates not only logistic challenges inherent in flying column operations, but also

the careful balance required between speed and combat power.

The immediate task in the Sioux campaign, not unlike conventional forces'

experience in most guerrilla conflicts, was to find and fix the enemy. To that end three

converging flying columns scouted the Yellowstone River basin. Colonel John Gibbon

led a 450 man mixed force of cavalry and infantry some 220 miles, including two river

crossings, to seal the Indian's escape route to the north. General Alfred Terry's column

numbered 925 men: forty Indian scouts, twelve cavalry troops, three infantry companies

to guard the 150 wagon supply train, and three Gatling guns. This element moved 360

miles and crossed seven rivers enroute from Fort Abe Lincoln on the Missouri River to

its rendezvous with the enemy south of the Yellowstone. General George Crook led

fifteen troops of cavalry, five companies of infantry, 262 Indian scouts, 120 wagons, and

one thousand pack mules north from Fort Fetterman to the head of the Rosebud River.

His 1,309 man column crossed six rivers in its 190 mile trek.111

This MEU-size force covered OMFTS distances, crossed fifteen river obstacles, and

carried organic sustainment in mobile combat trains resupplied periodically by river

110 Pakenham, 572-574.


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steamers. The goal of the converging columns was to cut off and destroy the Indians.

Crook's rebuff at the Battle of the Rosewood and the subsequent demise of a portion of

Terry's command, Custer's Seventh Cavalry, at the Little Bighorn underscores the danger

of fighting columns with insufficient firepower to prevail once the enemy is located.

Douglas Porch, in his introduction to a reprint of Colonel C.E. Callwell's classic 1896

manual, Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice, captured the challenge precisely:

The dilemma for colonial commanders was to disembark with a force with sufficient mobility and firepower to protect itself from the fate of Jean Danjou, surrounded with his Foreign Legionnaires and forced to fight to the death at the Mexican village of Camaron (Camerone) in 1863, Custer at the Little Big Horn, Chelmsford at Isandlwhana, or Hicks Pasha on the Nile in 1883. On the other hand, the force must not become so large that it might collapse under the weight of its own logistics (as nearly did the 1868 British expedition to Abyssinia and the French invasion of Madagascar in 1895) or simply be stung to fury by more mobile indigenous forces, as were early French expeditions in Algeria.112

The balance between mobility and firepower remains a challenge in contemporary

expeditionary operations.

U.S. Marines employed flying columns extensively in their colonial campaigns in

Latin America. Chesty Puller's fast-marching infantry patrols employed mules to carry

supplies and heavy support weapons in their pursuit of Augusto Sandino. Red Mike

Edson employed boats, mules, and aircraft to support his patrols along the Coco River.113

In both cases, the infantry remained largely afoot as dictated by the terrain while heavy

equipment and supplies were transported by other means. Puller and Edson's light

infantry patrols gained significantly enhanced operational range and combat power from

111 Robert M. Utley, Frontier Regulars: The Unites States Army and the Indian, 1866-1891 (Lincoln, Ne: University of Nebraska Press, 1973), 250-261. 112 Colonel C. E. Callwell, Small Wars: Their Principles & Practice (Lincoln, Ne: University of Nebraska Press, 1996; reprint, London: His Majesty's Stationary Office, 1896), xiii.


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the pack animals, boats, and aircraft that carried their food, machine guns, and

ammunition. Based on these and other counterinsurgency experiences, the 1940 Small

Wars Manual defined the flying column as:

a detachment, usually of all arms, operating at a distance from, and independent of, a main body or supporting troops, lightly equipped to insure mobility and sufficiently strong to exempt it from being tied to a base of supplies through a fixed line of communications.114

These small but deadly detachments became a fixture of Marine warfighting throughout

the Banana War campaigns. Marine lessons from this era stressed the value of separate

but cooperating columns, the full spectrum of combined arms, sparse supply support, and

a task organization marked by fewer men and more firepower than standard infantry


Conventional War Examples. The fighting column is not a technique suitable only for

counterinsurgency operations. Its conventional descendent was the self-contained mobile

battle group used by the Germans, Americans, and Russians in WWII. German Panzer

divisions were potent exemplars of all arms mobile forces with sufficient logistic support

to sustain operationally significant assaults. They were not, however, tank pure

formations. Rommel's 7th Panzer Division in the Battle for France, for instance, consisted

of one armor regiment, two truck-borne infantry regiments, a towed howitzer battalion,

motorcycle and light armor reconnaissance battalions, and engineer and antiaircraft

113 Beckett, 117-124; Jon T. Hoffmann, "Counterinsurgency Along the Coco: Merritt Edson, Aviation, and Light Infantry Versus Sandino," in Selected Papers from the 1992 (59th Annual) Meeting of the Society for Military History, ed. Donald F. Bittner (Quantico, Va: Marine Corps Association, 1994), 133-150. 114United States Marine Corps Small Wars Manual, 1940, (Manhattan, Ks: Sunflower University Press, no date; reprint, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1940), 5-8. 115 "The movement may be…along separate lines of advance….Normally, the addition of mounted detachments, armored cars, and aircraft is desirable in such columns….The numerical strength of a column


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detachments. This mobile force led the charge across the Meuse River and fought its way

forward 130 kilometers to Arras in ten days. In the following summer's Russian

campaign, 7th Panzer sealed the northern arm of each of the three great encirclements

completed on the central front. The division covered 345 kilometers in four days in June,

365 kilometers in thirteen days in July, and 140 kilometers in five days in October in

some of the most impressive division-level blitzkrieg performances of the war. Of

particular note, this MEB-sized formation contained robust engineering support and

effectively employed expedient rafts to cross the numerous rivers it encountered. In its

after action report from France, 7th Panzer also recommended adding a second bridging

column to the division organization to enable simultaneous crossings of consecutive

water obstacles.116

American armor divisions employed similar task organizations and blitzkrieg style to

pursue the Germans to the Rhine after the Normandy breakout. The 2nd Armor Division,

for example, typically employed two combat commands; each comprised a tank

regiment, an infantry regiment in half-tracks, a self-propelled artillery battalion, and

recon, medical, supply, and maintenance companies.117 This organization for combat

enabled the force to advance on two axes simultaneously. Frequently the brigade level

combat commands subdivided further into battalion size task forces of all arms; these

columns allowed the division to cover ground even more quickly. Moreover, the combat

commands carried their own mobile fuel and ammo stores with them to facilitate swift

may be decreased by the inclusion of an increase of automatic weapons…" Small Wars Manual, 5-8 and 5-9. 116 Russel H.S. Stolfi, A Bias for Action: The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia, 1940-1941 (Quantico, Va: Marine Corps Association, 1991), 3, 8, 43-44, 73, 93-94. 117Donald E. Houston , Hell on Wheels: The 2d Armored Division (Novato, Ca: Presidio Press, 1977), 147-148, 150,162, 197-199.


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movement in the pursuit.118 Such techniques produced a powerful yet flexible offensive

formation whose speed prohibited the Germans from recovering quickly to establish new

defensive lines.

The Russian army employed similar techniques in its August 1945 Manchurian

campaign. Careful task organization of assets at every level from platoon to army

enabled the Soviets to deal with both the terrain and the enemy. Specially tailored

combined arms detachments were created to develop the situation forward of the main

bodies. The goal was for these robust, independent formations to either destroy or fix

enemy forces so that the main assault echelon could continue to advance without having

to deploy from its columnar movement. This approach paid handsome returns in terms of

overall speed of advance. The 6th Guards Tank Army, for example, averaged eighty-two

kilometers per day for eleven days. Soviet forces also employed mobile combat service

support detachments and sometimes used airplanes to ferry fuel forward to its fast

moving tank columns.119 While the scope and scale of Russian operations in Manchuria

exceed that envisioned by OMFTS planners, the techniques that facilitated their deep

operations are still applicable.

118 Houston, 209. After the Normandy breakout U.S. 1st Army's 7th Corps carried over 500 tons of ammo in a motorized ASP protected by two SP AAA batteries. 3rd Army's XX Corps also employed a mobile ASP during the pursuit to the German border. Moreover, 17th Army received more than 12,000 tons of supplies by air during a single month during this period. Roland G. Ruppenthal, Logistic Support of the Armies, Volume 1: May 1941 - September 1944 (Washington: Center of Military History, 1989; reprint, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953), 525, 527, 581. 4th Armor Division carried more than 70 thousand gallons of fuel in trucks during this period. This organic POL reserve enabled it to operate freely more than 400 miles from its designated fuel supply point. Major David F. Tosch, USA, "Sustaining Tactical Maneuver on the AirLand Battlefield: Will the Current Support Concept for Suplying Fuel Provide the Means?" (U.S. Army Command and General Staff College School of Advanced Military Studies Monogragh, Fort Leavenworth, Ks, 1986, 10-11. 119 Lieutenant Colonel David M. Glantz, USA, August Storm: Soviet Tactical and Operational Combat in Manchuria, 1945 (Fort Leavenworth, Ks: Combat Studies Institute, 1983), 32, 52, 148-150, 189-192; P.H. Vigor, Soviet Blitzkrieg Theory (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983), 112-113. The Russian 2d Tank Army received fifty tons of fuel per day for nine consecutive days in the Korsun-Shevchenkovskiy Operation in 1944. Tosch, 17.


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In Indochina French expeditionary forces employed eighteen brigade-sized mobile

groups in an economy of force role to police the region's vast interior and defend a series

of widely scattered outposts. Each Groupement Mobile (G.M.) included a small staff

with an associated security detachment, a communication detachment, three infantry

battalions, an artillery battalion, and a tank squadron. Only one of the three infantry

battalions was truck-borne due to a vehicle shortage within the theater, but all the other

elements were fully motorized. G.M.s were powerful combat formations, but the poor

road network coupled with the hilly jungles of central Vietnam to obviate much of the

groups' utility. Viet Minh ambushes sometimes took a fearsome toll of the groups; the

spectacular demise of the 3,500 man strong G.M. No. 100 in June 1954 illustrates the

potential dangers associated with employing road-bound columns in terrain unsuited to

their use.120

Fighting Column Theory. Regardless whether the concept is termed flying columns,

battle groups, combat commands, or fighting columns, the key to its success is mobile yet

sustainable combat power. Since the 1950s, several refined applications of the old idea

have been proposed. The first example is what the Soviets called the Operational

Maneuver Group (OMG). This was a division or corps size element that would exploit a

penetration of the front lines to conduct operational and strategic level attacks against

critical targets in NATO's vulnerable rear areas. These large mechanized assault forces

would be accompanied by organic combat service support elements. When necessary,

the Soviets planned to refuel the armor spearheads by helicopter. The OMGs were still

120 Colonel V.J. Croizat, USMC, A Translation from the French: Lessons of the War in Indochina Volume 2 (Santa Monica, Ca: The Rand Corporation, 1967), 206-215; Bernard B. Fall, Street Without Joy (New


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significantly larger than the Marine fighting columns proposed in this paper, but their

purpose and impact in a mid-intensity environment - that is, disruption of the enemy's

rear - were similar.

During the 1970s Brigadier General Richard Simpkin, a British armor officer and

maneuver warfare enthusiast, produced an intriguing theory of mobile warfare in his

book Race to the Swift.121 Simpkin called for a marriage of rotary wing and mechanized

units. Something akin to this has been achieved in U.S. Army cavalry regiments and

mechanized/armor divisions. The problem, of course, is that the resulting formations are

large and rather slow to deploy from the continental United States. Simpkin also

predicted the combination of airborne and amphibious units with light armor capability.

The goal was to provide maneuver forces that already possessed strategic reach with

matching operational/tactical mobility once they were on the ground in the area of

operation. This fusion has thus far escaped both the Army and the Marine Corps.

Colonel Douglas A. Macgregor broached the subject in his book Breaking the

Phalanx, while the Army proper has begun to move in that direction with its new

Medium Brigade/Strike Force concept.122 Macgregor essentially envisioned existing

equipment (eventually augmented by SP Crusader artillery, Comanche attack helicopters,

and assault guns) organized into brigades rather than divisions and deployed

administratively by sea.123 Recognizing the vulnerability of light infantry deployed

York: Schocken Books, 1961), chapter 9 - "End of a Task Force." 121 Richard E. Simpkin, Race to the Swift: Thoughts on Twenty-First Century Warfare (London: Brassey's Defence Publishers, 1985). 122 Douglas A. Macgregor, Breaking the Phalanx: A New Design for Landpower in the 21st Century (Westport, Cn: Praegor Publishers, 1997). 123 Macgregor focuses on the need for a new organizational construct rather than new doctrine, training, or equipment, per se. His case for the ultimate primacy of land warfare is interesting, as are his ideas concerning how to make the Army more effective. Unfortunately, he spends too much energy justifying why the Army's slice of a stable or shrinking DOD budget should be larger. His grasp of naval issues is


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without mobility or protection, he recommended the establishment of combined airborne-

air assault brigades. These proposed units would meld the forcible entry capability of the

82nd Division with the tactical mobility and firepower of the 101st Division. The actual

constitution of the medium brigades proposed by Army Chief of Staff General Eric K.

Shinseki remains to be determined, but the intent is for the new formations to be both

light and lethal. Medium brigades are designed to be fully deployed anywhere in the

world no later than ninety-six hours after notification.124 This implies, of course, an air

landed force that may approach in capability the vision sketched by Simpkin fifteen years


The amphibious component of Simpkin's force is also still unrealized. Colonel

Arthur J. Stuart, a visionary tanker of WWII, recommended similar ideas in a series of

Gazette articles published in 1950.125 He advocated the marriage of amphibious and

mechanized doctrine, pointing out that there is no reason why armor could not come

ashore in the initial assault wave. Furthermore, mechanized infantry, artillery, and

logistics trains with mobility equivalent to that of tanks could quickly range far inland to

operational objectives. The problem, of course, is that no fighting force has ever fielded

a totally mechanized all-arms force. Even U.S. Army armor divisions rely on significant

numbers of wheeled and unarmored CSS assets. Fiscal restraints prohibit the Marine

shaky; in his eagerness to make his ground-centric case, he commits errors of both fact and logic. For instance, he lists a MEB GCE as a BLT and decries the vulnerability of "industrial age" targets such as carriers and amphibious ships. Somehow the commercial shipping (presumably not "industrial age" vessels) that carry his brigade-size combat groups into theater, not to mention the stationary airfields that support them once they are there, are considered less vulnerable. 124 Colonel John E. Greenwood, USMC, "Editorial: Watching the Army," Marine Corps Gazette, March 2000, 4. 125 Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth W. Estes, USMC, "Future Amphibious Landings: From the Pages of the Gazette to OMFTS," Marine Corps Gazette, December, 1999, 64-68.


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Corps from pursuing a fully mechanized combat force. They do not, however, prohibit

the fielding of a fully mobile combat force as outlined in Part II.

Fighting Column Feasibility. There are three hurdles to be overcome before the Marine

Corps can initiate a mobile battle group concept. First is the realization that battalions

and brigades can exert operational level influence far out of proportion to their size in

small war environments. Second, there must be consensus on the logistic supportability

of wide ranging fighting columns. Finally, a change in mindset is required to appreciate

the inherent advantages of increased ground mobility.

Fighting columns do not obviate traditional calculations of combat power. Indeed,

the careful balancing of troop strength and firepower versus logistic requirements is the

art that enables successful mobile operations. But there is a school of thought within the

Marine Corps that MEUs are so insignificant that it is dangerous to consider using them

in conventional operations. The strategic impact of 20 Brigade, which was only

marginally larger than a MEU, provides a counterpoint. The SADF provided critical

firepower in the form of artillery, tanks, and fighting vehicles that complemented the

more lightly equipped and more numerous UNITA infantry. Together they blunted the

attack of the larger FAPLA/Cuban force. When combined with allies who possess other

military strengths, Marine fighting columns could prove equally decisive.

In counterinsurgency environments, both SADF and Marine experience suggest the

utility of mobile battle groups. The Small Wars Manual characterized the key attributes

of such a force as follows:


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The columns may vary in size from a reinforced company to a reinforced regiment, but the size best adapted to such operations has been found to be a reinforced battalion….The mission of the flying column will be to seek out the hostile groups, attack them energetically, and then pursue them to the limit. Therefore, there should be nothing in its composition or armament that would tend to reduce its mobility or independence of action beyond that absolutely necessary for combat and subsistence.126

The lesson, in both unconventional and conventional contexts, is that small but extremely

mobile combat formations can be both powerful and survivable.

The second problem is more prosaic in nature: can a mobile battle group be

adequately supplied from ships off-shore? What must be established is that a

combination of organic combat trains and aerial resupply can sustain the force several

hundred miles inland. Fuel, ammunition, and maintenance are the critical factors. While

the necessary logistic calculations are easy enough to complete, the shift in emphasis is

more complicated. Dedication of significant assault support assets to resupply runs and

the reconfiguration of MSSG assets to support mobile operations entail a shift in

doctrinal emphasis as well as strictly practical challenges.

The final barrier on the road to more mobile amphibious operations is intellectual in

nature. Developing an organizational mentality that appreciates the virtues of mobility

via trucks in addition to that furnished by ships, helicopters, and forced marches is

perhaps the greatest challenge. Historically, Marines have not organized or equipped

their combat formations so that all the elements have inherent vehicular mobility. From

the Halls of Montezuma to Desert Storm, Marine units have borrowed transport from the

Army, allies, or taken it from the enemy.127 As a result some Marines have come to

126 Small Wars Manual, 5-8. 127 During the 1846 advance on Mexico City, the twenty-five thousand man expeditionary force required 1,447 tons of supplies carried in 9,303 wagons and on 17,413 mules. The small Marine component (a battalion) relied on Army transport for its sustainment. When a Marine brigade landed at Vera Cruz again in 1914 as part of a larger joint force, General Lejeune asked the Army Quartermaster for support including


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believe amphibious doctrine negates the necessity for organic mobility while service

tradition seems to suggest its undesirability. Both conclusions are off the mark. The

fighting column concept does not require a fleet of new vehicles or a change to our

combat techniques, only a task organization that provides each unit with its own organic

mobility assets.

Fighting Column Potential. There are several reasons why increased ground mobility is

a valuable goal for a MAGTF. Most importantly, it extends the operational reach of US

naval forces. It has long been said that an army is a bullet fired from the Navy's gun. If

so, the full force of the projectile is limited by the capacity of the landing force to quickly

range far inland. Organizing and equipping combined arms Marine task forces to move

by vehicle enables them, under the right conditions, to penetrate farther inland than

previously possible. Furthermore, they can use the increased range to perform missions

across the spectrum of conflict: conventional combat, counterinsurgency, and operations

other than war.

Fighting column operations complement Army and Air Force warfighting initiatives.

MAGTF fighting columns can conduct enabling operations, supporting attacks, or

defensive missions at considerably greater distances from the sea. In a sense the

disparate capabilities of fully mobile Marine landing forces transform them into a sort of

horses, wagons, and teamsters, should another 300 mile advance on the Mexican capital be required. In Desert Storm, both the Army and Marine Corps relied heavily on contracted heavy equipment transporters and third country national drivers. K. Jack Bauer, The Mexican War: 1846-1848 (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.,1974), 259; Colonel James H. Alexander, USMC, "Roots of Deployment - Vera Cruz, 1914," in Assault from the Sea: Essays on the History of Amphibious Warfare, ed. Lieutenant Colonel Merrill L. Bartlett, USMC (Annapolis, Md: Naval Institute Press, 1983), 140; Lieutenant General William G. Pagonis, USA, Moving Mountains: Lessons in Leadership and Logistics from the Gulf War (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1992), 123.


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operational level cavalry capable of a wide variety of missions in support of theater

objectives. At the MEU level, it is a cavalry force with the advantage of being forward

deployed and readily available to act on short notice. At the MEB level, it is a cavalry

force that has the ability to enter a theater against opposition or away from established

ports and airfields. Both capabilities are unique in the DOD arsenal.

Finally, increased ground mobility enhances existing MAGTF capabilities. It

addresses some of the shortfalls of the traditional landing force without compromising

established strengths. Naturally terrain or tactical situations may obviate the usefulness

of the additional mobility assets. In such a scenario trucks, light armor, and amtracs will

simply be left aboard ship; the landing force will always employ the method of

movement that promises the greatest chance of success whether that be boot, small boat,

or helicopter. Flexibility is gained, however, by having vehicles available to use when it

is appropriate rather than initiating unfamiliar task organizations or arranging to borrow

equipment at the last minute.

History, up to and including the SADF's experience in Modular, demonstrates the

utility of the fighting column in both conventional and unconventional conflicts. Part II

examines the feasibility and potential of conducting OMFTS operations via these mobile

battle groups. Required modifications in MAGTF structure, sample MEU and MEB

fighting column models, and changes in Marine doctrine, organization, training, and

equipment will be assessed.


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Operational Maneuver From the Sea:

MEU and MEB Fighting Columns

A Military, Naval, Littoral War, when wisely prepared and discreetly conducted, is a terrible Sort of War….For it comes like Thunder and lightning to some unprepared Part of the World.128

Thomas More Molyneux: Conjunct Expeditions 1759

It is a crime to have amphibious power and leave it unused.129

Winston Churchill 1 December 1940

128 Heinl, 12. 129 Heinl, 13.


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Operational Maneuver from the Sea (OMFTS) is a Marine Corps warfighting

concept that envisions launching and supporting decisive ground operations from naval

platforms twenty-five miles offshore against targets up to 175 miles inland. Ship to

Objective Maneuver (STOM) is a supporting concept calling for movement directly from

naval vessels to objectives deep inland with no pause to establish traditional amphibious

beachheads or build supply dumps ashore. OMFTS is frequently associated with brief

raids, but the concept also supports a variety of other military operations, from

humanitarian assistance to sustained conventional combat, extending across the spectrum

of conflict. The model developed in Part II will examine only one mission, conventional

combat operations, in order to test the concept's feasibility in the most challenging

potential scenario. This assessment, based on a 2014 timeframe, will assume the

presence of currently programmed equipment including the AAAV, MV-22, JSF, M777

lightweight howitzer, medium tactical vehicle replacement, and light strike vehicle. The

model also applies STOM tenets to an objective three hundred rather than 175 miles

inland in order to demonstrate the inherent capacity of fighting column style landing

forces. Much of the analysis done thus far on OMFTS/STOM recognizes serious

challenges in command and control (C2), fire support, and logistics. Even with the

fielding of the programmed new equipment, most analysts have concluded that the

Marine Corps' new warfighting concept is still problematic. This study suggests that the

solution lies in organizational as well as equipment innovations. It concludes that

carefully task-organized fighting columns, periodically resupplied by air and augmented

as necessary by heliborne forces, can conduct operationally decisive STOM.


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Chapter 5

OMFTS Options

The vulnerable artery is the line of communications….Bring in the goods like Father Christmas, down the chimney.130

— Major General Orde Wingate recommending wholly air-supplied operations in Burma, 1943

Infestation. There are three primary options available for conducting OMFTS/STOM

operations: infestation, air assault, and fighting columns. All three methods rely heavily

on aviation support. Infestation has received the most attention to date. This concept

envisions a network of fire team or squad size elements stealthily inserted into enemy

territory to control close air support (CAS) or naval surface fire support (NSFS) in

attacking key targets. The idea is a descendant of Vietnam's Stingray program, in which

reconnaissance teams called in supporting arms fires on critical nodes. Infestation,

however, would primarily employ NSFS and CAS rather than the artillery predominantly

used in Vietnam to destroy the enemy. The Marine Battle Lab tested this concept with

mixed results during Exercise Hunter Warrior in the spring of 1997. The infestation idea

is particularly appealing, because it minimizes the logistical and manpower footprint

ashore and relies on fires rather than maneuver forces to attack the enemy.

Drawbacks to the concept include limited mobility and high vulnerability of the

forces put ashore. Moreover, there are significant technical challenges to be overcome,


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not the least of which is the reliable long-range communications needed to make over-the

-horizon fires responsive.131 Infestation envisions insertion and support of the teams via

air; afterwards the Marines would be limited to boot speed, like dragoons whose mounts

disappear for hours or days at a time. The teams would rely on concealment for security;

once they are discovered they would likely require a "hot extract". This outcome sparked

frequent complaint by conventional commanders in Vietnam, where recon patrols often

required early extraction under duress.132 Most importantly, infestation requires reliable

communications links to a Supporting Arms Coordination Center afloat and naval

ordnance that can range and accurately engage both stationary and moving targets ashore.

Time of flight for projectiles travelling sixty-three miles is seven minutes, thus making

successful engagement of moving targets by conventional munitions particularly

difficult.133 Warheads with seeker heads such as the Brilliant Antitank Munition (BAT)

increase the likelihood of hitting mobile targets, but despite improved accuracy, time of

flight remains a problem for responsive long-range suppressive fires.

Vertical Envelopment. Another popular notion for implementing OMFTS is helicopter

borne operations using MV-22 and CH-53 aircraft. This solution calls for the aerial

130 Heinl, 164. 131 Rear Admiral Michael G. Mullen, USN, Director, Surface Warfare Division (N86), CNO, presentation to USMC Command & Staff College, 15 March 2000. The most likely technical solutions to provide wireless LAN and wide-area radio coverage at OMFTS distances depend on airborne relays to retransmit the communication signals. 132 While long range patrols in Vietnam were often intended to last five days or more, one third of all LRRP missions through mid-1968 were extracted in less than twenty-four hours. Shelby L. Stanton, Rangers at War: Combat Recon in Vietnam (New York: Orion Books, 1992), 314-315. For other negative views of the generally highly regarded recon men, see Terry White, Swords of Lightning: Special Forces and the Changing Face of Warfare (London: Brassey's, 1992), 154-157; Michael Lee Lanning, Inside the LRRPS: Rangers in Vietnam (New York: Ivy Books, 1988), chapter 11; and Greg Walker, At the Hurricane's Eye: U.S. Special Operations Forces from Vietnam to Desert Storm (New York: Ivy Books, 1994), chapter 8. 133 Major Michael E. Langley, USMC, Expeditionary Warfare Branch (OPNAV N-853G), Naval Surface Fire Support presentation to USMC Command and Staff College, 25 February 2000.


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delivery of more robust ground forces to include conventional infantry formations, light

vehicles, and artillery. This approach is also appealing due to its minimal footprint

ashore and the speed, range, and flexibility of tilt-rotor aircraft. Essentially this method

is similar to the techniques employed by the 101st Air Assault Division in executing its

battalion and brigade level air assaults. This type of OMFTS lends itself to operations in

restricted terrain such as Korea or Norway, where infantry can use terrain for cover while

maximizing the tactical advantages of its restrictive mobility corridors. Like the 101st

Division, which uses its infantry to seize and defend forward operation bases (FOB) from

which its Apache attack battalions can operate, the Marine Corps could also establish

FOBs to project the aviation combat element's (ACE's) combat power further inland.

The inherent challenge of OMFTS air assault techniques is the simultaneous demand

placed on the ACE for troop lift, artillery movement, and resupply missions. The bulk of

the aircraft would be required to shift the assault forces, but dedicating aircraft to troop

movement detracts from other vital air missions such as C2, casualty evacuation, and fire

support. Moreover, air assault forces are relatively immobile once separated from their

rotary wing lift. In Desert Storm the 101st Division, with its complement of 315

helicopters, did not have sufficient rotary wing lift to simultaneously move and sustain

multiple brigade size packages by air; ground logistic convoys were necessary to

supplement aerial resupply of new forward operation bases.134 MAGTFs, with far less

assault support available, can not afford to both move and sustain ground elements of

significant size.

134 For details on the 101st Air Assault Division's experience in the desert, see Lieutenant General Edward M. Flanagan., Jr. USA (Ret.), Lightning: The 101st in the Gulf War (London: Brassey's, Inc., 1994).


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Fighting Columns. Perhaps most importantly, both infestation and air assault

methodologies fail to capitalize on the inherent superiority of seabasing vice alternate

means of power projection: the ability to quickly introduce heavy combat forces.

Amphibious fighting columns overcome this dilemma. More than ninety percent of our

nation's warfighting material gets to the fight by sea.135 Airborne transports cannot move

large units composed of heavy forces quickly. The Army's XVIII Airborne Corps

maintains one company(-) armor team on twenty-two hours notice as part of its

immediate response contingency force. This eighty-man team contains four M1A1

Abram tanks, four M2A2 Bradley IFVs, and nine support vehicles. It takes eight C-17s

to move it into a secure airhead. The rest of the company team can flow into theater on

follow-on aircraft, but XVIII Airborne Corps has no contingency plans to move armor

units above the company level; any such formations that are big enough to fight

independently are impractical to move by air.136 It takes eight roll-on roll-off cargo ships,

for instance, to transport the 123 tanks, 127 Bradleys, seventy-four helicopters, and

hundreds of motorized support vehicles of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment.137

Unfortunately, current OMFTS thinking also steers away from heavy units ashore

due to their logistic constraints. A vehicle-borne amphibious landing force depending on

aerial and mobile surface resupply assets, however, becomes tactically viable and

obviates the primary disadvantages inherent in infestation and air assault based OMFTS

operations. I MEF demonstrated the power and flexibility inherent in fighting column

135 HQMC, Expeditionary Operations: Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 3 (Washington: Department of the Navy, 1998), 39. 136 Email correspondence with Major Avanulas Smiley, USA and Captain William J. Hampton, USA. Hampton and Smiley are former and current Air Officers for First Ranger Battalion and collected this information from officers of 3rd Infantry Division (the 18th Abn Corps mechanized fly-away force) which is collocated with 1/75 at Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia.


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operations during exercise Deep Strike in August 1987. An operational maneuver

element comprised primarily of LAVs conducted amphibious and air landings, made a

seven hundred mile tactical movement, and enforced a two hundred mile long border

exclusion zone. During the seven day exercise the nine hundred man, 322 vehicle task

force was resupplied by air; more than twenty thousand gallons of JP5 were delivered by

CH-53E and C-130 aircraft. Ten percent of the vehicles were damaged and evacuated

throughout the operation. The only significant shortfall identified was the lack of high

frequency (HF) and satellite communications (SATCOM) links that could be employed

while on the move. Deep Strike's success underscored the utility of light armor battalions

conducting operational level screening missions. It also suggests the great potential of

battalion and brigade level amphibious forces conducting more significant combat

operations several hundred miles inland.138

Fighting columns promise the best combination of mobility, combat power, and

sustainability of all the OMFTS options. Clearly fighting columns are not suited for

every scenario, but the elements of a task organized and equipped amphibious fighting

column can still be employed sans vehicles, or with only appropriate vehicles, in jungle,

riverine, urban, or mountainous environments. In short, the three OMFTS systems are

not mutually exclusive. Moreover, fighting columns could enhance the utility of

infestation tactics by providing mobile firebases. Similarly, fighting columns may

establish security for the initial entry of helicopters into FOBs or forward arming and

refueling points (FARPs). Finally, both infestation teams and air assault units could

137 Tom Clancy, Armored Cav: A Guided Tour of an Armored Cavalry Regiment (New York: Berkley Books, 1994), 268-269. 138 Lieutenant Colonels Thomas B. Sward and Tommy L. Tyrrell, Jr., "Marine Light Armor and Deep Maneuver," Marine Corps Gazette, December 1997, 16-20.


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complement the heavier combat power of a mobile battle group. The following chapter

will establish the general characteristics of each element of a mobile fighting column.


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Chapter 6

The MAGTF Fighting Column

I had hoped that we were hurling a wildcat onto the shore, but all we had got was a stranded whale.139

— Winston Churchill on the failed Anzio invasion of 22 Jan 1944

The MAGTF provides a potent combined arms package uniquely suited to mobile

operations. Historically Marine operations emphasize limited incursions from the sea.

Each component of the MAGTF must modify its standard method of operation somewhat

to reap the benefits conferred by a fully mobile landing force. Only a force organized,

equipped, and trained to drive inland quickly can hope to emulate the wildcat rather than

the whale.

Command Element

The OMFTS concept paper calls for C2 to remain at sea in order to minimize the

logistic footprint and vulnerability of this vital node ashore. This idea is wrong on its

merits if interpreted to mean that senior leaders are best situated to command from the

ship. Commanders must be ashore and physically located at the point of friction or where

their presence can best contribute to mission accomplishment. Information processing

ability, on the other hannd, may be left at sea and electronically transferred to the


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commander at the front. Then if communications fail, the commander will not be

isolated from his fighting forces and will at a minimum have the benefit of his own

senses to assess the flow of the battle. Naturally the C2 element ashore must also have

mobility equivalent to the maneuver force it controls.140

A minimum of two C2 cells is required to support a MAGTF fighting column. This

provides the flexibility for one to travel with each maneuver sub-element along separate

routes of march. This precaution provides redundancy in the event of battle casualties

and ensures a smooth continuation of the fight. The cells needed to control fighting

columns are not the large forward, main, and rear echelons traditionally employed to

direct battalions and brigades. Rather only small tactical headquarters are required.

Huge staffs are counterproductive in mobile operations; their very size provides an

inherent and unnecessary friction. A small staff, oriented on outward action rather than

detailed analysis and self-synchronization, is the ideal. A cadre consisting of the S2, S3,

S4, FSC, and ALO and carried in one or two vehicles is sufficient. There is no need for

backup personnel in each HQ designed to enable twenty-four hour operations; control can

be switched between the columns' two command posts if required.141

Mobile operations do not thrive on detailed orders. The C2 nodes need not produce

the immense documents or colorful briefing slides that so frequently pass for sound

analysis. Instead oral orders and brief written frag orders will be the rule. These

products will be transmitted by radio, tactical fax, and messenger. The small size of the

139 Heinl, 12. 140 Simpkin, Race to the Swift, 234-237; Russel H.S. Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42 (Monterey, Cal: U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, undated), 30-35. 141 Simpkin and Stolfi employ disparate analytical frameworks but derive similar conclusions concerning the relationship between staff size and operational efficiency. See Race to the Swift, 203, 239, 257-265,


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staff contributes to the relative simplicity of the orders process and reaps the benefit of

quicker turnaround time on the production and dissemination of required guidance.

Command configured HMMWVs similar to the light trucks employed by WWII

German Panzer divisions HQs would suffice for fighting column command posts. The

aggressive style of command demanded by mobile operations, however, suggests the

advisability of some protection for the C2 node as it roams the battlefield. Light armor

protection, such as the C2 LAV or AAAVC, is desirable. Moreover, a small combined

arms escort should accompany the commander to protect him and serve as a tactical

reserve available for him to commit to the fight at critical junctures.142

The final aspect of effective C2 is an effective liaison team capability. These teams

are extremely useful in coordinating with joint and combined forces. The 20 Brigade

used LNO cells effectively in its dealings with UNITA. LNO teams require mobility and

protection just like the fighting column command posts. Like the tactical headquarters,

they also require just a few primary players, but their mission demands a robust

communication package. The MEF's new Marine Liaison Element is designed to provide

operational level LNOs to division and corps headquarters, but this is only part of the

solution. With the demise of the active duty ANGLICOs, the Corps has lost the ready

ability to team liaison personnel and universal observers with allied battalions and

companies. LNOs providing this critical combat multiplying capability made all the

difference during the North Vietnamese Easter Offensive of 1972. U.S. advisors at the

and Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42, chapter 5. 142 Major General Alfred Toppe, Desert Warfare: German Experiences in World War II (Fort Leavenworth, Kan: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Combat Studies Institute, 1991), 40. In his North African campaigns, Rommel used a small combined arms reserve to guard his mobile CP and to commit to the local tactical fight when necessary. See Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42, 9-16.


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brigade and battalion level controlled NSFS and CAS to stymie the communist invasion.

Their efforts complemented and completed the critical ARVN liaison work done by more

senior Army and Marine officers throughout the crisis.143 Dedicated liaison/firepower

control teams should be restored to the active Marine component to restore this capability

at the tactical level.

Ground Combat Element

The key characteristic of fighting columns is tactical mobility once ashore, therefore

all units must have vehicles. Historically, Marine formations have not enjoyed this

flexibility. Current MEUs, for instance, contain many units, including the engineer

platoon, recon platoon, air defense detachment, and one rifle company (normally

associated with the boat raid mission) with no dedicated vehicles to quickly move the

entire element long distances over land. This is true because Marine planners have not

identified a requirement for the entire landing force to be fully mobile. Most amphibious

missions transpire near the coast; operations such as Provide Comfort in northern Iraq (a

tactical area of responsibility (TAOR) 450 miles from the port of debarkation) have been

the exception rather than the rule. OMFTS challenges that paradigm.

The Commandant's OMFTS Working Group concluded that "…the current

amphibious lift paradigm-1/3 vertical assault, 1/3 tracked vehicles, and 1/3 turnaround

transport-is not compatible with OMFTS."144 Accordingly, the group's number one

recommendation for the ground combat element was "…developing a change in lift

143 This story is best told in Colonel G.H. Turley, USMCR, The Easter Offensive: The Last American Advisors Vietnam 1972 (Annapolis, Md: Naval Institute Press, 1985). 144 "OMFTS Working Group Draft Final Report" (Quantico, Va: Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 11 December 1998), VI-2.


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concepts to accomplish the projection of combat power inland."145 In the past the ground

transport shortfall has been remedied by several techniques including:

• shuttling vehicles or aircraft; • borrowing sister service transport or contracting host nation assets (the

Provide Comfort solution); • using artillery or MSSG vehicles for troop transport rather than their for

intended purpose; • task organizing non-motorized elements of the force (attaching engineers or

foot mobile Stinger teams to the AAV company, for example); • or shrinking the landing force to match available ground transport capacity.

To maximize the combat power of the force in an OMFTS combat scenario, however, the

transport deficiency must be cured by task equipping all ground elements with dedicated

mobility assets.

There is no requirement for the GCE to be carried in a single type of vehicle. Some

advocates of mobile battle groups stress the virtues of employing an AAV or LAV pure

force. Such a force lacks the full power of the larger MAGTF combined arms team.

Moreover, it is not necessary. As the Germans demonstrated in WW II, the key to

effective mobile operations is not weapon-system-pure formations, but the blending of

complementary capabilities.146 Both wheeled and tracked vehicles are acceptable despite

the disparity in their cross-country capabilities and top speeds. Even Army mechanized

units include sizable wheeled combat service support elements. Therefore MAGTF

fighting columns do not demand massive service investment in new types of vehicles;

instead they require a sea change in the way Marines task equip and organize to fight.

One of the oft-heard fears of OMFTS advocates is that combat support and combat

service support elements cannot keep up with M1A1 tanks and AAAVs. This notion

145 Ibid.


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inspires visions of a drag race in which less capable vehicles are left far behind. Platform

speed, however, enables individual vehicles to effectively seek cover, concealment, or

advantageous firing positions far more frequently than it propels large units towards

distant operational objectives. As Table 3 illustrates, historical rates of advance, even by

mechanized units commonly associated with blitzkrieg campaigns, often do not exceed

the daily mileage attained by experienced long distance backpackers. Indeed, sustaining

a seventy-five kilometer per day rate of advance would double the speeds sustained by all

but a handful of successful pursuit operations. The paucity of Marine tanks and the lack

of sufficient AAAVs to mechanize the entire landing force make relative speeds a moot

point anyway. Even if enough amtracs were available, the question becomes whether

such a force possesses sufficient organic combat power, including fire support and

logistic capability, to win battles by itself.

Table 3: Historical Rates of Advance Campaign/Battle Date Distance/day (km) Remarks

Mongols c. 1240 100 Genghis Khan Ulm 1805 22 Moscow 1812 14 Marne 1914 20 Megiddo 1918 56 Allenby's Cavalry Flanders 1940 31 Moscow 1941 10 Vistula-Oder Campaign 1945 90 2 Guards Tank Army Normandy Breakout 1944 28 Korean UN Offensive 1951 19 Sinai 1967 55 Gen Tal's Armor Desert Storm 1991 75 3rd Armor Division Sources: Bailey, 315; Michael R. Gordon and General Bernard E. Trainor, The General's War: The Inside Story of the Conflict in the Gulf (Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1995), 378; Martin van Creveld, Steven L. Canby, and Kenneth S. Brower, Air Power and Maneuver Warfare (Montgomery, Al: Air University, 1994) ,110; Leo de Hartog, Genghis Khan: Conqueror of the World (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989), 49; Russel H.S.Stolfi, A Bias For Action: The German 7th Panzer Division in France & Russia, 1940-1941 (Quantic, Va: Marine Corps Association, 1991), 43.

146 Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42, 99-100.


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In addition to a mix of vehicle types, another important characteristic of fighting

columns is the capacity to operate simultaneously on separate axes of advance. This

capability provides enormous tactical flexibility and enables the column to capitalize on

identified gaps while avoiding defended surfaces during its movement towards the

operational objective. If necessary, one column can serve as a holding force while the

other conducts an envelopment or turning movement to leverage the enemy from a strong

position. This dual avenue of approach capability requires both columns to possess the

full spectrum of battlefield operational functions: C2, reconnaissance, maneuver forces,

fire support, logistics, and air defense. The columns need not be mirror images of each

other but they must possess the resources to operate independently when required.

Both columns must have the means to cross water obstacles swiftly. The ability to

cross streams "in stride" enables the MAGTF to avoid dangerous chokepoints and

defensive sites around key bridges. Moreover, such bridges will often be destroyed before

they can be captured. River obstacles pose little difficulty for amphibious assets such as

LAVs and AAVs, but wheeled vehicles require assistance in crossing such impediments.

Assault support assets can contribute to this effort, but each column should be self-

sufficient in river crossing without relying on scarce and perhaps unavailable CH-53E

helicopters or MV-22s to assist. This requirement implies a robust organic rafting


The USMC OMFTS Working Group concluded that ground based fire support is

another inherent weakness of OMFTS operations. The underlying assumption is that

147 Stream crossing is a commonly overlooked tactical challenge. As an example, the 156 miles separating Petersburg, Virginia and Baltimore, Maryland contain nine rivers: the Appomatix, James, Anna, Pamunkey, Rapidan, Occoquan, Potomoc, Patuxent, and Patapsco. Such a series of significant water barriers spaced twenty miles or less apart is a relatively common occurrence in many parts of the world.


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towed artillery systems lack the mobility to keep up with maneuver forces and that the

logistic load entailed in resupplying the guns is too onerous. The M777 lightweight

155mm howitzer in combination with the new medium truck prime mover is far more

agile than the existing M198 artillery system. The improved mobility of the new

truck/gun combination will enable it to support maneuver forces in the same way that

towed guns supported German, British, and American blitzkrieg campaigns in France,

Russia, and North Africa throughout WW II. The twenty-eight kilometer range of the

M777's DPICM munitions require it to displace only four times per day to range a

maneuver element advancing seventy-five kilometers per day. Ground based fire support

is key to fielding a true all arms capability; Marine fighting columns need not only direct

support tube artillery but also a general support rocket capability such as the truck borne

HIMARs system to ensure sufficient preassault and counterfire capability. Heavy towed

mortars such as those employed by the SADF in Angola should also be added to the fire

support mix.

Aviation Combat Element

The fuel and ammunition required by fighting column vehicles mandate that the

ACE dedicate much of its lift capacity to logistic duties. The advantage of fighting

columns over foot mobile forces is that a mobile battle group's vehicles can carry much

of its logistic requirements. Thus resupply runs by aircraft would not be required on a

daily basis. In fact, the column's vehicles could carry forty percent of the fuel required

and all of the food necessary for a two-week long, three-hundred-mile- deep mission.

Additional fuel and ammunition would be delivered by a mix of Marine C-130, CH-53E,

and MV-22 aircraft or by Air Mobility Command assets.


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The tactical flexibility inherent in the marriage of operationally mobile fighting

columns with aerial resupply capabilities is well illustrated by the 101st Air Assault

Division's experience in Iraq. Helicopters were insufficient to carry both assault troops

and the logistics to sustain them, so truck convoys carried the supplies to the forward

operating base airheads. More than five thousand soldiers in six hundred vehicles,

including forty-five HEMTT refuelers, covered the one hundred miles from the line of

departure to FOB Cobra in twelve hours. On 26 February 1991 a shamal sandstorm

grounded the CH-47 Chinooks while truck convoys continued to resupply Cobra. The

bad weather also grounded the Blackhawk helicopters and stranded half of Third

Brigade's assault force one hundred miles short of its first objective. Despite the storm a

ground column composed of TOW HMMWVs and towed artillery drove to the new FOB

from an intermediate landing zone. Had the primary means of transport been reversed, a

powerful combined arms truck column with several days of organic logistic support could

have proceeded to the target and awaited better flying weather before helicopters

resupplied the unit. The lesson is apparent: several days of logistic self-sufficiency

provide inherent tactical flexibility to motorized/mechanized forces.148

MV-22, CH-53E, and C-130 aircraft can conduct aerial refueling, as required, to

achieve desired station times at OMFTS distances, but AH-1W and UH-1N helicopters

must land to rearm and refuel to sustain operations several hundred miles inland. Next

generation rotary wing attack and utility platforms should incorporate in-flight refueling

capabilities, but FARPS are the only viable solution at present. Fighting columns provide

ideal protection for establishment of FARP sites; helicopters can land and replenish in

148 Thomas Taylor, Lightning in the Storm: The 101st Air Assault Division in the Gulf War (New York: Hippocrene Books, 1994), 303, 313, 321, 349, 356, 370, 378; Flanagan, 194.


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secure LZs. Historically helicopters have proven surprisingly survivable in combat. In

Vietnam only one aircraft was destroyed for every 18,193 sorties flown. Of the 2,587

helicopters lost in action between 1965 and 1971, however, fully ninety-two percent were

shot down by antiaircraft guns or small arms.149 Using CH-53Es and MV-22s primarily

to conduct resupply into landing zones previously secured by fighting columns should

therefore serve to increase the historical margin of safety. SADF battle groups

conducting external operations deep in Angola sometimes refueled helicopters from the

columns' organic fuel reserves; MAGTF fighting columns could perform this function as

well. When required, air assault forces from the sea can also establish and secure FARP

sites with fuel provided from bladders or other aircraft, but this technique is more risky

because the initial entry into the landing zone is unprotected by ground forces.

Air superiority is a prerequisite for effective fighting column operations. Air Force

and Navy assets would provide much of this air cover. Marine aircraft, primarily Joint

Strike Fighters, would support fighting column operations in their normal fashion. In

most cases it would be easier and more efficient to operate from naval ships at sea than

from airstrips ashore. Nonetheless, Marine aircraft could operate from expeditionary

airfields if required. Security concerns associated with defending an airfield suggest that

this mode should be the exception rather than the rule.

Timely rotary wing close air support could be provided to fighting columns by

adopting a technique employed by Army special operations aviators. The 160th Special

Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) uses tiny one engine AH-6/MH-6 Little Bird

aircraft to support U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) forces. These

149Hohn Everett-Heath, Helicopters in Combat: The First Fifty Years (London: Arms and Armour Press, 1992), 111-112.


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forward looking infrared radar (FLIR) equipped aircraft come in two versions: close air

support and troop lift. The AH-6 attack version can carry guns and either rockets or

missiles. Each plane can mount 7.62mm Miniguns, .50 Cal machine guns, or 40mm MK

19 machine guns. It can also simultaneously carry either seven or nineteen round pods of

2.75" rockets or four Hellfire missiles. The AH-6 can be carried on the back of a medium

tactical vehicle replacement (MTVR) truck and be airborne in less than ten minutes to

respond to calls for fire. The utility version can carry six lightly equipped men on planks

above the skids; it is useful for scouting, aerial observation, insertion of small blocking

elements, and message service. Four attack and two utility helicopters represent a

standard package in support of one Army ranger battalion.150 A similar package for a

MEU size-fighting column would require eight trucks (six for helicopters and three for

ammo and equipment) but provide immediate CAS until more formidable aviation

support could arrive. A cadre of qualified USMC Little Bird pilots already exists as a

result of an ongoing exchange program between the Corps and 160th SOAR.

The addition of AH-6 CAS support to fighting columns provides an added dimension

to the potential of existing Huey and Cobra aviation assets. The latter could be used to

perform shaping operations as an independent maneuver element in line with current

Army aviation doctrine and Marine emphasis on aviation as a maneuver element.

Huey/Cobra hunter-killer teams could be flown from secure FARP sites at night as part of

scheduled fires in designated engagement areas and kill boxes. Shaping operations, flank

security, reserve missions, and escort of aerial resupply runs could be more readily

150 Joint Special Operations Forces Institute, Special Operations Forces Reference Manual (Fayetteville, NC: Cubic Applications, Inc., 1998),3-19 to 3-23; also drawn from the author's personal experience as assistant fire support coordinator for the U.S. Army's 75th Ranger Regiment in Fort Benning, Georgia.


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assigned to these forces because the Little Bird aircraft collocated with the maneuver

columns would handle immediate CAS requests.

Combat Service Support Element

Basing much of the logistic train at sea is a fundamental premise of OMFTS/STOM.

This principle supports the notion that static supply depots established ashore inside the

force beachhead line take too long to build and are too vulnerable to enemy attack.

Ground resupply from the beach to the maneuver force inland is assumed to be

impracticable due to unsecured LOCs. Application of the sea-basing concept therefore

results in one of two possible logistic methodologies. Either a significant mobile CSSE

accompanies the maneuver element or aviation supplies the required logistic support.

Fighting columns employ both solutions.

The key to effective logistic support for fighting columns is equivalent mobility for

the CSSE element. The CSSE trains comprise mostly wheeled vehicles, but they must

accompany the maneuver element and operate as an organic piece of the column's

movement. WWII experience taught that the maximum effective radius for trucks to

shuttle from forward supply depots to the front in resupply missions was two hundred

miles. The Germans and Italians conducting this style of long haul resupply in North

Africa , however, lost more than fifty percent of their resupply vehicles to special forces

raiding their vulnerable lines of supply.151 The fighting column concept obviates this

threat by using its log train as a mobile supply depot; aircraft periodically shuttle new

material forward to the combat trains as their holdings are distributed.


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Despite the fact that supply columns will not range long distances in an unsupported

fashion, organic security is still a must for the vulnerable trains customarily located near

the rear of the column. The CSSE requires protection against infantry, armor, and air

threats. An effective Vietnam era concept that could be resurrected to assist in the

protection of logistic trains is the gun truck. These were regular trucks protected by

homemade armor and equipped with a variety of automatic weapons including 7.62

miniguns, dual .50 cal machine guns, and 30mm aircraft cannon. These makeshift escort

vehicles proved particularly effective in breaking up Viet Cong ambushes.152

Fuel is the biggest logistic constraint inherent in OMFTS operations. Most military

vehicles have a three hundred-mile range on one tank of gas. For planning purposes a

military force traverses two miles for every mile gained towards the target, so an

operational objective three hundred miles inland would require four refuelings (see Table

4). This amount of fuel, coupled with full tanks initially, provides enough range to travel

three hundred miles to and from the target and another three hundred miles in and around

the objective. The extra fuel also provides a contingency hedge for high consumption

Table 4: Refueling Plan # of


Source of Fuel


Location at Time of


Operational Distance Traveled

Total Distance Traveled


Initial tank Navy Ship 0 miles 0 miles Near Full at LPP

Refueling #1 Air Delivery 150 miles inland 150 miles 300 miles Enroute to Obj Refueling #2 Air Delivery 300 miles inland 300 miles 600 miles Action on Obj Refueling #3 Air Delivery 300 miles inland 450 miles 900 miles Mssn Complete Refueling #4 Organic CSSD 150 miles inland 600 miles 1200 miles Enroute LPP

Final tank Navy Ship 750 miles 1500 miles Near Empty at LPP

151 Martin van Creveld, Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), 184; Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42, 80-81.


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of fuel driven by rough terrain or losses due to enemy action. The column log train

carries enough gas to refuel the task force once, so an objective three hundred miles deep

would mandate three aerial refuelings sometime during the operation. Significantly, the

175-mile threshold range outlined in the STOM concept papers would require only one

aerial refueling during the mission. Either way, the goal would be to keep the CSSE's

organic refuelers filled to fifty percent capacity, much like Navy ships strive to maintain

eighty percent fuel capacity, to preserve operational flexibility.

Next to fuel, ammunition is the biggest logistic challenge. The problem in terms of

planning is that, unlike fuel, ammunition usage is entirely dependent on the enemy

situation. Small arms carrying capacity is fairly easy; clearly HMG, antitank, tank,

mortar, and artillery munitions present the biggest weight and cube handling difficulties.

Each mobile CSSE should carry one basic allowance of ammunition (BA) in order to

replenish the maneuver forces' organic BA as required. Aviation assets then backfill the

combat trains' ammunition trucks.

Finally, in terms of maintenance, mobile columns demand a mix of forward based

and sea-based capabilities. SADF mobile columns were able to replace engines and

conduct other significant repairs in the field. USMC fighting columns should be manned

and equipped to perform similar field expedient maintenance. Air delivered contact teams

would conduct more intensive repairs ashore. When necessary the equipment could be

returned to sea based shops for refit much like the SADF replaced its artillery tubes at

Mavinga. Wrecker service is another important tactical capability needed to recover

152 For the tactics and hardware associated with these improvised but extraordinarily effective weapons, see Timothy J. Kutta, Gun Trucks (Carrollton, Tex: Squadron/Signal Publicatins, Inc., 1996).


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damaged vehicles to the mobile repair shops or evacuation LZs. Effective salvage

operations help sustain the overall combat power of the force throughout a campaign.

Similarly, medical support is a critical component of deep battle group operations.

Shock trauma units must be equipped with ambulances and mobile operating rooms as

well as sufficient air transport to evacuate casualties to sea-based hospital facilities in a

timely fashion. Given the potential distances involved in OMFTS operations, however,

the emphasis must be on mobile surgical facilities equipped to stabilize serious casualties

prior to aerial evacuation. This organic capability enables on-site medical personnel to

take advantage of the "golden hour", the period immediately following receipt of the

wound during which treatment is most effective and critical to long-term recovery.

Conclusion. This chapter has identified some of the peculiar requirements associated

with MAGTF fighting columns. Three capabilities are critical: (1) a fully mobile GCE

capable of advancing simultaneously on two axes; (2) an ACE that can perform shaping

operations, close air support, air assault, and resupply missions concurrently; and (3)

mobile CSSDs robust enough to support the GCE for several days at a time without aerial

resupply. The following chapter applies these general characteristics to the Marine

Expeditionary Unit.


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Chapter 7

The MEU Fighting Column

Our cards were speed and time, not hitting power….Range is more to strategy than force.153

— T.E.Lawrence

The Marine Expeditionary Unit, as the MAGTF most routinely deployed, is a logical

candidate to conduct OMFTS fighting column operations. While its combat power is

certainly limited, it is nearly equivalent to that employed by the SADF in Operation

Modular. Under appropriate conditions MEUs, whether operating independently or as

an enabling force for follow-on MEBs or MEFs, can conduct operationally significant

campaigns. Robust C2, carefully task organized maneuver forces, mobile logistics, and

close cooperation with the Navy are necessary if MEUs are to successfully move mobile

battle groups deep inland.

Command and Control. Two C2 nodes ashore, one with each axis of advance, are

required. One should be the BLT command post while the other should be the MEU

command element. Fighting columns presume the bulk of the MEU's ground combat

power operating ashore; accordingly, it is fitting that the MEU commander should be

ashore also. This breaks with the standard OMFTS paradigm of C2 remaining at sea, but


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there is simply no substitute for the commander being in a position to sense the flow of

the battle and influence it directly.

This truth does not mean that much of the C2 and intelligence processing power

should not remain at sea. The challenge is to funnel the fruits of these systems to the

commander at the front so that he can enjoy the best of both worlds. One way to enhance

the column's situational awareness is by tapping into theater and national level

intelligence assets. Including a TSC-93A suite, known as the JTF enabler package, and a

Trojan Spirit II communication system in the mobile command post would provide this

reach back capability. The MEU C2 vehicles must have a robust communications

capability including SATCOM voice and data links, high frequency nets, tactical fax, and

the standard VHF/UHF control nets. The MEU commander needs these nets, and a

degree of channel redundancy, to transmit critical information to HHQ in a timely


The MEU command element ashore should be particularly small: the CO, S2, S3 and

FSC are the key players. The MEU XO should remain at sea and serve as the tertiary

command post for operations ashore. The S4 and the bulk of the S2 shop should also

remain aboard ship to coordinate the command's interface with outside agencies and

supervise the intelligence and logistic support of the force ashore. A single vehicle such

as a C2 LAV or several C2 HMMWVs, along with a small security team, are sufficient to

carry the MEU primary staff. The focus of the MEU CE is to maintain the operational

perspective while the principal role of the battalion staff is to fight the tactical battle. The

battalion landing team (BLT) staff should operate from the C2 AAAV to ensure that it

153 Heinl, 325.


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has mobility and protection equal to that of its subordinate maneuver elements. The

chase AAAV provides the command post additional security.

Task Organization. Figure 4 depicts a representative MEU task organization with its

primary sub elements. The ACE component contains the standard mix of aircraft with the

MV-22 and JSF replacing today's CH-46 and AV-8B, respectively. In addition, a

detachment of six Little Birds is included. The GCE is fully motorized, as is the MSSG.

Organic intelligence is provided by several elements of the MEU. These include the

12 MV-224 CH-53E4 AH-1Z3 UH-1Y4 AH-62 MH-610 JSF2 KC-130UAV Det


Infantry BnLAV Co(-)Arty BtryRocket PltAAAV PltTruck PltADA DetRecon PltTank Plt


Bridge/Raft DetAmmo DetFuel DetMaintenance DetSupply DetMedical DetBeach Support DetMP DetSecurity Det


Force Recon PltRadio Bn DetComm PltMedical DetMACG DetEOD Det


Marine Expeditionary Unit

Figure 4

division recon platoon, the LAV company (-), and the radio battalion detachment. Deep

reconnaissance is provided by the force reconnaissance detachment, which is primarily

delivered by parachute or helicopter to its Named Areas of Interest (NAIs). The ARG

SEAL platoon provides amphibious reconnaissance of landing beaches and river crossing


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sites. National assets (accessed via the ship and mobile intelligence links) and the ACE

contribute to the MEU commander's operational intelligence picture.

Table 5 depicts how the fighting column GCE might be divided on separate yet

mutually supporting avenues of approach. The two rifle companies (one AAAV and one

HMMWV-borne) and the tank platoon furnish the columns' primary striking power.

Combat engineers and antiarmor Javelin sections are task organized to reinforce each

infantry company. The HMG and TOW platoons, united in a combined arms antiarmor

team (CAAT), provide the BLT a responsive and flexible ground-based tactical reserve.

Table 5: MEU GCE Fighting Columns

Column # 1 Column # 2 GCE Units Vehicles GCE Units Vehicles

Div Recon Plt (-) 2 LSVs; 2 Cycles Div Recon Plt (-) 2 LSVs; 2 Cycles LAR Det (-)

8 LAVs : 4 gun, 1 AT, 1 mortar, 1 recovery, 1 log

LAR Det (-)

8 LAVs : 4 gun, 1 AT, 1 mortar, 1 recovery, 1 log

Mechanized Team 12 AAAVs 4 M1A1s

Rifle Company 24 HMMWVs

CEB Platoon 4 HMMWVs; 2 M115 2 M9 ACE

CAAT Team 15 HMMWVs: 6 HMG; 8 TOW; 1 FO

120mm Battery (-) 9 HMMWVs: 4 tube, 4 ammo, 1 C2

81mm Platoon (-) 7 HMMWVs: 4 tube, 2 ammo, 1 C2

BLT CP (sec det from H& S Co)


MEU CP (sec det from LAR Det)

1 LAV-C, 1 MEWSS, 2 LAV-25, 2 HMMWVs

Rocket Platoon (sec det fm parent btry)

3 MTVR: 2 HIMARs, 1 Crew 2 LVS ammo 6 HMMWV: 1 C2; 1 Avenger 2 HMG; 2 cargo 1 H2O Bull

LW 155mm Battery 6 LW 155mm guns 13 MTVR: 6 gun, 6 ammo 1 supply & maint. 10 HMMWVs: 9 Btry; 1 Avenger 1 H2O Bull

Total Vehicles 56 Total Vehicles 87

Ground based fire support is provided by a four tube BLT 81mm mortar platoon, a

four gun MEU 120mm mortar battery(-), a six howitzer LW155mm battery, and a two


SADF OPs Analysis - [PDF Document] (108)

launcher HIMAR rocket section.154 The MEU 120mm battery(-) supplements the cannon

and rocket artillery and provides the column additional tactical flexibility. In addition to

the strengthened array of indirect fires, the MEU's mobile electronic warfare support

system (MEWSS) LAV and radio reconnaissance teams can conduct limited offensive

electronic warfare.

The third rifle company is maintained aboard ship as an operational reserve poised to

provide an air assault capability. The great value of a relatively light heliborne force lies

in the speed and range the aircraft provide. Simpkin posited brigade level airmobile

forces as the perfect operational complement to mechanized divisions; the latter conduct

tactical turning movements while the former execute rapid pursuit or deep exploitation of

the dislocated enemy.155 At the MEU level the potential remains despite the relatively

modest size of the force employed. The heliborne company is reinforced with a squad of

combat engineers and a section of Javelin antiarmor gunners. In addition, the rifle

company is augmented with four light strike vehicles (LSVs) bearing heavy machine

guns, two LSV towed 120mm mortars, and a two tube 81mm mortar detachment to

provide a more robust direct and indirect fire capability that may be tailored to support

specific missions. The MV-22 company may also source TRAP, mass casualty, and

FARP security missions as required.

MV-22s provide a variety of interesting new capabilities for the MEU. While many

Osprey sorties would be needed to provide logistic support for the fighting columns, there

154 The Corps has yet to commit to procurement of rocket artillery, but this capability is an absolute necessity to provide adequate counterfire and pre-assault fires for maneuver forces; it is probable that this long recognized deficiency will be addressed before 2014. Similarly, the 120mm mortars that proved so deadly in the Modular campaign will likely be added as a cost effective supplement to scanty Marine artillery support. A six gun 120mm towed battery could be added to each infantry regiment by cutting the battalion 81mm platoons down to six tubes and using the personnel savings to man the heavy mortar battery. These regimental batteries could then rotate through MEU deployments.


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are a variety of other valuable applications as well. The nature of MV-22 support is of

course situation dependent, but a typical MEU detachment might conduct missions as

outlined below during the course of OMFTS operations:

• Assault Support / Deception Operations • Insertion of Reconnaissance Teams • Casualty Evacuation • Logistic Resupply of Ground Forces / ACE FARP Support • Command & Control / Radio Relay / Courier Service • Visual, Photo, IR Reconnaissance / Collection of Signals Intelligence • Fire Support / Electronic Warfare / Psychological Operations Support

The last two bullets in the list incorporate missions not currently envisioned for Marine

MV-22s, but the flexibility of the platform make these capabilities desirable additions to

future models of the Osprey. In addition to the tilt-rotor package, a UAV detachment

operates from the ship to provide the columns route reconnaissance, NAI surveillance,

target location, and battle damage assessment (BDA). Hueys and Cobras provide escort

and conduct hunter-killer missions as required. Little Birds furnish CAS and move

leaders, recon teams, and small blocking forces. The MEU JSF detachment provides

offensive air support in the form of CAS and interdiction missions. Carrier and/or Air

Force fighter aircraft furnish additional CAS and interdiction sorties, counter-air

capability and combat air patrol coverage over the mobile battle group.

Logistics. Supply sufficiency determines the viability of modern battle groups just as it

did that of nineteenth century flying columns. Vehicles confer significant advantages in

terms of operational mobility, but they incur equally significant costs in terms of

provisions and maintenance. Thus far most OMFTS analysts have concluded that the

155 Simpkin, Race to the Swift, see chapter 7 "The Rotary Wing Revolution."


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costs outweigh the benefits. The SADF experience, as well as a host of blitzkrieg

campaigns in WWII and the Middle Eastern wars, suggests that this may not be true.

If fighting columns are to generate and sustain credible combat power, then they

must be supported by mobile CSSDs that are task organized and equipped to provide the

full spectrum of combat service support. Table 6 illustrates a sample MSSG broken into

two logistics task forces to enable independent operation along separate axes. The two

columns contain twenty-eight LVSs, eighteen MTVRs, sixteen HMMWVs, twelve

MABs and eight LARC-V amphibious trucks. The CSSD supporting the mechanized

team is augmented with AAAV and tank recovery vehicles. Each of these mobile CSSDs

provides a high degree of logistic flexibility to the force.

Table 6: MEU Fighting Column Mobile CSSDs Column # 1 Column # 2

CSSD Dets Vehicles CSSD Dets Vehicles C2 2 MRC HMMWVs C2 2 MRC HMMWVs

Provisional Rifle Plt (BLT H&S Co)

2 MTVR gun trucks 4 HMMWVs: 2 HMG; 2 Cargo

Provisional Rifle Plt (MP Det)

2 MTVR gun trucks 4 HMMWVs: 2 HMG; 2 Cargo

Ammo Det

6 LVSs

Ammo Det

6 LVSs

Maint Det

1 MTVR van

Maint Det

1 MTVR van

Fuel Det 6 LVS SIXCONs Fuel Det


Class I 1 MTVR (MRE); 1 M149 1 LVS H2O SIXCON

Class I 1 MTVR (MRE); 1 M149 1 LVS H2O SIXCON

Medical Det

1 MTVR Surgical truck; 1 HMMWV ambulance

Medical Det

1 MTVR Surgical truck; 1 HMMWV ambulance

Raft Det 8 MABs 2 LARC-Vs

Raft Det

4 MABs 6 LARC-Vs

Little Bird Det

4 MTVRs: 2 AH-6 / 1 MH-6 1 crew MTVR; 1 M149 1 LVS (ammo)

Little Bird Det

4 MTVRs: 2 AH-6 / 1 MH-6 1 crew MTVR; 1 M149 1 LVS (ammo)

Landing Spt Det 1 HMMWV Landing Spt Det 1 HMMWV

Recovery Det

1 M88 1 AAVR

Recovery Det

2 LVS wrecker

Total Vehicles 43 Total Vehicles 41


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Fuel is the primary concern of a logistician planning a three hundred-mile movement.

The occurrence and intensity of combat may be unpredictable, but the heavy logistic

demands of a long motor march cannot be denied. The 227 vehicles shown in the MEU

fighting column require twenty-three thousand gallons of fuel to refill every vehicle one

time. This equates to the fuel capacity of ten CH-53E or twelve MV-22 sorties.156 LVS

SIXCON refuelers carry 2,700 gallons of POL; ten of these fuel trucks accompany the

MSSG log train. At a seventy-five kilometers per day rate of advance (3rd Armor

Division's rate during Desert Storm and twice that of the German Panzers in May 1940),

it would require one week to reach an objective three hundred miles away and another

week to return. In accordance with the planning factors developed in the last chapter,

aerial resupply of fuel would be required three times during this fourteen-day period.

Ammunition requirements are a function of the intensity and duration of combat

encountered. MEUs carry fifteen days of sustainment, but this class V allotment does not

equal a fifteen day basic allowance (BA) of ammunition. A BA, or combat load in DOD

parlance, is defined as the ammunition recommended to be carried within the means

normally available to an FMF unit embarking for combat. MCO 8010.1E (15 April

1997) provides planning data for ammunition consumption at assault or sustained rates.

Unfortunately, each DODIC's basic allowance equates to varying numbers of days at the

projected assault or sustained rates. It is difficult, then, to say how many days of combat

a MEU's basic allowance could be expected to support. Regardless, the fighting column

modeled in this chapter carries two BAs of ammunition: one in the vehicles of the ground

combat element and another in the mobile CSSD. One BA for the MEU is approximately

156 MV-22 Ospreys carry 2,000 gallons internally. CH-53E Sea Stallions carry 2,400 gallons, with a capacity to dispense it quickly when fitted with the Tactical Bulk Fuel Delivery System (TBFDS). C-130


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ninety tons of ammunition. The MSSG log train can carry 140 tons of ammo. The ACE

must deliver additional munitions required during the two-week period. This sustainment

would require eighteen MV-22 loads for each subsequent BA delivered.157

Maintenance is another important aspect of the MSSG's work. Vehicles break down

through rough use and enemy action. Many of them can be repaired and salvaged in the

field, if wreckers and mechanics are available. Each column will contain a maintenance

van and wrecker support. Contact teams from the ARG may also be dispatched by air to

repair weapons and equipment when required. Vehicles and equipment that cannot be

repaired may be destroyed in place or lifted out by C-130, C-17, or helicopter for further

work at an intermediate support base or aboard ship.

Providing medical support for the fighting column is a major part of the MSSG's

role. Unit corpsmen provide first line treatment, but column casualty and evacuation

centers reside in the combat trains. Each CSSD contains an ambulance and a medical

truck in which advanced lifesaving trauma care is available.158 Treatment is provided by

a combination of BLT, MSSG and MEU medical personnel. Stabilized patients are

moved via aircraft to operating rooms and hospital facilities aboard ship for further


Much of the sustainment that must be ferried by helicopter to air assault infantry

units is not required for mobile battle groups. Vehicles can easily carry a one-week food

supply for their occupants; the rest of the rations for the 1,250 Marine landing force

"Bladder Birds" carry 6,000 gallons. 157 MEU fighting column ammunition estimates were derived from a combination of MCO 8010.1E, USA ST 101-6, and FM 101-10-1/2 data. 158 This surgical truck is a capability that doesn't currently exist in the US inventory, though other countries have it. Since Modular, for example, the SADF has developed a fully mobile forty ton surgical post mounted on the chassis of a SAMIL-100 mine protected truck. Davies interview, 5 April 2000.


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would require five MV-22 sorties over a fifteen day period.159 Water may be procured

from local sources when available; this method is preferable to carrying or flying in this

bulky commodity. The vehicle column carries enough water organically (in four 5-gallon

cans per vehicle, six 400-gallon water bulls, and two LVS water six-cons) to provide two

gallons per day per man for three days even in desert climates where water is not readily

available. The rest of the water supply in such extreme conditions would have to be

provided by air with approximately two MV-22 sorties per day. This per capita

consumption rate is only forty percent of that called for by contemporary logistic

planning guides, but it is twice the amount used in both summer and winter by British

and German armies in North Africa in WW II.160 The current planning guide figure is

extravagant for personal requirements and should be reevaluated; unchallenged, such

high-end estimates drive logisticians to stockpile and distribute excessive tonnage of all

classes of supply.161 Under normal circ*mstances, this is a useful hedge against

unforeseen circ*mstances. The cost of logistic largesse, however, is measured in more

vehicles, aircraft sorties, and personnel. This is a luxury OMFTS operations cannot


Another important capability the MSSG provides is a means to build and operate

bridges or rafts. Eighty percent of the rolling stock of the MEU fighting column is

159 MREs are a bulky and heavy, if convenient, source of nutrition. Consider that hikers routinely carry as much as ten days food, mostly dehydrated, on expeditions. This could not be done using MREs. 160 Generalleutnant s.D. Fritz Hermann Bayerlein and Dr. Siegismund Kienow, FMFRP 12-96-SUPP, German Experiences in Desert Warfare During World War II (Washington: Department of the Navy, 1990), 2-1 to 2-2. Desert Guide; for anecdotal verification from the American experience on Sicily see Ernie Pyle, Brave Men (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1944), 41-42. 161 This is not a new or a strictly American problem. "The British Army, ever since the terrible lesson of the Crimea, had tended to stress supply at the expense of mobility. The static conditions of World War I, followed by fast-rising standards of living, inevitable increased this bias. In many theatres of World War II, the complexity of equipment, the growth of specialized organizations, the expansion of staffs, and the elaboration of communications still further increased the ration of administrative to fighting strengths and


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wheeled vehicles with no amphibious capability. The presence of seventy-ton M1A1

main battle tanks (MBTs) and heavy LVS wheeled vehicles mandates the use of quick

and efficient rafting such as the Mobile Assault Bridge/Raft. This is a wheeled

amphibious truck that can be joined with three other such vehicles to form a MBT

capable raft. The design needs to be upgraded to handle MLC 70 loads, but otherwise is

suitable for swift crossing of water obstacles.162 LARC-Vs can ferry HMMWVs; the

wrecker cranes lift the light trucks in and out of the LARC cargo bay much as artillery

units carried 105mm howitzers ashore in WWII. The combined ferry assets could

transfer five tanks, ninety-three HMMWVs, thirty-four MTVRs, thirty LVSs, and six

howitzers across a four-hundred meter wide river in roughly four hours.163

The final consideration for MSSG support is organic security. The log train is the

Achilles Heel of the fighting column. If it is destroyed the sustained combat power of the

force is sapped. Four MTVR gun trucks, four HMG HMMWVs, four C2 HMMWVs

with radio links to column mortars and artillery, and two provisional rifle platoons

(sourced from BLT H&S company and the MSSG MP detachment) guard the log train.

In addition, the trucks bearing the Little Bird attack helicopters would travel with the

mobile MSSG detachment.

swelled the amount of transport required." Field Marshal the Viscount Slim, Defeat Into Victory (New York: David McKay Company, Inc., 1961), 448-449. 162 The Israeli IMI two-tank ferry, Russian GSP heavy amphibious ferry, German EWK M3 ferry, and Japanese Type 70 SP pontoon bridge are variations on the theme. All provide armor and heavy vehicles the ability to cross streams quickly in order to maintain the momentum of an attack. The existing alternative, ribbon bridging, is not suitable for use by mobile columns. 163 TC 5-210 and MCWP 3-17.1 explain considerations affecting rafting operations. The LARC V would be more useful for vehicle ferry operations if its stern lowered into a ramp like that of the Russian PTS-2 tracked amphibious vehicle. This feature obviates the requirement for hoisting HMMWVs into the LARC's cargo bay and greatly speeds up the rafting process.


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Amphibious Considerations. If OMFTS is to be viable, it must be executable within the

framework of existing amphibious shipping. For the MEU sized fighting column, this

means that the vehicle footprint must fit on a standard three ship amphibious ready group

(ARG). A Wasp class LHD, Whidbey Island class LSD, and San Antonio class LPD

comprise the ARG used in the model. The ARG template provides 57,500 square feet of

vehicular cargo space. The vehicles identified in the MEU fighting column model,

including a twenty percent broken stowage factor around the rolling stock, fill this

embarkation footprint. This load plan leaves no space for quad con containers and unit

cargo storage in designated vehicle stowage spaces.

The mix of landing craft employed typically includes three air cushion landing craft

(LCACs) aboard the LHD, two LCACs on the LSD (plus the AAAV detachment), and

one utility landing craft (LCU) on the LPD. Studies show that the LCAC is more

efficient at delivering cargo at distances beyond ten nautical miles offshore while the

LCU is equally effective at shorter distances. Moreover, the LCU provides additional

capability in that it provides a unique platform capable of serving as a long-term picket

vessel, radio relay, fire support vessel, and riverine support craft.

A sample landing plan is shown in Appendix C. It envisions the LPD coming within

ten nautical miles of shore to launch the LCU. The LSD and LHD would launch their

aircraft, AAAVs, and LCACs from twenty-five miles off shore. The two hundred plus

vehicles of the MEU fighting column land in five surface waves using a mixture of

AAAV self-deployment, LCAC, and LCU delivery. MV-22 and CH-53E aircraft shuttle

ashore ten times in order to deliver the rest of the landing force vehicles. Together the

surface and aerial delivery assets take approximately twelve hours to land the landing


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force. Decreasing the ARG's distance off shore from twenty-five to twelve miles cuts the

debarkation time to nine hours. Bringing the ships to within three miles of the beach

decreases offload time to about six hours.

The intensity of resupply required by forces ashore drives the number and duration of

air sorties required throughout an OMFTS campaign. This factor also influences the

distance at which the fleet may remain offshore in order to sustain the air effort required.

Lieutenant Mark Beddoes, USN, conducted research on the logistic sustainability of

OMFTS operations based primarily on MV-22 and CH-53E sustainment. Modeling

much smaller MEU landing forces than outlined here, he calculated that up to thirty

Osprey sorties per day would be required to sustain the force, and concluded that

adequate supply throughput would become problematic at OMFTS ranges for an

operation of several weeks duration. The difference in the scenarios Beddoes analyzed

and the model proposed in this study is that the fighting columns are more self-sufficient

in class I, III, and V. This organic logistic capacity greatly diminishes the strain placed

on the ACE to support OMFTS operations. A corollary benefit of the decreased aviation

support for logistic purposes is that the fleet can remain further offshore and still generate

the required sortie rate for longer periods.164

Conclusion. The MEU fighting column represents a balanced combined arms team with

significant combat, combat support, and combat service support elements. Each of the

columns' two task forces is organized and equipped to maneuver, fight, and sustain itself

independently when necessary. Of course the MEU fighting column is not strong

164 Lieutenant Mark W Beddoes, USN, "Logistical Implcations of Operational Maneuver From the Sea" (MS Thesis, Naval Postgraduate School, 1997).


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enough by itself to engage in sustained combat against division size conventional

opponents. It can, however, slip ashore at night, move several hundred miles inland,

sustain itself by mobile CSSDs and aerial resupply, and put a fully mobile reinforced

infantry battalion on an objective. The MEU's organic combat power, when augmented

by joint air assets, long range NSFS, and allied forces already on the ground may well be

sufficient to defeat Third World adversaries of division strength, just as 20 Brigade and

UNITA combined to wreck FAPLA's four brigade offensive in 1987. The next chapter

will examine the similar characteristics but expanded capabilities of a MEB-size fighting



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Chapter 8

The MEB Fighting Column

The amphibious landing is the most powerful tool we have.165

— Douglas MacArthur 23 August 1950

The Marine Expeditionary Brigade is a fifteen thousand man strong MAGTF based

around a Regimental Landing Team, a Marine Air Group, and a Brigade Service Support

Group. Using fighting column concepts, a MEB is capable of projecting significantly

stronger combat power than a MEU to the same three hundred-mile radius of action. The

MEB may deploy independently or it may augment a forward-deployed MEU. The

brigade's organic supplies sustain combat operations for at least thirty days. Given its

enhanced mobility, a MEB fighting column is not only a powerful tool, but also one with

significant operational reach once ashore.

Command and control. Like the MEU commander, the MEB commander should

deploy ashore to lead the assault force. This not only provides him the advantages of on

scene operational control, but also provides an alternate CP to assist the RLT staff in

165 Heinl, 12.


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directing the tactical fight when necessary.166 Each of the two GCE columns will be

under the immediate tactical control of its own infantry battalion headquarters. The

brigade service support group (BSSG) commander is ashore to facilitate the prompt

support of the log train, while his XO remains aboard ship to coordinate subsequent aerial

resupply efforts. The ACE commander stays at sea with the preponderance of his


The MEB XO should also remain at sea to provide the critical link between the MEB

commander and the Navy amphibious group commander. The MEB C2 element aboard

ship works with the Navy command element to provide HHQ updated information on

operations ashore. The MEB command element frees the regimental CP from dealing

with HHQ and enables it to concentrate primarily on the tactical fight. Much of the C4I

data processing capacity and intelligence throughput must be transferred electronically

from the ships to the CP ashore.

If this electronic link is established and reliable, the MEB C2 node ashore can be as

small and mobile as its MEU counterpart. Several vehicles should be sufficient to

transport the MEB command post. The staff need only comprise elements of the G2 and

G3 shop with appropriate communications support; most admin, intelligence, and

logistics planners can operate more effectively aboard ship. The 20 Brigade's tactical CP

operated out of one command configured Buffel APC.167 Rommel's CP to control the

Afrika Corps was similarly small: its primary staff comprised one Brigadier Gerneral,

one Lieutenant Colonel, and three Majors. Similarly sized U.S. Army forces would entail

166 Both the BLT and the RLT have the structure to form alternate CPs, but both would be better served leaving those backup staffs aboard ship to coordinate with joint and other naval supporting elements. Replacements for battle casualties could be flown in as required. The watchwords for staffs and C2 ashore, like everything else in the fighting column, are flexibility and frugality.


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eight general officers and an immediate staff of roughly one hundred officers. The

German 15th Panzer Division, with a 14,000 man, 140 tank table of organization, rated

two Majors, three Captains, and four Lieutenants.168 There is no credible reason for a

MEB fighting column CP to be any larger. Moreover, five of these nine positions on a

Marine staff (representing personnel and backup operations, intelligence, and logistics

functions) should stay aboard ship under the fighting column system.

Task organization. Figure 5 depicts the units and major equipment associated with each

of the four components of the amphibious MEB. These elements provide sufficient

combat power to furnish three composite BLTs: two surface strike columns and one

vertical assault unit. The MEB command element provides overarching C2 and

Components of the Amphibious MEB

MHG DetComm Bn DetRadio Bn DetCivil Affairs DetForce Recon DetIntel Bn Det


3 VMFA ( 30 JSF)3 VMM (36 MV-22)1 HMH (16 CH-53E)1 HMLA(18 AH-1Z; 9 UH-1Y)(8 AH-6; 4 MH-6) VMAQ Det (2 EA-6B)VMGR Det (4 KC-130J)VMU Det (UAV)MACGMWSSMALS


Regt HQ3 Infantry Bns2 Tank Cos2 LAR Co2 AAAV Co1 Div Recon Co2 Cbt Engr Co1 Artillery Bn(+)1 Himars Btry


HQ CoBulk Fuel CoTrans Spt CoMaint CoSupply CoEngr Spt CoCollect & Clear CoSurg Spt CoDental DetBridge Co


Amphibious MEB

Figure 5


167 Heitman, War in Angola, 106; Bridgland, 179. The 32 Battalion commander also operated out of a single vehicle, either a Buffel or a Ratel-90 with appropriate communications gear. Bridgland, 39, 65.

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significant intelligence support, including civil affairs, radio battalion, intelligence

battalion, and force reconnaissance detachments.

The composite Marine Air Group (MAG) provides the six functions of Marine

expeditionary air operations: offensive air warfare, anti-air warfare, assault support, air

reconnaissance, electronic warfare, and control of aircraft and missiles. MAG aircraft

will operate off carrier and amphibious platforms; Huey and Cobras will rearm and refuel

at FOBs ashore when the mobile group's distance from the sea exceeds their combat

range. From these forward bases RW CAS can conduct shaping operations, screening

missions, and armed reconnaissance for the fighting columns. Little Birds provide

immediate CAS to the battle groups with their miniguns, rockets, and Hellfire missiles.

Joint Strike Fighter squadrons will operate off of Navy carriers or out of friendly airfields

ashore. As with the MEU, CH-53E and MV-22 aircraft will provide assault support and

move food, fuel, and ammo to the surface columns as required.

The GCE's two BLT-strength columns may be organized as shown in Table 7. The

model MEB's GCE is intentionally heavier than normal in light armor, tanks, and

artillery. All the elements of the two surface battalions are completely mobile. A division

reconnaissance platoon, on light strike vehicles and motorcycles, conducts distant

reconnaissance along the routes of each battalion task force or screens their flanks. Two

LAR companies provide a security element with sufficient combat power to develop the

situation for each column's main body. Both mechanized task forces feature two AAAV-

borne reinforced rifle companies, one tank company, a platoon of combat engineers, and

a CAAT team. An additional company of combat engineers provides general support

168 Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42, 86-98.


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mobility, countermobility, and breaching capability to the entire RLT. Each infantry

battalion provides one reinforced motorized rifle company to provide security to the two

mobile CSSDs. A reinforced artillery battalion comprised of four lightweight howitzer

batteries provides fire support. In addition, a battery of six HIMARS rocket launchers

furnishes general support fires and an organic counterfire capability.

Table 7: MEB GCE Fighting Columns Column # 1 Column # 2

Units Vehicles Units Vehicles Div Recon Plt 4 LSV; 4 Cycles Div Recon Plt 4 LSV; 4 Cycles LAR Co 24 LAVs:

1 C2 14 25mm 4 TOW 2 Mortar 2 Log 1 Recovery

LAR Co 24 LAVs: 1 C2 14 25mm 4 TOW 2 Mortar 2 Log 1 Recovery

Mech Bn Task Force 33 AAAVs: 24 P (2 x rifle co) 4 Mortar Plt 3 Engr Plt 2 C2 14 M1A1s 2 AVLB

Mech Bn Task Force 33 AAAVs: 24 P (2 x rifle co) 4 Mortar Plt 3 Engr Plt 2 C2 14 M1A1s 2 AVLB

CAAT Team 15 HMMWVs: 8 TOW 6 HMG 1 FO

CAAT Team 15 HMMWVs: 8 TOW 6 HMG 1 FO

Arty Bn (-) REIN 12 LW 155mm 30 MTVRs 30 HMMWVs 1 Q-36; 3 H2O Bulls

Arty Bn (-) REIN 12 LW 155mm 30 MTVRs 30 HMMWVs 1 Q-36; 3 H2O Bulls

G/S Cbt Engr

4 M9 ACE 10 MTVRs 10 HMMWVs 12 M159 line charges 2 H2O Bulls

MRL Btry 6 HIMARs 6 ammo LVSs 9 HMMWVs 2 Btry C2; 2 HMG 5 Sec: Rifle Plt (+)

RLT CP 4 AAAVs: 2 AAAVC 2 AAAVP 1 MEWSS Sec: Rifle Plt (+)

MEB CP 6 LAVs: 2 C2 2 LAV-25 1 Log 1 MEWSS Sec: Prov. Rifle Sqd

Total Vehicles: 185 Total Vehicles: 183


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Whereas the MEU fighting column maintained one company as an air assault force

and tactical reserve, the MEB designates an entire battalion as an air assault reserve. This

force possesses the command structure to operate independently from the rest of the

brigade when required and to conduct multiple missions simultaneously. It can exploit

success by blocking enemy retreat routes, seize the initiative by establishing bridgeheads

in the initial amphibious assault and on subsequent river crossings, or assist the forward

passage of the mobile battle groups by picketing key terrain along the route of march.

The MV-22 battalion is also capable of providing FARP security, TRAP services, mass

casualty recovery, deception operations, or raids in support of the main effort. One of the

BLT's rifle companies is provided with twenty-five LSVs to give it additional mobility

once it lands. Elements of the weapons company, including HMGs, TOWs and mortars,

could supplement this rifle company's organic firepower. The six-gun RCT heavy mortar

battery provides fire support to augment the heliborne BLT's organic light and medium


Logistics. The viability of fighting columns has always been determined by their logistic

sustainability. In the days when the columns were moved by horse and wagon, this

phenomenon was known as the "feed to speed" ratio. In simple terms, the formation

could only move a certain distance before the men and animals would consume their

mobile food and water reserves. The larger the unit, the larger the mobile supply depot

had to be. But the bigger log train added more men and animals to the total and therefore

further drained the supply reserve. In short, the bigger the unit grew, the less

operationally mobile it became due to logistic constraints. For every campaign, there is a


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tradeoff between size and mobility: the force must possess enough combat power to

accomplish its mission without becoming so large that its supply trains deny it

operational range.169

The same concept applies to modern fighting columns fueled by diesel rather than

fodder. While the additional combat power of the MEB makes it more useful across the

spectrum of conflict, its increased size makes its logistic support correspondingly more

difficult. Nonetheless, the same general concepts of supply used to support the MEU

may be applied to the MEB. Each fighting column log train must carry enough gas for

one complete refueling and a one-day basic allowance of ammunition. The remainder of

the force's needs must be supplied by air. Table 8 illustrates the components of such a

Table 8: MEB Fighting Column Mobile CSSDs Column # 1 Column # 2

CSSD Units Vehicles CSSD Units Vehicles C2 Security (Rifle Co-) Amphib Trucks Raft Class I Class V Maintenance Medical Class III Recovery RW Det

4 MRC HMMWVs 20 HMMWVs 4 MTVR gun trucks 8 LARC (ferry HMMWVs) 16 MABs 2 LVS (Chow) 2 LVS (H2O) 13 LVS (Ammo) 2 MTVR; 2 HMMWV 1 H2O Bull 4 ambulance; 4 MTVR 15 LVS refuelers 2 AAAVR, 2 M88, 2 LVS wreckers 4 AH-6 MTVR 2 MH-6 MTVR 2 Ammo LVS 2 MTVR (Crew) 1 H2O Bull 2 LST HMMWV

C2 Security (Rifle Co-) Amphib Trucks Raft Class I Class V Maintenance Medical Class III Recovery RW Det

4 MRC HMMWVs 20 HMMWVs 4 MTVR gun trucks 8 LARC (ferry HMMWVs) 16 MABs 2 LVS (Chow) 2 LVS (H2O) 13 LVS (Ammo) 2 MTVR; 2 HMMWV 1 H2O Bull 4 ambulance; 4 MTVR 15 LVS refuelers 2 AAAVR, 2 M88, 2 LVS wreckers 4 AH-6 MTVR 2 MH-6 MTVR 2 Ammo LVS 2 MTVR (Crew) 1 H2O Bull 2 LST HMMWV

Total Vehicles: 114 Total Vehicles: 114

169 The classic discussion of the "feed to speed" ratio is contained in Donald W. Engels, Alexander the Great and the Logistics of the Macedonian Army (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978). The basic principles that constrained the operational movements of the largely foot-mobile Greeks still apply to motorized and mechanized armies.


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mobile CSSD. It is divided to provide similar support to each of the two BLT surface

groups operating on independent axes of advance. It can also be further subdivided to

support four maneuver axes of advance when required.

The MEB fighting column model totals nearly six hundred vehicles. When broken

down into two battle groups, this is approximately sixty percent of the number of vehicles

which experienced armor commanders believe can be handled effectively by one tactical

headquarters.170 One refueling of this fleet of vehicles would require thirty LVS

SIXCON 2,700-gallon fuel trucks. The relative vulnerability of these vehicles and the

CH-53E refuelers implies that additional means of hauling fuel must be on hand as a

backup. Large fuel bladders such as the five-hundred gallon GTA Mini Tank or Super

Drum that can be air delivered or carried/towed by MTVR trucks should be procured. In

a pinch every vehicle and aircraft can then be employed as a refueler of some capacity.

This is the kind of operational flexibility that both the Russian and American armor

forces adopted out of necessity in WWII. Air delivered fuel can come via KC-130, CH-

53E, and MV-22. Fourteen Hercules airplanes carry enough fuel to replenish all 572

vehicles. Thirty-four CH-53E or forty-one MV-22 sorties would be required to gas the

entire column. A combination of sixteen Sea Stallion and twenty-two Osprey sorties

would replenish the sample MEB fighting column once. This amount of fuel provides

the battle groups three hundred miles of total range and a 150-mile combat range for

planning purposes. This aerial refueling effort would be required only three times during

a thirty-day mission of 1,500-miles total length. In addition to its one organic refuel

capacity, the logistic train also carries sufficient fuel to fly the columns' twelve Little

170 Simpkin, Race to the Swift, 45.


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Birds for two 2-hour sorties per day for three days. Every third day two CH-53Es would

have to replenish the Little Birds' refuelers with 4,680 gallons of aviation gasoline.

Ammunition usage is more difficult to calculate than fuel consumption. The goal is

to carry a one-day basic allowance of ammo in the organic combat trains. Artillery and

mortar shells, tank rounds, antitank rockets, and 25/30mm rounds consume the lion's

share of the GCE's ammunition loads: they are the most difficult DODICs to transport in

terms of both weight and cube. A one-day allowance of the ammunition required by the

heavy weapons of the two surface BLTs totals approximately 267 tons. More than half of

this total is artillery ammunition for the reinforced artillery battalion. For most of these

DODICs one basic allowance equals somewhere between three and thirty days of supply

at the projected assault rate. Since the assault rates bare little resemblance to historical

usage data, it is more reasonable to plan resupply requirements in terms of the basic

allowance. Once half the fighting columns' five hundred plus tons of organic

ammunition is used, it would take fifty-four MV-22 sorties to replace the depleted basic


The MEB fighting column is heavy in firepower but relatively light in terms of

manpower. Only 3,100 Marines are required on the ground to fight and sustain the

columns' two mobile battle groups. This figure reflects ninety-percent strength across the

existing or projected tables of organization. It is, however, only about seventy-five

percent of the total personnel normally taken ashore for sustained operations by GCEs of

equivalent strength. The difference is the large tooth-to-tail ratio made possible by

smaller staffs and much of the housekeeping and logistics support structure operating

from the sea base. The 3,100 Marines require 139,500 MREs for fifteen days. Each of


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the column's trucks carries twelve MRE cases. The other 43.6 tons of Class I is carried in

four MK-48/14 LVS trucks in the mobile CSSDs. The rest of the food required for a

thirty-day operation would necessitate twenty-one MV-22 sorties. The mobile CSSDs

also contain four LVS water SIXCONs carrying 10,800 gallons of water. This reservoir,

coupled with twelve 400-gallon water bulls and twenty gallons per vehicle, equals

enough water to provide the entire landing force two gallons per man per day for four

days. If water cannot be obtained and purified in the operational area, then five MV-22

sorties per day would be required to sustain the force.

A well-developed maintenance capability is necessary to support the number of

vehicles ashore in a MEB fighting column. Second echelon support should be ashore,

while higher levels remain at sea. Contact teams fly in while disabled vehicles are lifted

out by CH-53E or fixed wing transport aircraft when required. Each column contains

wrecker support to recover mobility kills from the battlefield to rear areas where

mechanics can repair the vehicles.

Medical support for fighting columns is more robust than that available to

helicopter-borne forces. In addition to unit corpsmen and battalion aid stations, each

battle group boasts two mobile medical units with advanced lifesaving trauma

capabilities and ambulance support to move casualties from company collection stations

to the surgeons. The mobile CSSD medical stations consist of two surgical platoons and

two shock trauma platoons. Air medevacs to the hospitals aboard ship complete the

organic casualty flow route. The ready presence of more robust trauma capability within

the columns significantly enhances wounded Marines' chances of survival.


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Rivers make natural defensive barriers and MAGTF fighting columns must be able

to breach them "in stride" in order to sustain superior tempo vis-à-vis the enemy.

Therefore each column in the MEB formation must possess the ability to cross water

obstacles on its own. This could mean four separate crossing sites operational at the

same time. If sub-columns are on the same route, then two different rivers could be

crossed simultaneously. The goal, like that of the initial amphibious landing, should be

to transit the danger zone with the whole force in less than one cycle of darkness. It

would take the MEB fighting column approximately six hours to raft all 596 vehicles

across a four hundred meter wide river using its LARCs and MABs.

Security considerations are just as vital for the MEB log trains as they are for those

of the MEU. It is shortsighted and ultimately counterproductive to assume that the

Brigade Service Support Group (BSSG) can fully protect itself. In recognition of the

vital significance of the supply trains, combat power must be dedicated to its protection

from the beginning. Even if the MEB fighting column is deployed along four separate

avenues of approach, the distance from the head of one of the columns to its tail,

assuming fifty meter intervals between vehicles, is more than four miles. At least one

reinforced company of infantry should be attached to each of the two log trains to

supplement the BSSG's organic security forces. In addition, gun trucks, Little Birds, and

the columns' indirect fire assets are available to augment the BSSG's organic security


Amphibious Considerations. The Navy is scheduled to maintain only thirty-six

amphibious ships for the foreseeable future. This equates to 2.5 MEBs worth of lift.


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Given the relative scarcity of shipping, amphibious MEBs cannot be forward deployed on

a routine basis. Instead, they will be formed and sent to crisis areas when required. For

purposes of the illustrative model, a representative twelve ship amphibious group will be

used. It contains three LHDs, one LHA, three LSD-41's, one LSD-49, and four LPD-17s.

This mix of shipping provides sufficient vehicle stowage to carry the 596 vehicles of the

MEB fighting column plus the fifty-two vehicles of the heliborne BLT. The embarkation

footprint of these vehicles occupies less than seventy-five percent of the vehicle square

footage available in the twelve ships. Unit cargo, quad cons, maintenance vans, and

replacement vehicles may fill the remainder of the space.

The twelve ships carry thirty-one LCACs and four LCUs. The LCAC enables the

Navy to stay somewhat further out to sea and away from coastal antiship cruise missiles

or littoral minefields. The LCUs, despite the more restrictive landing beach parameters

they demand, provide flexibility in the means to move heavy equipment and remain on

station as relay sites, rescue craft, or floating supply depots in a riverine environment.

The sample landing plan (see Appendix D) envisions the amphibious group remaining

twenty-five miles off shore to launch AAAVs and MV-22s; the LCUs are launched from

twelve miles off shore.

The tactical requirement in the initial landing is for the MEB to have gained a secure

foothold ashore in less than one cycle of darkness. The operating concepts associated

with STOM envision the landing force moving inland towards its objectives as soon as

appropriate combat power assembles ashore. Still it takes a significant amount of time to

move a RLT-size force ashore, whether by surface or helicopter means. Using eight MV-

22 and two CH-53E squadrons, planners envision moving a three thousand man


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regimental landing team (RLT) to two landing zones (170 and 250 nautical miles away,

respectively) in approximately five hours and twenty-five minutes.171 A typical MEB

ACE, however, will embark only half that number of aircraft and consequently take

roughly twice as long to move a landing force similar in size to the surface columns

modeled in this chapter. In comparison, the MEB's assault landing plan requires five

waves over two beaches and two HLZ sites and takes twelve hours to complete. Moving

the ships in to twelve miles off shore cuts the landing time down to eight hours. The

increased capacity of the LCU's successor, the LC-X, may also speed up the landing

process, but the two critical factors remain distance off shore and number of landing craft


The daily tonnage of class III (fuel) and V (ammunition) required by the landing

force influences the distance at which the fleet can remain offshore for purposes of aerial

resupply. In the fighting column model, this constraint is lessened because the landing

force carries such a robust CSSE. If the total aerial resupply tonnage required over a

postulated thirty day operation were concentrated in time at a sortie generation rate of

two per aircraft per day, it would take the ACE only five days to move the MEB's

projected Class I, III, and V requirements. Factoring expected loss ratios into the

equation does not exceed the tonnage or sortie rates that the MV-22s available can

manage. The bigger challenge is supporting the force when it is more than two hundred

miles inland, as this requires aerial refueling of the Ospreys and Sea Stallions or use of

internal fuel tanks that curtails their internal cargo carrying capacity.

171 MCCDC Draft MV-22 Concept of Employment Document, 10-1 to 11-2.


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Conclusion. The proposed MEB fighting column features two BLT-size battle groups.

Each contains a small C2 node, a company size security force, a mechanized team, robust

fire support, and a mobile CSSD. Organic fires are sufficient to support the maneuver

elements, weight the main effort, and wage the counterfire fight. The CSSDs carry

sufficient Class I, III, and V to last for several weeks at a time. MEB reconnaissance

assets provide hydrographic, close, distant, and deep coverage. Three squadrons of attack

aircraft provide CAS and interdiction; four squadrons of assault support aircraft resupply

the mobile CSSDs as required. An air assault battalion, as MEB reserve, is available to

reinforce the surface columns, seize key terrain ahead of the columns, or provide security

for ACE FARP sites. Naval support is sufficient to land the force quickly across multiple

beaches and landing zones.

A MEB with these capabilities could serve in a variety of roles at the operational

level. Potential missions might include serving as:

• an enabling force to seize an airhead or port in support of follow on operations • a cover force such as 20 Brigade provided in Phase I of Operation Modular • a raid force such as the SADF mechanized columns in Operation Askari • an exploitation force similar to the Japanese landing forces that conducted

multiple envelopments versus the retreating British in Malaya in 1941 • a "fire brigade" reinforcing an ally's defense such as 5th Marines did in the

Pusan Perimeter in 1950 • an assault force to facilitate an operational turning movement similar to that

conducted by 1st 5th, and 7th Marines in the 1950 Inchon/Seoul campaign • a NEO force akin to the combined relief expedition that moved one hundred

miles inland to rescue Westerners in the besieged Peking legations during the 1900 Boxer Rebellion

• a humanitarian assistance force used to provide disaster relief similar to 4th MEB's Operation Sea Angel in Bangladesh in 1991

• a security force such as 22 MEU during Operation Provide Comfort in northern Iraq

• a foreign internal defense force conducting counterinsurgency operations such as those conducted by the French Group Mobiles in Vietnam or

• a flexible deterrent option force deployed to convince potential aggressors not to initiate hostilities with allies such as Kuwait


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. Most importantly, an OMFTS capable amphibious MEB can perform such missions three

hundred miles inland. This is a quantum leap over current amphibious capability and a

very useful warfighting capability for the CINCs. The final chapter will summarize the

changes required to make this kind of STOM capability a reality.


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Chapter 9

Building an OMFTS Capability

Prejudice against innovation is a typical characteristic of an Officer Corps which has grown up in a well-tried and proven system.172

— Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

The first step in creating an OMFTS/STOM force is to recognize that some of the

fundamental tenets of the concept are potentially flawed. Emphasizing sea-based C2, fire

support, and logistics increases the GCE's mobility while depriving it of organic

strength. This tradeoff puts the landing force at greater risk if links to the sea base are

broken even temporarily due to weather, enemy action, or communications failure. An

alternative approach is to bring more C2, fires, and sustainment ashore and make these

combat multipliers as mobile as their maneuver counterparts to augment the power of the

MAGTF. Combat power can not be generated from the ether. Infestation teams and air

assault forces can be projected and supported 175 miles inland, but their ability to

successfully engage mobile combined arms teams is severely constrained unless they are

defending very restrictive terrain and maintain constant access to decisive air and naval

surface fires. The fighting column provides a way for MEU and MEB size units to

project more combat power at operationally significant distances. Realizing this new

capability requires additions to MAGTF doctrine, organization, equipment, and training.

172 Heinl, 190.


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Doctrine. Marines do not customarily think of fighting in highly mobile combined arms

task forces three hundred miles from the beach. The OMFTS/STOM concept papers

mention both surface and vertical maneuver forces, but the emphasis is clearly on the

"leaner, lighter, more effective" nature of the landing force due to its miniscule combat

support and service support tail.173 This is a dubious way to solve the problem of putting

combat power on an objective 175 miles inland. Rather than discerning the capabilities

required to win the fight and then deriving ways to move the necessary units and

equipment, the existing STOM concept suggests moving the forces that can be supported

and then trusting developing technology to enable that smaller force to win.

OMFTS/STOM concepts blend nicely with Joint Vision 2010's tenets of information

superiority, dominant maneuver, and precision logistics, but these notions are platitudes

in search of supporting doctrine, organization, equipment, and training. Certainly no one

opposes in principle such worthy goals. The Army's vision of a non-fossil fuel twenty

ton wheeled vehicle with the lethality and survivability of an Abrams tank, for instance,

is enticing. Until such advanced weapons actually come to fruition, however, the Corps

would be better served figuring out more efficient ways to move the fuel and ammunition

required to gas and arm its existing tanks and artillery.

If doctrine details how a service expects to fight, then clearly the first step is to

broaden the OMFTS/STOM concept to incorporate a different, perhaps somewhat more

traditional, way of accomplishing deep maneuver from the sea. Fighting columns are one

way to achieve that goal. Certainly they are not the only solution to the challenge.

173 Marine Corps Concepts Development Command Concepts Division, "Ship to Objective Maneuver," United States Marine Corps Warfighting Concepts for the 21st Century (Quantico, Va: Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 1997), II-14.


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Infestation or air assault may be preferable in a given set of conditions. Some

combination of all three techniques may be desirable as well; the tactics are not mutually


The MEU and MEB OMFTS formations outlined in the preceding chapters rely on

air-delivered forces to protect FARP operations, establish bridgeheads, control

chokepoints, and exploit success. The ability to use air assault forces selectively

maximizes their combat potential, decreases the number of vehicles and associated

logistics required ashore, and complements the more robust strength of the fighting

columns. The synergistic effect of the combination is the key to success. While the bulk

of the combat power is carried in the surface battle groups, the range and speed of the air

delivered company and battalion enable the MEU and MEB to pose a more credible

multi-dimensional threat.

Fighting column doctrine should examine the operational reach, plausible METL

tasks, and logistic constraints associated with each MAGTF echelon. For combat

operations, Marines must share a common vision of what mobile battle groups can

achieve in the forced-entry phase, the close combat phase, the exploitation phase, and the

post-conflict stability phase. Similarly, Marines must assess the fighting column's utility

in operations other than war to include counterinsurgency, humanitarian assistance, drug

interdiction, noncombatant evacuation operations, and peacekeeping operations. Fighting

columns give the Corps a vastly expanded operational reach and thus much greater

potential utility for the theater CINCs. Doctrine is the engine that will expand the

operational outlook of the commanders who will wield this enhanced capability.


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Organization. Every fighting unit possesses some ratio of tooth to tail that is most

efficient in optimizing its combat power over a given range. The key to the potential of

fighting columns lies in determining what that ratio is. Available amphibious lift largely

defines the parameters of just how many vehicles of each type can be deployed. Shipping

also determines how many landing craft are available to put the force ashore and how

many aircraft are available to sustain it once it drives far inland. The ingredients

necessary to give the landing force both mobility and lethality are not new; what is new

for the Corps is the provision of a larger, yet mobile CSSE to sustain the force so far

inland and reliance on air to replenish the moving supply depots. Further modeling and

operational experience will refine the initial logistic trains to determine the optimum size

and constitution of CSSE assets. The MEU and MEB columns outlined here are merely a

proposal to initiate the debate.174

Regardless of what version proves to be most effective, it is certain that the columns

must be logistically frugal. The planning factors for consumption of water, for example,

may have to be curtailed or self-imposed supply prolificacy will quickly exceed the

carrying capacity of both vehicles and aircraft. In the case of water, landing forces must

rely on locally available supplies whenever possible to decrease the strain on aerial

resupply efforts. The injunction of Field Marshal Rommel to "watch closely the

174 By way of comparison, the mobile CSSE associated with a 15,000 man German armor division in North Africa carried four hundred tons of supplies; the 3,000 man MEB fighting column sketched in chapter 8 carries 1,340 tons of supplies. Stolfi, German Battle Style in Ultra Mobile, High Intensity War: North African Desert 1941-42, 78-80. Only thorough testing will determine the most efficient tooth-to-tail ratio. Too many vehicles can be as dangerous as too few. Slim discovered this in Burma: "As we removed vehicles from units and formations which joined us on European establishments, they found to their surprise that they could move farther and faster without them. The fewer vehicles on the roads or tracks, the quicker they traveled….Unless they are constantly watched and ruthlessly cut down, vehicles and staffs will multiply until they bog down movement." Slim, 449.


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quartermasters" is particularly apt in an inherently tenuous OMFTS logistic


The MEU and MEB task organizations outlined previously are not prescriptive in

nature. The intent is simply to sketch representative MAGTFs with the means to

implement STOM operations. The composition of the security forces, main bodies, and

CSSDs could be tailored in a variety of ways to support a particular mission. It is,

however, naïve to dismiss the challenges inherent in creating an OMFTS force by

suggesting that existing formations can accomplish such missions when required by a

simple reorganization of units. No Marine unit has ever projected a full MEU- or MEB-

size combined arms capability several hundred miles inland. Planners wrestling with the

prospect were forced to rely on commercial assistance during Operation Provide Comfort

in northern Turkey and Operation Joint Guardian in Kossovo.176 Clearly GCE and CSSE

units intended to generate and sustain significant operational mobility must be carefully

tailored prior to deployment.

Training. The concept of the fighting column is an alien one to most Marines; they will

accept it and become enthusiastic about its potential only after thorough field-testing.

Fighting columns lend themselves to virtually every existing exercise and evaluation.

Special operations certification exercises (SOCEXs) , emergency deployment readiness

175 "As the commander usually pays great attention to his quartermaster and allows the latter's estimate of the supply possibilities to determine his strategic plan, it has become the habit for quartermaster staffs to complain at every difficulty, instead of getting on with the job…. The best thing is for the commander himself to have a clear picture of the real potentialities of his supply organization and base all his demands on his own estimate. This will force the supply staffs to…produce many times what they would have done left to themselves." B.H. Liddell Hart,, ed., The Rommel Papers (New York: Da Capo Press, Inc., 1953), 96-97. 176 USMC, Marine Corps Lessons Learned System (MCCLS) #80342-97837; Maj Edward W. Bligh, USMC, "Logistics," Marine Corps Gazette, November 1999, 62.


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exercises (EDREs), combined arms exercises (CAXs), and joint/combined exercises can

all employ mobile battle groups. The biggest challenge is to find enough land to properly

stress the scope and scale of the formations. Landing forces could land, for instance, at

Savannah and fight at Fort Benning, or Cape Canaveral and Eglin AFB, or Mobile and

Fort Polk, or Camp Lejeune and Fort Picket, or Camp Pendleton and Fort Irwin. The

operations required would resemble the 1941 Louisiana, and Carolina maneuvers more

than any existing exercise.

These vast Army force-on-force exercises took place just prior to America's entry

into WWII. They covered four hundred square miles in the Carolinas and more than four

times that amount of ground in Louisiana. Some 750,000 men, representing three armies,

twenty-seven divisions, and nine air groups participated in the maneuvers. Officers such

as George Patton, Omar Bradley, and Dwight Eisenhower gained practical experience in

the art of operational level maneuver against equally talented and well-equipped

opponents. The exercises also served as a proving ground for doctrine development.177

This kind of large-scale exercise is exactly the type of testing ground needed to refine the

application of mobile battle group tactics. Existing training centers provide enough

ground to exercise brigade size fighting columns, but the long tactical approach march

must be added to accurately simulate the challenges of STOM operations.

The concepts undergirding fighting columns are in consonance with the tenets of

maneuver warfare. Both officers and men must demonstrate the flexibility, initiative, and

daring stressed in Marine Corps Doctrinal Publication 1. Small staffs will devise and

execute hasty plans to seize the initiative and interrupt the enemy's OODA loop.

177 Christoper R. Gabel, The U.S. Army GHQ Maneuvers of 1941 (Washington: U.S. Army Center of Military History, 1991), 185-194.


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Carefully refined battlefield synchronization will be eschewed for the greater promise of

flexible combined arms cooperation. Fast paced mobile operations place a premium on

the basics of soldiering: fitness, weapons proficiency, and small unit battle drills.

The normal peacetime constraints of maintenance woes, limited time, and restricted

maneuver space make fighting column operations particularly difficult to exercise. Much

of the mechanics can be practiced in tactical exercises without troops (TEWTs),

command post exercises (CPXs), and simulations. But the friction inherent in real

operations, particularly the maintenance challenges of moving large numbers of vehicles

long distances, must be experienced to be appreciated. More importantly, these very real

difficulties must be overcome in training to validate the concept's utility in the minds of

both the Marines who will execute it and the civilian and military leaders who will order


Equipment. Task equipping an OMFTS force is no less important than properly task

organizing it. Table 9 highlights equipment shortfalls based on the representative

Table 9: Equipment Shortfalls Equipment Comment

HMMWVs and MTVRs Available in the MEF, but must be reallocated to support surface maneuver elements lacking organic mobility.

Mobile Assault Bridges/Ferries More efficient than existing ribbon bridges. LARCs Useful for ferrying HMMWVs. Surgical truck Mobile to move with the CSSDs. 120mm mortar Simple, effective, light system. Manpower & expertise

available; ammo costly but precision guided munition (PGM) capability make it worth pursuing.

HIMARs MLRS on a truck; necessary for adequate artillery support. Army MLRS Memo Of Agreement (MOA) expired. Not programmed.

AH-6 / MH-6 Multiple applications in OMFTS & special operations. Long Range RPV Must have 350-mile radius; alternative is short-range system

travelling with the columns. Complements more robust fire support capability.


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MAGTFs proposed in this paper. The OMFTS/STOM concept is expected to become

operationally feasible NLT 2014 with the full fielding of the AAAV and the MV-22. The

Osprey is definitely required to fully support the concept, because its extended range

obviates the CH-46's need for multiple FARPS enroute to 175-mile deep targets

The AAAV, though eagerly anticipated by Marine operating forces, is less critical to

the success of the OMFTS concept. The high transit speed from ship to shore is a useful

improvement, but the size of the engine required to lift the vehicle onto plane actually

decreases the usable space inside the craft. This means the vehicles can carry less

supplies and equipment than existing models. The expensive new AAAV is a far

superior APC than the renovated Bradley chassis AAV, but it has less flexibility to

develop new versions such as mortar, assault gun, logistics, or EW variants due to its

limited internal space.

While the Osprey and AAAV will greatly enhance the capabilities of the force, there

are other enhancements that must also be incorporated. It is highly probable that

maneuver forces transiting several hundred miles to an inland objective will have to cross

water obstacles enroute. Bridges that are undefended and heavy enough to support tanks

may not be available. Rafting is therefore a key requirement for a maneuver force that

does not have a fully amphibious vehicle fleet. Ribbon bridges are inadequate; a

mechanized force with a significant logistics train requires a more efficient rafting

system. Fielding upgraded MAB and MARC-V equivalents would be ideal, but the

problem is not widely recognized and there are no existing or projected Marine Corps

programs to remedy the rafting deficiency.


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Mines are still a problem both at sea and ashore. OMFTS/STOM is untenable if

naval vessels and landing craft cannot safely transit maritime avenues of approach.

Similarly, ground vehicles need far more capable protection from mines; currently the

SADF fields the world's most advanced fleet of mine protected vehicles. The South

Africans learned in Angola and Namibia the human and material cost of neglecting this

force protection measure. Enhanced mobile medical facilities are also needed to support

deep maneuver operations.

Finally, general support artillery systems are required to provide maneuver forces

with long range, high volume preassault and counterfire capabilities. The South African

experience suggests the power of mobile artillery and rocket fires. Ground forces may be

able to employ long range NSFS versus some targets, but the columns should be able to

generate their own mass fires as well. Indirect fire and RW CAS generate much of the

killing power of the mobile columns. In some scenarios the role of the infantry may

simply be to provide close protection for these indirect fire weapons systems. assessment

The improved firepower systems deserve a long range RPV to facilitate more efficient

target acquisition and battle damage assessment processing. Better communication

systems to provide reliable voice and digital message traffic while on the move are also

needed to link fighting columns to their sea-based fires and logistics.

It is important to remember that while all of the equipment improvements outlined

above would enhance the capability of a mobile battle group, only one is necessary to

actually move existing MAGTFs the designated 175-mile distance to an operational

target. The single deficiency is the lack of sufficient ground transport to lift the "turn-

around" third of the GCE. Dedicating a MTVR or HMMWV truck detachment to this


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purpose and clearing the embarkation space for it on amphibious shipping will solve the

problem in a straightforward fashion. This simple fact suggests that the real OMFTS

challenges reside in doctrine, organization, and training rather than equipment.

Conclusion. The vision of OMFTS implementation outlined in this paper is not new.

There are many historical examples of battalion to army level motorized and mechanized

battle groups making blitzkrieg-style attacks with mobile ground and aerial logistic

resupply of their assault formations. The wrinkle OMFTS introduces is launching such a

blitzkrieg from the sea. In the fighting column construct, once the MAGTF is ashore its

method of operation resembles that employed by German panzer divisions in the 1941

encirclement campaigns or SADF battle groups ranging deep into Angola during the

1980s. It is facetious, however, to expect to generate strong combat power without

equipping the landing force with the heavy equipment necessary to fight and win a

mobile campaign. In this sense the OMFTS/STOM concept papers seemingly seeks

something for nothing - a lethal yet light force with no significant logistic tail.

A more useful approach is to craft a heavier amphibious force with sufficient logistic

support to enable it to attain operational depths. To that end, some of the ideas outlined

in this paper constitute a fundamental challenge to traditional Marine operational style.

These changes, grouped by warfighting function, are captured below.

C2: MEU & MEB commanders ashore

Small staffs in mobile CPs Reliance on simpler oral and matrix frag orders

Intelligence: Long range RPV Motorized division recon Ability to share 'reach back' intell products between ship and shore


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Maneuver: All column GCE units fully motorized or mechanized Employment of tanks Organic rafting capability

Fires: Employment of LW 155 (towed artillery can keep up) Add towed 120mm mortar Add HIMARs MRL Add Little Bird attack helicopters Use Cobras as a maneuver element Develop a MV-22 gunship variant Logistics: Employ mobile CSSDs carrying one Class V basic allowance Carry one Class III refueling Carry one to two weeks worth of Class I

Remainder Class I, III, & V delivered by air Develop mobile surgical vehicles

Protection: Organic security for C2, critical fire support, & CSSDs Employ gun trucks to augment mobile CSSD security Develop mine-protected vehicles

All of these recommendations are designed to facilitate the implementation of OMFTS

capabilities. None of the shifts constitute a significant change in the way Marines fight;

instead they suggest new ways of augmenting firepower, reaching a distant fight and

sustaining the battle once it occurs. The MEU and MEB models outlined here possess the

capability to move and fight at more than twice the threshold distance called for in the

OMFTS concept. This expanded operational reach underscores the logistic feasibility of

STOM theory and the continued validity of the colonial era flying column construct. The

crux of the argument is that larger, yet mobile surface logistic trains increase rather than

decrease the power and flexibility of combat units. In essence, the Corps must return to

its Small Wars roots and readopt proven fighting column concepts if Marines are to

exploit the revolutionary warfighting potential inherent in OMFTS.


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Blesbok. A mine-protected SADF five-ton truck based on the Casspir hull; it carries

twin 7.62 machine guns sited above the cab and operated remotely. Bosbok. A two-seat piston engine SAAF spotter aircraft with a ceiling of 8,400 meters

and a range of almost 650 miles. Carries smoke rockets to mark targets for other aircraft. Can take off and land in eighty-five and sixty-six meters, respectively.

Buccaneer S Mk 50. A low-level SAAF interdiction and maritime strike aircraft, the

Buccaneer is old but still effective. Carries eight tons of ordnance, including bombs, rockets, and missiles, to an operational range of nearly six hundred miles.

Buffel. Standard SADF infantry APC, it has a V-shaped hull to deflect mine blast and

troop harnesses to prevent its ten soldiers from being thrown out by the explosion. It weighs six tons and has a range of 620 miles.

C-130 B Hercules. One of two transport aircraft operated by the SAAF, the "Herc"

carries 22.5 tons of payload to a range of 2,200 miles. It can carry either ninety troops or sixty-four paratroopers.

C-160 Transall. The other SAAF medium transport plane, the Transall has less leg and

capacity than the Hercules, but it can off load cargo quicker on the ground due to its organic cargo-handling systems. Carries sixteen tons of supplies, ninety-three troops, or eighty-one paratroopers to a range of 1,147 miles.

Cactus SAM. Automatic, all-weather, low-level SADF SAM system with a max range

of 8.5 kilometers and a ceiling of 4.5 kilometers. The thirty-three pound warhead is guided by an infra-red proximity fuse. The system requires a three-man crew while the truck weighs 14.5 tons, carries four missiles, and has a road range of 310 miles.

Casspir. A mine-protected APC developed for police South African COIN units. The

vehicle carries one medium and one heavy machine gun (or 20mm cannon) and seats twelve soldiers. A V-shaped hull, small arms proof armor, and individual troop harnesses provide superior force protection in a LIC environment. The Casspir weighs almost eleven tons and has a range of 477 miles; it is noted for its excellent mechanical reliability and cross-country mobility.

G-5 155mm Gun-Howitzer. Fires a base-bleed projectile out to 39,000 meters. Its eight

man crew can fire three rounds per minute for fifteen minutes and then two rounds a minute for another hour. A heavy piece, the fourteen ton SADF G-5 is 12,000 pounds heavier than the Marine M198 howitzer. It is towed by a ten-ton truck.


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G-6 155mm Self-Propelled Gun-Howitzer. The same cannon as the G-5 mounted on a self-propelled six wheeled chassis. This version requires only a five man crew and carries forty-seven rounds aboard the mount. The early models used in Modular had a four round per minute rate of fire. The G-6 is a huge weapon: nine meters long, three meters wide, and three meters tall; it weighs thirty-seven tons. South Africa exports both the towed and self-propelled versions of this weapon.

M-5 120mm Mortar. This system weighs only 770 pounds, but fires a high explosive

round with more punch than American 105mm howitzers. Maximum range is only 6,250 meters, but can fire further with rocket assisted projectiles. The M-5 is towed by a two-ton truck or carried in larger vehicles; its five-man crew can sustain five rounds a minute or surge ten rounds per minute. Used by 20 Brigade, but similar systems were employed by UNITA and FAPLA.

Mirage F-1AZ. The primary SAAF ground attack platform. It carries four to eight 250

or 500 pound bombs, unguided rockets, and AS-30 air-to-surface rockets. Mirage F-1CZ. The primary fighter of the South African Air Force. Carries the V3B of

infrared homing air-to-air missile, two 30mm cannon, and a variety of other weapons. The F-1CZ has a ceiling of 18.5 kilometers and a combat radius of approximately 500 miles depending on weapons load out.

Mirage III RZ and R2Z. The primary photo recce aircraft of the SAAF. They carry

two 30mm cannons and two V3B missiles to protect themselves and a variety of cameras in the nose to capture tactical intelligence. Each variant has an operational range of nearly 750 miles.

Olifant. A reworked Centurion Mk V main battle tank. Features an upgraded fire

control system and a 105mm gun with seventy-two rounds on board. A medium tank, the SADF Olifant weighs fifty-six tons and has an operational range of 155 miles.

Puma. The primary transport helicopter of the SAAF; ferries troops, supplies, casualties,

and downed pilots. Carries sixteen men or 6,600 pounds of stores at 182 miles per hour to a range of 310 miles.

Ratel-20. A wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, the SADF Ratel mounts a 20mm cannon

with 1200 rounds and two medium machine guns, one co-axially mounted and the other facing aft. The vehicle carries a three-man crew and a nine-man infantry squad. It weighs 18.5 tons and has a range of 620 miles.

Ratel-81. The indirect fire variant carries an 81mm mortar on a center turntable. The

five-man crew can also employ the gun in a ground-mounted role. The vehicle carries 148 rounds of ammunition and two medium machine guns for self-protection.


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Ratel-90. The assault gun variant sports a 90mm gun with seventy-two rounds. It weighs 1100 pounds more than the IFV, but otherwise its characteristics are similar.

Rinkhals. Standard SADF armored and mine-protected ambulance. Designed to carry

both litter and ambulatory patients and provide first line medical treatment during ground evacuation. The vehicle has a range of 558 miles.

Samil-100 Kwevoel. A SADF mine-protected truck with a nine-ton cargo capacity. The

vehicle itself weighs twenty-one tons and has a range of 620 miles. Seeker. A SAAF RPV used in reconnaissance. Carries an eighty-eight pound camera and video relay system payload to a range of 125 miles from its base with a station time of two-and-a-half hours. The Seeker is 4.2 meters long and has a six-meter wing span. Stinger. A man-portable SAM that the CIA provided to UNITA. Some of these found

their way into the possession of the SADF. UNITA Stinger teams regularly deployed with elements of 20 Brigade to provide enhanced air defense coverage.

Twin 35mm AA Gun. A more capable system than the Ystervark, this SADF weapon

incorporates a fifty kilometer range surveillance radar and a forty kilometer range tracking radar. The gun has a four kilometer vertical range, weighs 6.7 tons, and requires a three man crew. It is towed by a Samil-100 truck; the tracking radar is towed by a separate prime mover.

Valkyrie 127mm Multiple Rocket Launcher. Based on a BM-21 captured during

Operation Savannah, this SADF weapon carries 24 rocket pods on a Unimog truck chassis. The rockets can be fired individually, as a variable sized group, or as a full salvo. Each 132-pound warhead contains 8,500 steel balls that cover more than a grid square. Minimum and maximum ranges, respectively, are seven and twenty-two kilometers. The system weighs only 6.5 tons and enjoyed excellent mobility in the Angolan bush.

Withings. A mine-protected recovery truck used by the SADF. Ystervark AA Gun. This relatively unsophisticated SADF system features a single

barrel 20mm antiaircraft gun carried on the bed of a Samil-20 truck. The mine-protected vehicle weighs 7.7 tons, carries a crew of three men, and has a road range of 589 miles.


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AGS-17 30mm Automatic Grenade Launcher. The first of its type, this Russian

weapon system resembles the Marine MK-19. The AGS-17 was first encountered in Angola when South African forces recovered an intact sample from FAPLA on an external operation. It weighs 117 pounds in its tripod-mounted ground fire role, and fires sixty-five rounds per minute to an effective range of one thousand meters.

BM-10 82mm AT Gun. A Soviet-made, 200 pound, wheeled, recoilless AT gun

normally carried in a truck. Fires an eight pound warhead five hundred meters and can penetrate almost eight inches of hom*ogeneous steel. Rate of fire is six rounds per minute.

BM-14 140mm MRL. A sixteen pod MRL mounted on a trailer towed behind a light

truck. The rockets, though larger in caliber than those of the BM-21, are only half the warhead weight and range out to only ten kilometers.

BM-21 122mm MRL. A forty pod, truck-borne MRL that fires a 172 pound rocket more

than twenty kilometers. The 11.5 ton truck has a range of 372 miles. SADF MRLs were based on this Soviet system, which the South Africans captured from FAPLA in 1976.

BMP-1. A lightly armored, fourteen ton, amphibious infantry fighting vehicle. Armed

with a 73mm main gun, a co-axial medium machine gun, and rail-launched AT missiles. The BMP-1 is designed to allow its six man infantry squad to fight from within the vehicle through gun ports arranged along the side of the vehicle. Operational range is 217 miles.

BRDM-2. A seven-ton, amphibious, lightly armored, wheeled scout vehicle with a 434

mile range. This vehicle is armed with heavy and light machine guns and has excellent mobility over rough ground.

BTR-60. A ten ton, wheeled, amphibious APC armed with two machine guns and

capable of transporting eight soldiers a distance of 310 miles. D-30 122mm Howitzer. Excellent direct support Soviet artillery piece. Weighs just

three tons, so it is quick to emplace and displace; also has an unusual 360 degree traverse capability along with a HEAT round that makes it particularly useful in an antitank role. Fires a forty-eight pound projectile fifteen kilometers at a rate of six rounds per minute. (Same range and twice the rate of fire of the M198 firing white bag propellant.)

M-46 130mm Gun. A towed gun with long range and excellent accuracy. The Soviet

M-46 weighs almost eight tons and fires a seventy-four pound projectile out to a range of 27,000 meters at a rate of six rounds per minute.


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Mi-24/25/35. Variations of the basic Soviet attack helicopter, these aircraft can carry rockets, missiles, and bombs as well as eight combat troops. Also armed with a quadruple 12.7mm machine gun or twin 23mm cannon in a nose turret. Operational radius is approximately one hundred miles.

Mi-8/17. Soviet medium transport helicopters used by FAPLA. The Mi-8 has a three

hundred mile radius and can ferry twenty-eight troops or 4.4 tons of cargo. These helicopters can also be fitted with rockets and AT missiles to serve in a fire support role.

MiG-21 MF. Used by the Angolan Air Force in the fighter-bomber role, this aircraft is

armed with twin 23mm cannon and can carry missiles, bombs, and rockets to a radius of 682 miles.

MiG-23. The main fighter in the inventory of the Angolan Air Force. Carries a 23 mm

cannon, six air-to-air missiles, and a variety of air-to-ground ordnance. Has an operational range of up to eight hundred miles depending on load out.

PT-76. An amphibious tank designed to support reconnaissance missions. Large and

light to allow it to swim, the PT-76 weighs fourteen tons, carries a 76mm main gun, and takes a crew of three men. Operational range is approximately 160 miles.

PTSM Ferry. A simple, robust amphibious ferry based on the T-55 chassis. The self-

propelled PTSM carries seventy troops, five tons of cargo on land or ten tons of supplies on water. Averages nine miles per hour in the water.

SA-13 Gopher. The Gopher is a product improvement to the SA-9, with superior

tracking and homing capabilitities. It is mounted on a PT-76 chassis and ranges eight kilometers out and four kilometers up.

SA-14. An improved version of the SA-7, with a maximum range of four kilometers. SA-2 Guideline. A radio guided SAM with a forty-kilometer range and a twenty-four

kilometer ceiling. Usually deployed in batteries of six launchers. SA-3 Goa. A medium-altitude semi-active terminal homing SAM deployed on twin

launcher trucks to protect rear areas. Has a range of twenty-nine kilometers and a ceiling of fifteen kilometers.

SA-6 Gainful. A ramjet powered, radar guided, terminal homing SAM with a twenty-

four kilometer range and a twelve kilometer ceiling. The missile's176 pound warhead is fired from a triple launcher mounted on a PT-76 chassis. The Straight Flush tracking and guidance radar is similarly mounted.

SA-7 Strella. A man-portable infra-red homing SAM with a 3.5 kilometer range and a

ceiling of two kilometers. Used by FAPLA, SWAPO, UNITA, and the SADF.


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SA-8 Gecko. A wheeled, amphibious system mounting four to six missiles, a acquisition radar, and a tracking radar on the same platform. The SA-8 can guide two missiles at the same time to targets at maximum ranges of fifteen kilometers and ceilings of twelve kilometers.

SA-9 Gaskin. Mounted on a BRDM-2 chassis, this infra-red homing SAM system

carries four missiles and can range targets at maximum ranges of seven kilometers and altitudes of four kilometers. The Gaskin is intended to provide air defense to front line mechanized units.

Sagger. An early Soviet wire-guided AT missile similar to the Milan. Sagger has a

range of two thousand meters and an ability to penetrate almost twenty inches of steel.

Su-22. A fighter-bomber armed with twin 30mm cannon, this plane can carry up to 4.4

tons of bombs and rockets out to a range of over four hundred miles. T-54/T-55. A second generation (after the T-34) Soviet main battle tank. These vehicles

weigh thirty-six tons, have a 100mm main gun, and have an operational range of 185 miles. Its armor is vulnerable to modern western AT weapons.

TMM Bridge. A truck-mounted scissors bridge normally employed in groups of four.

Each bridge section spans a ten meter gap (for a total of forty meters per detachment), sustains traffic by sixty ton vehicles, and can be emplaced in about ten minutes. FAPLA employed these bridges to cross the Lomba River.

ZU-23-2 Twim 23mm AA Gun. Excellent Soviet manufactured AA gun in wide use

with FAPLA, SWAPO, UNITA, and the SADF. Each barrel fires two hundred rounds per minute to a vertical range of 2,500 meters. The weapon has a 360-degree traverse and is deadly in a ground fire role as well.

ZU-23-4 Shilka. A quadruple 23mm gun mount, surveillance radar, and tracking radar

mounted on a PT-76 chassis. Typically employed alongside SA-9 or SA-13 missile systems with forward units. Has a four man crew, 161 mile road range, and a firing rate of one thousand rounds per minute per gun. Also very dangerous in a ground fire role.


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APPENDIX C MEU Fighting Column Assault Landing Plan

The sample landing plan that follows is based on the following premises: 1. There are beaches sufficient to land the elements of each column's wave

simultaneously. For simplicity, very large red and blue beaches are assumed, but a number of smaller colored beaches could be used. If insufficient landing sites were available to land all the craft in a near simultaneous manner, then timings would slow down while subsequent craft waited to transit the penetration point. Only five of the thirteen waves include surface landing craft. Column one lands over blue beach. Column two lands on red beach.

2. Similarly, red and blue HLZs are assumed to be large enough to land all the aircraft in

a given wave simultanously. The same "size vs turnaround timing" issue applies to the HLZs. The HLZs are not deep inland but rather close to the beach to facilitate a swift turnaround of assets. All thirteen waves include helicopter assets. Column one vehicles land on HLZ Blue. Column two assets use HLZ Red.

3. For planning purposes, the LHD and LSD were stationed twenty-five nm off shore.

The LPD with the LCU(X) was stationed at twelve nautical miles off the beach. 4. The landing plan shows all assets (five LCACs, ten of twelve MV-22s, and three of

four CH-53Es) operational for the entire offload. This is unlikely given maintenance or battle damage. Given fewer landing craft and aircraft, one must either decrease the standoff distance from the beach to maintain the same timeline or extend the amount of time to land the force.

5. The twelve hour timespan to offload the two fighting columns with their mobile CSSDs seems excessive, but it is roughly the same amount of time it currently takes a

squadron of twelve CH-46s to shuttle, in nine waves, a 975 Marine infantry battalion to an objective seventy-five miles away.* In both instances, it takes time to phase combat power ashore. To shorten the projected landing timeline, planners must either add additional landing craft or move the amphibious ships closer ashore in order to cut the cycle time.

6. The following planning factors were employed:**

a. Planning speed for LCACs = 30 knots b. LCAC offload time = 15 minutes. Reload time = 45 minutes. c. LCU offload/reload time = 2x that of an LCAC. d. Planning speed for LCU = 12 knots.

* Major Roy Osborn, USMC, "MV-22 MAGTF and OMFTS Employment Brief," HQMC (APP-32), 14 March 2000. **United States Marine Corps, MEF Planner's Reference Manual (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 1999), 2-24, 2-25.


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Wave 1

Div Recon 2 LSV; 2 Cycles 1 CH-53E H-Hour HLZ Red 2 LSV; 2 Cycles 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue LAR Det (-) 8 LAV 2 LCAC Red Beach 8 LAV 2 LCAC Blue Beach MEU CP (-) 4 LAV 1 LCAC Red Beach Mechanized Team 12 AAAVP

2 M1A1 Self Deploy 1 LCU

Blue Beach

Rifle Co (-) 10 HMMWV 10 MV-22 HLZ Red Prov Rifle Plt (-) 1 MTVR gun truck 1 CH-53E HLZ Red BLT CP 1 AAAVC

1 AAAVP Self Deploy Blue Beach

Recovery Det (-) 1 AAAVR Self Deploy Blue Beach Raft Det 2 LARC-V Self Deploy Blue Beach 6 LARC-V Self Deploy Red Beach Wave 2 120mm Btry (-) 9 HMMWV 9 MV-22 H + 1:00 HLZ Blue MRL Btry (-) 1 Avenger 1 MV-22 HLZ Blue CAAT Team (-) 2 HMMWV 2 CH-53E HLZ Red Prov Rifle Plt (-) 1 MTVR gun truck 1 CH-53E HLZ Red Wave 3 81mm Plt (-) 2 HMMWV 2 CH-53E HLZ Red Prov Rifle Plt (-) 1 MTVR gun truck 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue CAAT Team (-) 2 HMMWV 2 MV-22 H + 2:00 HLZ Red Rifle Company (-) 8 HMMWV 8 MV-22 HLZ Red Wave 4 Mech Team (-) 2 M1A1 1 LCU H + 3:00 Blue Beach Ammo Det (-) 4 LVS 2 LCAC Red Beach 4 LVS 2 LCAC Blue Beach MRL Btry 2 LVS (ammo) 1 LCAC Blue Beach Rifle Co (-) 6 HMMWV 6 MV-22 HLZ Red 81mm plt (-) 4 HMMWV 4 MV-22 HLZ Red 1 HMMWV 1 CH-53E HLZ Red Arty Btry (-) 1 Avenger 1 CH-53E HLZ Red Prov Rifle Plt (-) 1 MTVR gun truck 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue Wave 5 CAAT Team (-) 10 HMMWV

1 HMMWV 10 MV-22 1 CH-53E

H + 4:00 HLZ Red

Arty Btry (-) 1 MTVR 1 CH-53E HLZ Red Med Det (-) 1 Surgical MTVR 1 CH-53E HLZ Red


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Wave 6 Arty Btry (-) 8 HMMWV

2 LW 155 2 MTVR

8 MV-22 2 MV-22 2 CH-53E

H + 5:00 HLZ Red

Med Det (-) 1 Surgical MTVR 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue Wave 7 Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (AH-6) 1 CH-53E H + 6:00 HLZ Red CEB Plt 4 HMMWV 4 MV-22 HLZ Blue Arty Btry (-) 1 HMMWV

4 LW 155 1 H2O Bull 2 MTVR

1 MV-22 4 MV-22 1 MV-22 2 CH-53E


Arty Btry (-) 8 MTVR 1 LCU Red Beach Ammo Det 2 LVS


Red Beach Blue Beach

Class I Det (-) Little Bird Det (-)

1 LVS (H2O) 1 LVS (ammo)

1 LCAC Red Beach

Class I Det (-) Little Bird Det (-)

1 LVS (H2O) 1 LVS (ammo)

1 LCAC Blue Beach

Recovery Det 2 LVS wrecker 1 LCAC Red Beach Wave 8 CEB Plt 2 M115 2 MV-22 H + 7:00 HLZ Blue MRL Btry (-) 6 HMMWV

1 H2O Bull 2 HIMARS

6 MV-22 1 MV-22 2 CH-53E

HLZ Blue

MSSG C2 1 HMMWV 1 MV-22 HLZ Red Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (AH-6) 1 CH-53E HLZ Red Wave 9 MRL Btry (-) 1 MTVR 1 CH-53E H + 8:00 HLZ Blue Maint Det 1 MTVR 1 CH-53E HLZ Red Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (AH-6) 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue MSSG C2 1 HMMWV 1 MV-22 HLZ Red MSSG C2 2 HMMWV 2 MV-22 HLZ Blue Prov Rifle Plt (-) 4 HMMWV 4 MV-22 HLZ Red Prov Rifle Plt (-) 3 HMMWV 3 MV-22 HLZ Blue


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Wave 10 Recovery Det CEB Plt

1 M88 2 M9 ACE

1 LCU H + 9:00 Blue Beach

Fuel Det (-) 6 LVS 3 LCAC Blue Beach Fuel Det (-) 4 LVS 2 LCAC Red Beach Class I Det (-) 1 MTVR (MRE)

1 MTVR (MRE) 1 CH-53E 1 CH-53E

HLZ Red HLZ Blue

Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (AH-6) 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue Prov Rifle Plt (-) 1 HMMWV 1 MV-22 HLZ Blue MEU CP(-) 2 HMMWV 2 MV-22 HLZ Red Med Det (-) 1 HMMWV

1 HMMWV 1 MV-22 1 MV-22

HLZ Red HLZ Blue

Landing Spt Det 1 HMMWV 1 HMMWV

1 MV-22 1 MV-22

HLZ Red HLZ Blue

Class I Det 1 H2O Bull 1 H2O Bull

1 MV-22 1 MV-22

HLZ Red HLZ Blue

Wave 11 Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (MH-6) 1 CH-53E H+10:00 HLZ Red Little Bird Det (-) 1 H2O Bull

1 H2O Bull 1 MV-22 1 MV-22

HLZ Red HLZ Blue

Wave 12 Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (MH-6)

1 MVTR (Crew) 2 CH-53E H+11:00 HLZ Blue

Wave 13 Little Bird Det (-) 1 MVTR (Crew) 1 CH-53E H + 12:00 HLZ Red Maint Det 1 MTVR 1 CH-53E HLZ Blue Raft Det (-) 2 MABs 1 LCU Red Beach 2 MABs 1 LCAC Red Beach 8 MABs 4 LCAC Blue Beach


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APPENDIX D MEB Fighting Column Assault Landing Plan

The sample landing plan that follows is based on the following premises: 6. There are beaches sufficient to land the elements of each column's wave

simultaneously. For simplicity, very large red and blue beaches are indicated, but a number of smaller colored beaches could be used. If insufficient landing sites were available to land all the craft in a near simultaneous manner, then timings would slow down while subsequent craft waited to transit the penetration point.

7. Similarly, red and blue HLZs are assumed to be large enough to land all the aircraft in

a given wave simultanously. The same "size vs turnaround timing" issue applies to the HLZs. The HLZs are not deep inland but rather close to the beach to facilitate a swift turnaround of assets.

8. For planning purposes, all ships were stationed 25 nautical miles off shore {including

the LHA carrying the four LCU(X)s, but they must depart earlier than the LCACs to hit the beach at H-Hour}. The exception is the vessel(s) carrying the eight MABs, which close(s) to 12 nautical miles for two brief windows to reload the LCU(X)s.

9. The landing plan shows all 31 LCACs operational for the entire offload. This is not

likely given maintenance or battle damage. Two options exist to provide more flexibility IOT cover this contingency.

a. Employ aircraft to lift more MTVRs in waves 3-5 IOT cut down on the LCAC deck space required.

b. Run a 6th scheduled wave; this would land at H+13:20. 10. The following planning factors were employed: ♦

e. Planning speed for LCACs = 30 knots f. LCAC offload time = 15 minutes. Reload time = 45 minutes. g. LCU offload/reload time = 2x that of an LCAC. h. Planning speed for LCU = 12 knots.

11. The RLT 120mm mortar battery is moved ashore early to help provide additional fire

support until the MEB's cannon and rocket artillery get ashore. At this point the heavy mortars reembark IOT support the heliborne BLT in follow-on operations.

The 12-hour timespan to offload two BLTs with their mobile CSSDs seems long, but it is roughly the same amount of time planners envision it will take to transport a 3,000 man, 200 vehicle RLT 175 miles inland using 3 squadrons of Ospreys and one squadron of Sea

♦ United States Marine Corps, MEF Planner's Reference Manual (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 1999), 2-24, 2-25.


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tallions.• In both instances, it takes time to phase combat power ashore. Only very light formations will be able to deploy immediately, though there is no reason why the robust elements of the first wave {2 LAR Companies and 2 Mechanized Task Forces (-) could not immediately push inland towards initial objectives. The entire MEB surface GCE, including artillery and engineer support, is ashore 5:20 after the initial landing. BSSG assets comprise the final two waves. To shorten the landing timeline, one must either add additional landing craft or move the amphibious ships closer ashore in order to cut the cycle time. It is also interesting to note that the nearly six hundred vehicles of the MEB's two BLT-size fighting columns, if lined up single file at 100 meter intervals and then driven forward at 20 mph, would take nearly three hours to pass a stationary observer. The column would stretch almost 60 kilometers from head to tail.

• Derived from figures contained in Concepts Division, "Draft MV-22 Concept of Employment" (Quantico, VA: Marine Corps Combat Development Command, 2000), 10-1 to 11-2.


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Column # 1 WAVE # 1

GCE Div Recon Plt 4 LSV; 4 Cycles 10 MV-22 H-Hour HLZ Red LAR Company 24 LAV 6 LCAC H-Hour Red Beach Mech Bn TF(-) 33 AAAV; 2 AAAR

8 M1A1; 1 AVLB Self Deploy

8 LCAC H-Hour Red Beach

Red Beach CAAT Team 15 HMMWV 1 LCU H-Hour Red Beach Hvy Mortar Btry 9 HMMWV; 6 120mm 9 CH-53E H-Hour HLZ Red RLT CP 4 AAAV

1 MEWSS Self Deploy 1 CH-53E

H-Hour HLZ Red


BSSG C2 2 MRC HMMWV 2 MV-22 H-Hour HLZ Red Rifle Co(-) 10 HMMWV 10 MV-22 H-Hour HLZ Red LARC Det 8 LARV-V Self Deploy H-Hour Red Beach Tk Retriever Det 2 M88 1 LCU H-Hour Red Beach Ammo Det 1 LVS 1 LCAC H-Hour Red Beach Column # 2 WAVE # 1

GCE Div Recon Plt 4 LSV; 4 Cycles 10 MV-22 H-Hour HLZ Blue LAR Company 24 LAV 6 LCAC H-Hour Blue Beach Mech Bn TF(-) 33 AAAV; 2 AAAR

8 M1A1; 1 AVLB Self Deploy

8 LCAC H-Hour Blue Beach

Blue Beach CAAT Team 15 HMMWV 1 LCU H-Hour Blue Beach MEB CP 2 LAV C2; 2 LAV25


2 CH-53E H-Hour Blue Beach

HLZ Blue

CSSE BSSG C2 2 MRC HMMWV 2 MV-22 H-Hour HLZ Blue Rifle Co(-) 10 HMMWV 10 MV-22 H-Hour HLZ Blue LARC Det 8 LARV-V Self Deploy H-Hour Blue Beach Tk Retriever Det 2 M88 1 LCU H-Hour Blue Beach Ammo Det 1 LVS 1 LCAC H-Hour Blue Beach


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Column # 1 WAVE # 2


Arty Bn (-) 12 LW 155; 12 MTVR 6 LCAC H +2:40 Red Beach 18 MTVR; 3 M149;

1 HMMWV 6LCAC H +2:40 Red Beach

23 HMMWV 1 Q-36


H +2:40 Red Beach

6 HMMWV 6 MV-22 H +2:00 HLZ Red G/S Engr Co 2 M9 ACE 2 LCAC H +2:40 Red Beach


BSSG C2 (-) 2 MRC HMMWV 2 MV-22 H +2:00 HLZ Red Rifle Co (-) 10 HMMWV 10 MV-22 H +2:00 HLZ Red Column # 2 WAVE # 2

GCE Arty Bn (-) 12 LW 155; 12 MTVR 6 LCAC H +2:40 Blue Beach

18 MTVR; 3 M149; 1 HMMWV

6 LCAC H +2:40 Blue Beach

23 HMMWV 1 Q-36


H +2:40 Blue Beach

6 HMMWV 6 MV-22 H +2:00 HLZ Blue

CSSE BSSG C2 (-) 2 MRC HMMWV 2 MV-22 H +2:00 HLZ Blue Rifle Co (-) 10 HMMWV 10 MV-22 H +2:00 HLZ Blue Ammo Det 1 LVS 1 LCAC H +2:40 Blue Beach


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Column # 1 WAVE # 3


G/S Cbt Engr Co 10 MTVR; 6 M159 3 LCAC H +5:20 Red Beach 2 M9 ACE 2 LCAC H +5:20 Red Beach 10 HMMWV

6 M159 2 H20 Bull

18 MV-22 H+ 4:00 HLZ Red


Maint Det



H +5:20 Red Beach

Med Det 4 Ambulance 4 MTVR

4 MV-22 1 LCAC

H+ 4:00 H +5:20

HLZ Red Red Beach

LST Det 2 HMMWV 2 MV-22 H+ 4:00 HLZ Red Supply Det 2 H2O Bull 2 MV-22 H+ 4:00 HLZ Red Security Det 4 MTVR gun trucks 1LCAC H +5:20 Red Beach Raft Det 4 MABs 2 LCU H +5:20 Red Beach RW Det 2 MTVR (crew)

2 MTVR (MH-6) 4 MTVR (AH-6) 2 LVS (ammo)

4 LCAC H +5:20 Red Beach

Recovery Det 2 LVS Wrecker 2 LCAC H +5:20 Red Beach Column # 2 WAVE # 3



2 LCAC H +5:20 Blue Beach

3 HMMWV 3 MV-22 H+ 4:00 HLZ Blue 6 LVS (ammo) 6 LCAC H +5:20 Blue Beach

CSSE Maint Det



H +5:20 Blue Beach

Med Det

4 Ambulance 4 MTVR

4 MV-22 1 LCAC

H+ 4:00 H +5:20

HLZ Blue Blue Beach

LST Det 2 HMMWV 2 MV-22 H+ 4:00 HLZ Blue Supply Det 2 H2O Bulls 2 MV-22 H+ 4:00 HLZ Blue Security Det 4 MTVR gun trucks 1LCAC H +5:20 Blue Beach Raft Det 4 MABs 2 LCU H +5:20 Blue Beach RW Det 2 MTVR (crew)

2 MTVR (MH-6) 4 MTVR (AH-6) 2 LVS (ammo)

4 LCAC H +5:20 Blue Beach

Recovery Det 2 LVS Wrecker 2 LCAC H +5:20 Blue Beach


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LF Unit Load Assault Craft Landing Time Destination

Column # 1 WAVE # 4


Ammo Det 11 LVS 11 LCAC H +8:00 Red Beach POL Det 4 LVS 4 LCAC H +8:00 Red Beach Raft Det 4 MABs 2 LCAC H+ 8:00 Red Beach Column # 2 WAVE # 4

CSSE Ammo Det 12 LVS 12 LCAC H +8:00 Blue Beach POL Det 4 LVS 4 LCAC H +8:00 Blue Beach Raft Det 4 MABs 2 LCAC H+8:00 Blue Beach Column # 1 WAVE # 5


POL Det 11 LVS 11 LCAC H +10:40 Red Beach Class I Det 4 LVS (2 food / 2 H2O) 4 LCAC H +10:40 Red Beach Raft Det 4 MABs 2 LCAC H +10:40 Red Beach 4 MABs 2 LCU H +10:00 Red Beach Column # 2 WAVE # 5

CSSE POL Det 11 LVS 11 LCAC H +10:40 Blue Beach Class I Det 4 LVS (2 food / 2 H2O) 4 LCAC H +10:40 Blue Beach Raft Det 4 MABs 2 LCAC H + 10:40 Blue Beach 4 MABs 2 LCU H +10:00 Blue Beach


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AA Anti-aircraft AAA Anti-aircraft artillery AAAV Advanced amphibious assault vehicle ACE Aviation combat element ADA Air defense artillery ALO Air liaison officer ANGLICO Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company APC Armored personnel carrier ASP Ammunition supply point AT Antitank BLT Battalion landing team BN Battalion CAS Close air support CE Command element CIA Central Intelligence Agency CO Commanding officer COIN Counterinsurgency CONUS Continental United States CP Command Post CSS Combat service support CSSE Combat service support element C2 Command and control DOD Department of Defense ELINT Electronic intelligence EW Electronic warfare FAC Forward air controller FAPLA People's Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola FLIR Forward looking infrared radar FNLA National Liberation Front of Angola FO Forward observer FSC Fire support coordination center FOB Forward Operating Base GCE Ground combat element G.M. Group Mobile HEAT High explosive antitank HMG Heavy machine gun HQ Headquarters HUMINT Human intelligence IFV Infantry fighting vehicle KIA Killed in action LAV Light armored vehicle LIC Low intensity conflict


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LNO Liaison officer LOC Line(s) of communication MAGTF Marine Air Ground Task Force MAOT Mobile Air Operations Team MBT Main battle tank MEB Marine Expeditionary Brigade MEF Marine Expeditionary Force MEU Marine Expeditionary Unit MEWSS Mobile electronic warfare support system MPLA Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola MRL Multiple rocket laucher OMFTS Operational Maneuver from the Sea OMG Operational maneuver group OODA Orient, Observe, Decide, and Assess PLAN Peoples Liberation Army of Namibia PLT Platoon POW Prisoner of War PSYOP Psychological Operations RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle RR Railroad SA South Africa(n) SAAF South African Air Force SADF South African Defense Force SAI South African Infantry SAM Surface to air missile SIGINT Signals intelligence SOAR Special Operations Aviation Regiment SOF Special operations forces SOP Standard operational procedure SP Self-propelled SQDN Squadron SWA Southwest Africa SWAPO South-West African People's Organization TAC Tactical TAOR Tactical area of responsibility TF Task force UNITA Union for the Total Independence of Angola USMC United States Marine Corps USSOCOM United States Special Operations Command VHF Very high frequency WIA Wounded in action


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i Heitman, War in Angola, 348-356. ii Heitman, War in Angola, 357-364.

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